
Off-Campus Volunteer Opportunities  

garden Volunteering and giving back to others is a vital part of community life, especially at Stony Brook University. By volunteering, you can gain excellent experience for your future career, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and better understand social issues that exist in our society. 

Please visit the links below for more resources and information on volunteering off campus and international volunteering. Opportunities are available on Long Island, in New York City, and anywhere else you can imagine!

The  Career Center’s Community Service website offers exciting opportunities on Long Island and in New York City. Volunteering ranges from a few hours a week to full-time service positions, and encompass many different types of industries, including healthcare, education, environment, and more!

International Opportunities 
The Career Center’s Community service section provides information on short- and long-term volunteer positions, ranging from creating sustainable energy solutions in rural communities in Uganda to doing scientific research in over 50 countries.

Annual Service Trips & Service-Oriented Clubs

Alternative Spring Break Outreach 
Student-developed, student-run community service organization whose mission is to promote critical thinking, social action, and civic engagement for a lifetime by combining education, reflection, and direct service on the local, regional, national, and international levels. If you would like more information, click  here.

Global Medical Brigades
Each year, students travel to Honduras, Panama and/or Ghana for 7-10 days. Working alongside doctors in a rural community, students assist with providing medical services and educating local community members about sanitation and hygiene.  For more information » 

Global Environmental Brigades
Student volunteers that travel to Panama each year to help local communities find efficient and culturally appropriate ways of handling global health and sustainability.  For more information » 

Global Water Brigades
Students travel to Honduras to educate themselves and others about ways to improve the quality and access of clean drinking water to areas with limited infrastructure.  For more information »

Find A Student Group that Loves Service as Much as You Do!
Interested in learning about more student groups at Stony Brook that love volunteering and community service? Click here to visit the Career Center’s Community Service Student Groups page!

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