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James B. Rossie

Associate Professor; EBH Director of Undergraduate Studiesrossie
Ph.D., Yale University, 2003

Phone: +1-631-632-5808


Courses taught at Stony Brook include ANP321 Primate Evolution and ANP330 Human Evolution.

Research Interests

The overarching theme of my research is the evolutionary history of primates, particularly hominoids. My current research includes investigation of the development, homology, and phylogenetic significance of nasal and paranasal anatomy among primates; description and phylogenetic analysis of fossil hominoids and other catarrhines from East Africa; and development of methods for reconstructing phylogenetic history which incorporate morphological and paleobiogeographical data. My ongoing fieldwork (in collaboration with Andrew Hill, Yale University) in the middle and late Miocene Ngorora Formation of the Tugen Hills, Kenya, aims to improve our knowledge of hominoid evolution during this critical but poorly sampled time period.

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