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Undergraduate Opportunities:

Opportunities for Undergraduate students or those with interest can participate in events posted below. In addition, job opportunities will be posted for students.

Events / Opportunities

Alternative Spring Break Outreach (ASBO)

AboutASBO is a student-developed, student-run, community service organization at Stony Brook University that has been running for over 13 years. We look to promote a lifelong spirit of volunteerism within our student community through various outreach opportunities, having traveled to over nearly 10 states where we contributed to construction projects and provided natural disaster relief, volunteered off-campus with beaches and farms to clean the environment, and collaborated with other SBU-affiliated clubs/organizations to create positive impacts within our shared interests. Date

To prepare for this trip, attendance to GBMs is required and takes place on Mondays 7-8 pm in Frey 309.

Location: Frey 309

More Information:Please see the attached flyer for more information. Click me! 
Events / Opportunities

Dr. Stuti Sharma - Research Technician Job Opportunity 

This opportunity is best suited for students graduating in May 2025.* 

The Research technician position will support the research program of Dr. Stuti Sharma in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. The project involves purification of endogenous proteins from human or yeast cell-culture for mass spectrometry, enzymatic assays, and structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy. The successful incumbent will also assist with ordering lab supplies and compliance with environmental health and safety regulations. The successful incumbent will have excellent interpersonal skills, exercising strong organizational skills with exceptional attention to detail.   The incumbent must possess experience working independently and as part of a team with a collaborative approach to problem solving.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 19, 2025

More Information:

More information can be found at the job posting, linked here: Research Technician II (ID: 2500653) 

Events / Opportunities

Ecosystem Field Studies 



With Ecosystem Field Studies (
An opportunity to apply your classroom & textbook learning while immersed in a spectacular & transformative environmental academic setting!
Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies
* Study, SCUBA, & Snorkel on the Caribbean coast of Mexico
May 20 - June 9, 2025
Colorado Ecosystem Field Studies
* Study, camp, & hike in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado 
July 18 - August 7, 2025
- Earn 3 undergraduate college transfer credits in these exciting 3-week, hands-on field study courses.
- Learn practical scientific skills & methods in field research through active investigations
- Engage & connect with a dynamic & diverse group of student peers from throughout the US and beyond

Apply anytime before the dates listed ! 

More Information:

Direct questions to Professor Steve Johnson, EcoFS Director at

Visit for all info!


Events / Opportunities

Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for the Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies! This scholarship offers a $500 award to deserving undergraduate students who are passionate about environmental studies.
This scholarship honors the memory of Jeff Eng by supporting students who:
  • Have an academic focus on environmental studies.
  • Demonstrate continuing academic achievement.
  • Show a willingness to help others.
  • Have demonstrated financial need
Eligibility Requirements:
  • Must be an undergraduate student (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior).
  • Must be enrolled full-time.
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

April 9th, 2025
More Information:
Events / Opportunities

Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship 

This scholarship honors the memory of Jeff Eng and offers a $500 award to deserving undergraduate students who:
- Have an academic focus on environmental studies
- Demonstrate continuing academic achievement
- Show a willingness to help others
- Have demonstrated financial need
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be an undergraduate student (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior)
- Must be enrolled full-time
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 9, 2025

More Information:

To apply, please visit:

Jeff Eng Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Studies

Events / Opportunities

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at Stony Brook University

AboutWould you like to help make a difference in the world? If so, you should consider volunteering for LLS at SBU!  Currently, we are offering positions for our Fundraising and Outreach teams.  Date

Join anytime!

More Information:

Click here to Join LLS!

Events / Opportunities

Methods in Primate Behavior and Conservation

AboutThis is a two week course that provides students with field experience in primate behavior, ecology, and conservation. This course will provide experiences in field exercises, seminars, lectures, and applied conservation. Lecture topics will cover the behavior and ecology of Old and New World primates from an evolutionary perspective. Selected lecture topics include primate sociality, feeding ecology, taxonomy, rain forest ecosystems and conservation. Service learning is a large component of all our programs. Students will gain experience in applied conservation through participation in Osa Conservation’s reforestation, sustainable agriculture and wildlife monitoring programs (big cat and sea turtle). DateJune 10,2025 - June 25, 2025 More Information:Visit for more information and/or email for any questions.
Events / Opportunities

Professional Internships in fish and wildlife conservation with the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation

AboutWork alongside professional biologists to study NY wildlife. Positions are typically full-time over the summer (some part-time, some during winter), with start and end dates that vary by position and provide flexibility with respect to your academic schedule. DateSummer 2025 and Winter 2025-26. Each individual listing has a seperate application deadline. More Information:Click me to view the full flyer for all positions and how to apply.
Events / Opportunities



SACNAS & BGSO are hosting a cross-department poster session on Monday April 28th at 4:00PM. We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students interested in presenting a poster of their research. This is a great opportunity to showcase your work from the semester and receive feedback from your peers. Posters will be judged by Stony Brook faculty and winners will receive a prize! Food will be provided for presenters and attendees who RSVP. RSVPs are due by Monday, April 7, 2025!


RSVPs are due by Monday, April 7, 2025

More Information:

Click the link here to RSVP to present a poster or if you just plan on attending: to see your work there! 

