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Women in STEM Leadership Program Overview

Program Overview

Join Our Growing Community of Thought Leaders, Mentors and Peers

The Women in STEM Leadership program is designed to not just develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in a STEM career. It also focuses on what actually drives successful women’s leadership in STEM, to the benefit of both the women in STEM fields and the businesses that employ them.

That’s why the foundation of our program, helmed by high-performing executives and speakers, comprises three pillars: Self, Skills, and Knowledge.

Day 1: Self

How often has the best management candidate "on paper" failed in a leadership role? From CEOs to middle management to leaders of the smallest teams, the annals of American business feature cautionary tales of executives who were "good at their jobs" but unable to successfully lead, despite having the "right" education and experience.

The focus of your first day is you, and the unique challenges for women in STEM. What's your personal brand? What's your leadership style? How do you take charge of both your career and within the workplace? What does it mean to own your power?

The day includes panel discussions that welcome feedback and participation, as well as an introduction to productive journaling so you can turn your reflections into a call to action.

Day 2: Skills

On this day you'll learn the tactical nuts and bolts that are critical for women leaders in STEM careers. Leadership is more than "taking charge"—it requires strategic navigation and interpersonal savvy.

You'll learn important techniques related to negotiation, conflict resolution, increasing your impact, mentoring, and ways to influence process and culture.


Day 3: Knowledge

Apply the skills you learned and honed during Day 2 by focusing on the key knowledge areas that will take you far in your STEM career and set an example for others.

Strategic thinking, becoming a change agent, and building a community are just a few of the important areas of expertise you’ll sharpen in order to not just survive, but thrive  in an industry where women are underrepresented.

Throughout the Program: Coaching, Networking, and Peer-to-Peer Discussion

From mealtimes to after-hours downtime, you’ll have many opportunities to meet and network with your fellow participants—who have faced and overcome obstacles common to women in STEM fields—as well as take advantage of workshops and coaching sessions with our faculty.

You’ll leave the program as a member of a tightly-knit community dedicated to maximizing the experience of women in STEM, and you’ll return to the workplace informed, energized, and ready to improve your current work situation, your organization, and your career future!

Build your skills, your network, and your professional development.

Women in STEM LeadershipFor parity. For unity. For community. 

Women in STEM Leadership program

Spring 2021


"Unbelievable!!! So much useful information that we can start using right away."

Polina Adelson
Performance National Grid

"We need more people talking about career myths - and how to overcome a society that values those rather than creativity."

Camila Dos Santos
Assistant Professor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

"I truly feel as though this program enabled me to think about my future and plan on how to get there. I feel empowered."

Sarah Meskunas
Senior Engineer
National Grid