2017-18 Theme:
Migration, Confinement, and the Problem of Mobility
Against the backdrop of globalization, where capital flows across borders more easily than people, we are living in increasingly walled-off societies. This year’s Center theme delves into those structures, ideas, and practices that divide individuals and communities in Long Island and our region, also societies and nations in the larger world. Read more here...
OP-ED: Harvard has shown its commitment to diversity was always a farce
This fall, a history scholar named Michelle Jones will begin her doctoral work at New York University. Earlier this year, she was rejected from Harvard — after being initially accepted. While there are plenty of academics who could relate to Jones’s exclusion from one of the most elite universities in the world, a closer look beneath the surface reveals the politics that shape the kinds of people who are typically “selected” — and those, like Jones, who are kept out. Read more here....
The EPA Under Siege is the first part of a multipart series on the early days of the Trump administration. In this series, EDGI authors systematically investigate historical precedents for Trump’s attack on the EPA, consequences for toxic regulation and environmental justice, the influence of the fossil fuel industry on the new administration, changes to the public presentation of climate change, and the new administration’s hostility to scientific research and evidence.
The Trump administration currently poses the greatest threat to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its entire 47-year history. Twice before, presidential administrations in North America have targeted their own environmental agencies with comparable aggression, in the early Reagan administration (1981-1983) and under Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (2006-2015). Trump’s assault is on track to surpass these. Successful challenges to these earlier attacks provide pointers for those hoping to uphold the EPA’s mission of protecting human and environmental health today, Republicans and Democrats alike. Our analysis draws upon deep digs into historical literature and archives as well as sixty interviews with current and former EPA and some OSHA employees. Read more here....
News & Events
Map-A-Thon for Puerto Rico
A New "New Deal" for NYC
A working conference for those interested in strategizing about how to build a city-wide
movement for a new, New Deal for the City, featuring members of the Center's Steering
For more info and tickets click here.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
4:00 - 7:30 pm
The Hilton Garden Inn at Stony Brook University
Free and open to the public •Tea and coffee will be served
The New York City region, and Long Island in particular, have become flash-points for a heated public debate over current immigration policies, epitomized by the proposal to build a Border Wall. Much has been said said, and claimed, in these discussions about the local implications of these policies and their consequences for immigrant communities. By bringing leading scholars of these issues together with select community leaders and activists, this event will foster a more constructive public dialogue, illuminating ways forward in the very place whose troubles have featured in these debates. Read more here...
Sept. 20, 2017 | 2:30-4PM | HUM 1008
Defending Dreamers: An Educator's Toolkit
Click here to access!
Call for Works-In-Progress
As part of a new Center initiative, we invite proposals from scholars who would like to present a written portion of their work-in progress engaging this year's theme of "Walls: Migration, Confinement, and (Im)Mobility." Deadline: Oct 7, 2017
WCSA 2018 Conference Call for Presentations:
Class at the Border: Migration, Confinement, and (Im)mobility
The Working-Class Studies Association willl meet at Stony Brook for its 2018 Annual Conference, with above theme. The Center will be hosting, as it has done for the past decade, on the campus of Stony Brook University from June 6-9, 2018. Proposals for papers, sessions and other events are welcome! Deadline: December 15, 2017.
Click here for how to apply, other information.