Any questions please email


Events / Opportunities

SUNY Cortland Study Abroad


SUNY Cortland professors Drs. Theresa Curtis and Christa Chatfield are again leading a healthcare and medical shadowing faculty-led group in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This SUNY Cortland study abroad opportunity is open to all SUNY students. 

The 20-day trip includes a wide variety of medical shadowing, global health, and cultural experiences. More details about the program can be found here. Students in last year's program raved about the experience. Said one student, "The hospital rotations exceeded my expectations. I got to experience things I never would have expected and I am beyond grateful."


information session about the program on March 26, 2025, at 4:30 pm

More Information:

If you have questions, please feel free to contact:


Events / Opportunities

Stony Brook Scholars for Medicine Bachelor's/MD Society 

The Scholars for Medicine Bachelor's/MD Club at Stony Brook University is hosting our 2nd annual Healthcare Innovation Challenge. This event is an opportunity for students to compete in teams, develop innovative healthcare solutions and present their ideas to a panel of expert judges to win gadgets and cash prizes totalling thousands of dollars.
This full-day event will be hosted at Stony Brook University on Sunday, April 13th. Registration is free and meals will be provided to participants.
This challenge is a great opportunity for students to network with judges from fields such as business, public health, and even engineering. No prior experience in coding or programming is required—students of all backgrounds are encouraged to participate! Undergraduate, graduate, and medical students are all welcome to compete. 


Sunday, April 13, 2025

More Information:

Any questions can be directed to Doorva Garg ( or

Events / Opportunities

Study Abroad in Kenya, Origins Summer Field School

AboutDo you want to learn more about the methods used to understand ancient humans and the environments in which they lived? Consider traveling to the Turkina Basin Institute and the Origins Summer Field School in Kenya. This six-week program holds three upper level 3-credit courses at the upper division or graduate level. DateHeld yearly in June and July More Information:

To Learn more or apply, visit 

or email 

Events / Opportunities

The Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) 

Off-Campus Opportunity 

The Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) is a nonprofit committed to preserving Long Island's biodiversity through native seed collection, plant propagation, and conservation education. Intern qualifications include a major in ecology, horticulture, or environmental science, the ability to work outdoors, and strong teamwork and organizational skills. Please include a resume, cover letter, and three references, emailed to

Apply anytime ! 

More Information:

More information can be found on their website :

Events / Opportunities

University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


We are pleased to present our 2025 Pharmacy Summer Institute:

Monday, July 14 - Wednesday, July 16, 2025

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST

Held on the historic University at Buffalo South Campus

Our unique program incorporates active participation in a wide range of learning experiences including:

  • Admissions Planning & Academic Advising: Get tips and guidance on how to prepare for your education and career in pharmacy practice and/or research

  • Career Discovery: Learn about the diverse job opportunities for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists

  • Research Opportunities: Visit our research labs and meet with faculty in clinical and basic sciences

  • Building Tours: Explore our internationally recognized community of healing, learning and discovery

  • Meet Us: Network with real-world practitioners, researchers and current UB PharmD students

  • Activities and Live Demos: Observe pharmacy skills including patient counseling and compounding


Application Deadline: Thursday, May 1, 2025

More Information:

More information can be found in the flyer in the UG BIO Opportunities Archive.

Application Link:

Events / Opportunities

Wildlife Conservation and Sustainability

AboutThis course is designed to provide students with field experience on a range of terrestrial surveying techniques, measuring bio-indicator species: mainly key predators and butterflies. Students will also gain a a better understanding on the principles of defaunation, sustainable development, and community management and its conservation related issues. The course includes four learning experiences categories: field exercises, seminars, lectures, and applied conservation. DateJuly 1, 2025 - July 16, 2025 More Information:Visit for more information and/or email for any questions.
Events / Opportunities

Yale University | Program to Advance Training in Health and Sciences (PATHS)

PATHS is a 10 month virtual initiative that provides undergraduate students or recent graduates with a transformative learning experience to support their goal of applying for and earning an MD, MD/PhD, or PhD in the biomedical sciences. This is a great opportunity for students who lack access to similar training or resources at their institution and who are 1 to 2 years from applying to one of these advanced degrees. As a PATHS scholar in the PhD track, students can also earn a certification as a Next-Generation Excellence Initiative (NGEI), co-led by the Yale BBS Diversity and Inclusion Collective (YBDIC). Once the application is completed, students will be notified of their acceptance by the end of May and the program will run from August 2025 to May 2026.  

Application Deadline: Monday, March 31st 2025 

More Information:

Application link:

For more information about the program and to apply check out this flyer or visit our website: 


Events / Opportunities



LifeSci NYC Internship Program



Empowering Women: Starting a Career in Life Sciences | Virtual Career Panel

On Thursday, March 27 from 6-7 pm, the LifeSci NYC Internship Program will present a virtual career panel, Empowering Women: Starting a Career in Life Sciences. This panel will feature women in different stages of their careers working in the life sciences in New York City. They will share their experiences and varying paths to building a career in the life sciences. The panel will conclude with an opportunity for Q&A. 

Please register HERE. (Note that you must sign into Zoom in order to register & attend; create a free account HERE.)


Event Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2025 at 6:00pm

More Information:

Please register HERE. (Note that you must sign into Zoom in order to register & attend; create a free account HERE.)