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The 9th International Conference & Expo on
Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2012)

Songdo, Incheon, Korea
November 5 and 6, 2012

Scope of the Conference

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 9th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2012). Originally known as the International Conference on Cutting-Edge Wireless & Information Technologies, this conference is organized by the Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) in the United States and CEWIT Korea.

CEWIT2012 is the premier international forum on the applications of emerging technologies in infrastructure, healthcare, and energy, which are three of the most critical components of a smarter global environment. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


Area 1  – Research on Emerging Technologies

- Wireless Sensor Networks

- Intelligent Sensors/Devices

- Pervasive Computing

- Mobile Platforms

- Intelligent Service Robots

- Cyber Security

- Collaborative Signal/Image Processing

- Web 3.0


Area 5  – Smart Grid & Smart Energy

- Distributed Sensor Networks for Smart Grid

- Advanced Metering Infrastructure

- Grid Management & Visualization

- Energy Efficient Computing

- Securing the Smart Grid

- Advanced Sensor and RFID Technologies

- Smart Grid Interoperability

- Simulation and Modeling


Area 2  – Cloud Computing

- Cloud Infrastructure Management

- Cloud Infrastructure Security

- Cloud Interoperability

- Cloud Benchmarking

- Trust and Policy Management in the Clouds

- Mobility and Clouds

- Cloud Efficiency and Energy

- Cloud-Centric Regulatory Compliance


Area 6  – Smart Infrastructure/Ubiquitous Cities

- Securing the Transportation Infrastructure

- Transportation Infrastructure Sensing

- Transportation Infrastructure Management & Optimization

- Traffic Simulation & Visualization

- Interaction between Vehicles and the Environment

- Broadband Access Anywhere

- Integrated Management Technology for Ubiquitous City



Area 3 – Visual Computing

- Immersive Interface

- Tiled Displays

- Advanced Medical Imaging

- 3D Technology

- Human Computer Interaction

- Multimedia Information Management

- IPTV Technologies

- GPU Clustering


Area 7  – Big Data

- Model Driven Data Analysis

- Visual Analytics

- Data Mining in Business Intelligence

- Text Mining & Sentiment Analysis

- Biomedical and Healthcare Informatics

- Scalable Visual Search, Monitoring and Surveillance

- Distributed Robotics and Real-Time Data Analytics

Area 4  Wireless Medicine and Health Technologies

- Personal Medical Devices

- Advanced Medical Imaging

- Computer-Aided Diagnostics

- Wireless Telemedicine

- Implantable Sensors

- Noninvasive Health Monitoring

- Teleradiology

- Medication Adherence

- Asset Tracking and Monitoring




Submission Guidelines

The CEWIT2012 conference is primarily interested in serving as a venue for the discussion of technical contributions highlighting end-to-end technical solutions, applications and systems, even if available only in prototype form. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to submit abstracts (up to two pages) describing their contributions in an application-oriented context.

Abstracts will be evaluated by conference program committee members and external reviewers. Submissions will be judged on validity, originality, technical strength, practical significance, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference topics. We encourage submissions from a variety of fields where in-depth application-centric ideas addressing important challenges related to the conference theme are discussed.

Please submit your abstract electronically at Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit a full paper to be included in the conference proceedings. Please follow the formatting instructions provided on our website.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 30, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: August 30, 2012
Camera-Ready Paper & Presentation Materials: September 30, 2012


Contact Information

For more information about the CEWIT2012, please visit or, or contact the conference program committee co-chairs:

Dr. Rong Zhao
+1 631-632-4633
Dr. SeonJoo Kim
+82 32-626-1210



CEWIT2012 will be held at SUNY Korea, located on the Songdo Global University Campus (SGUC) in the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), Incheon City, which is one hour west of Seoul. Through mutual efforts between Stony Brook University, a flagship campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, and the Republic of Korea, SUNY Korea was established to bring American-style education to Asia. The recently opened SGUC offers state-of-the-art facilities designed by world-renowned architects. For more information about SUNY Korea, SGUC, and the City of Songdo, please visit,, and


The CEWIT2012 conference is co-sponsored by IEEE.  Peer reviewed conference papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore online database and cited in EI.