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Salowa Siddique '24
BS Chemistry

Pronouns: She/her

Salowa SiddiqueWhere are you originally from?
I was born in Queens and raised in Bangladesh. I left the US at six years old and returned when I was 16.

On Stony Brook:
My final year of high school, I went on a college tour that included a tour of  the campus. I heard about its academically demanding STEM programs and its status as one of the country's major hubs for scholarship and learning during the visit. The options for study that SBU offered also drew me in.

On her major:
I am graduating with a BS in chemistry and I chose this major because the promise of chemistry in drug discovery and development has always captivated me, which is why I decided to major in it. It greatly inspires me to think that I might be able to help develop medicines and therapies that could save lives for a variety of ailments.
Interests and accomplishments:
My most significant accomplishment is the growth and resiliency path that has shaped who I am today. Navigating the shift from Bangladesh's education system to America's was a huge challenge for me as a first-generation woman in STEM; it required me to adapt, persevere, and overcome numerous challenges. I refused to let circumstances dampen my ideals. Rather, I took advantage of every chance to conduct research, achieve academic excellence, and assume leadership positions—even if they required me to step outside of my comfort zone. My greatest accomplishment is the way I overcame hardship to become empowered, coming out of it not only as a degree-holding graduate but also as a tough, resilient person prepared to take on any challenge.

Advice for potential Seawolves?
As you embark on your college experience, my advice is simple yet profound: accept the uncertainty and take every chance for growth. College is not only about academics—it's a transforming experience that changes your character, broadens your horizons, and builds the framework for your future. Recall that failure is merely a necessary step toward success rather than the destination. Accept setbacks as chances for development and learning. Remain strong, maintain your curiosity, and never lose sight of your goals.

Favorite SBU memory:
One of my best college recollections are of the amazing friendships I made—the sort that are closer to family than just friends. These were the ones who supported me no matter what, pushing me to aim higher and be the best version of myself. Every moment spent with them was cherished, from spontaneous venting sessions at Chilis to late-night beach adventures. We made memories that will last a lifetime, laughed until our sides hurt, and told stories late into the night. My favorite times were taking up riding a bike, doing new activities for the first time, and having late night study sessions at the HSC library.