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 Simone Brioni

  • “Storie vere ed eroine dei romanzi: La ragazza che voleva raccontare l’inferno e Non dirmi che hai paura”. Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani 31.1 (2016), pp. 47-60.
  • “Transnationalism and Nostalgia: Gianfranco Pannone’s ‘Trilogy of America’”. Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 4.3 (2016), pp. 403-419.
  • “Doppia temporalità e doppia spazialità: il cronotopo dei Fra-intendimenti di Kaha Mohamed Aden”, in Maschere sulla lingua:Negoziazioni e performance identitarie di migranti nell'Europa contemporanea, ed. by Manuel Boschiero and Marika Piva (Bologna: Emil, 2016), pp. 27-38.
  • ‘“Un pas que ma jambe se refuse à faire’: expériences collaboratives et croisement de regards sur le colonialisme italien”, in De la voix à l'auteur. De l'auteur à la voix. Regards croisés sur les littératures de la Corne de l’Afrique, ed. by Paola Cabot-Ranzini (Paris: Karthala, 2016), pp. 173-202.

Greg Clinton

Joy C. Schaefer

  • “The Spatial-Affective Economy of (Post)Colonial Paris: Reading Haneke’s Caché (2005) through Octobre à Paris (1962).” Studies in European Cinema (2016). DOI: 10.1080/17411548.2016.1246309.

Robert Harvey 

  • “Les Yeux dans les yeux: la poléthique de Michel Deguy aujourd’hui.” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES 20, nº 3 (2016): 366-73. 
  • Chardel, Pierre-Antoine, Robert Harvey et Hélène Volat. “Un Patriot Act à la française ? ou les inquiétantes résonances d’une loi.” Lignes nº 48 (octobre 2015): 105-124. [special issue entitled “Les attentats, la pensée”]. Translated as “The French Intelligence Act: Resonances with USA PATRIOT Act” by Ashar Foley. Journal of Technology Science [Harvard] 16 March 2016“Cher Schehr.” Contemporary French Civilization 36, nº 3 (Winter 2011): xii-xiii.
  • “‘Jamais… que…’ Lacoue-Labarthe on Literature and Philosophy.” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES 16, nº 2 (2012): 271-73.
  • “Hiroshima, ou l’amour de l’ennemi.” In Sylvie Loignon, ed. Les Archives de Marguerite Duras: 163-71. Grenoble: ELLUG – Université Stendhal (La Fabrique de l’œuvre), 2012.
  • “Témoinité et procuration. De l’éthique de parler pour l’autre.” In Emmanuel Alloa et Stefan Kristensen, éds. Témoignage et Survivance: 187-201. Genève: MetisPresses, 2014.
  • Un chantier du désir.” In Najet Tnani, ed. Étrangers et étrangeté dans l’œuvre de Marguerite Duras: 17-23. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013, 254 p.

Izabela Kalinowska-Blackwood

  • “From Political Engagement to Politics of Abjection in Polish Auteur Cinema: The Case of Wojtek Smarzowski.”  The Global Auteur: The Politics of Authorship in 21st Century Cinema. Seung-hoon Jeong and Jeremi Szaniawski, eds.  New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.

E.K. Tan

Tim August

  • “Re-placing the Accent: From the Exile to Refugee Position.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. 41.3 (2016): 68-88. Print. (Peer Reviewed)
  • “Picturing the Past: Drawing Together Vietnamese American Transnational History.”Global Asian American Popular Cultures. Eds. Shilpa Davé, LeiLane Nishime, and Tasha Oren. New York: NYU Press. 257-279. Print. (Peer Reviewed).
  • “The Turn To ‘Bad Koreans’: Transforming Televisual Ethnicity.” Television & New Media. Co-author. 17.4 (2016): 335-349. Print. (Peer Reviewed).
  • “What’s Eating Asian American Studies? Authenticity, Ethnicity, and Cuisine.” American Quarterly. 68.1 (2016): 193-203. Print. (Review Essay).

Mary C. Rawlinson

  • “Women’s Work: Ethics, Homecooking, and the Sexual Politics of Food.”  Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. Eds. Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward.  London: Routledge, 2016.  61-71.
  • “Game Change: Philosophy After Irigaray.”  Engaging the World: Thinking After Irigaray.  Ed. Mary C. Rawlinson.  Albany: SUNY Press, 2016.
  • “Biopolitics, Bioethics, and the Capitalization of Female Bodies.” in Poetic Biopolitics, Peg Rawes, ed, London: I.B. Tauris, 2016, 24-45.

