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Environmental Defense Fund Archive
Collection 232

Record Group 5: Colorado Office 

Sub-group I: Administrative Files

Sub-group I.1 Administrative--Counsels

SERIES 1:  George Pring

Box 1

Pring, G. (1974, December). Energy, environment and the new politics. Address before the Denver Chamber of Commerce            Environmental Council.

Pring, G. (1976) "Environmental cases and the trial bar." Colorado Trial Lawyers Association.

Pring, G. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.

Pring, G. Litigator's guide to the Environmental Policy Act.

Pring, G., Edelman, L. (n.d.). Reclamation law constraints on energy/industrial uses of western water. Natural Resources Lawyer.

Box 2

Memoranda-Litigation Review Committee, 1984, 1986-1987

Sub-group I.2 Administrative--Public Information/Communications

SERIES 1:  Inter-Office Bulletins

Box 1


SERIES 2:  Events

Box 1

Press conference for the opening of the Colorado office [photographs], 1974

Sub-group I.3 Administrative--Fundraising

SERIES 1:  Correspondence / Memoranda

Box 1

Correspondence & Memoranda, 1974-87

SERIES 2:  Fundraising Events

Box 1

Correspondence, 1974, 1979

Publicity materials:
Planning for Floods, 1974
Premiere of The Electric Horseman, 1979

Sub-group I.4 Administrative--Office Manager

SERIES 1:  Clippings

Box 1

Acid Rain
Smelters/Phelps Dodge

Air Quality in Denver
Endangered Species
Environmental Defense Fund
Two Forks Dam
Water Rights

Denver Airport
Endangered Species
Environmental Activists
Toxic Wastes
Water Pollution

Sub-group II Energy Program

Sub-group II. 1 Energy Program Staff Files [Reserved]

Sub-group II.2 Energy Program Legal Files

SERIES 1:  Litigation & Hearings

Boxes 1-2:  Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Standards (1975-1977)

Box 1

Hearings before the Air Pollution Control Commission

Correspondence (to the Air Pollution Control Commission), 1974, 1976
Memoranda, 1974
Press releases (EDF), 1975
CO Air Pollution Control Commission--Advisory Comm. meeting notes, 1975
Testimony-Environmental Defense Fund, 1975

Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Limitations and Air Quality Standards--Hearings
before the Air Pollution Control Commission

Memoranda, 1977
Notice of Hearing, January 1977

Colorado utilities
The States of Colorado and Wyoming
Oil and gas companies

Pleadings, February-March 1977
Closing statements, April 1977

Colorado Dept of Health
City of Colorado Springs (& exhibits)

Box 2

Testimony continued:
Platte River Power Authority
Colorado-Ute Electrical Association
Union Oil Company
Gulf Oil and Standard Oil Companies
CF & I Steel Corporation
Wilderness Society
Friends of the Earth, Colorado Chapter

Proposed regulations (EDF)

Hearing exhibits, n.d.

Document production:
Platte River Power Authority

"Health effects of air pollution in Denver," 1977

Boxes 3-5:  Air Quality Regulations & Standards (1975)

Box 3

Fact sheets, n.d.

Air quality control regulations hearings before the CO Air Pollution Control Commission:

Proposed regulations on air pollution from automobiles (various sources)
Comments on regulations nos. 1, 3, 9 (various sources)
Proposed alternatives to regulations

Notice of public hearings before the Colorado Air Pollution Control Commission, 1974
Statements before the Air Pollution Commission, January 1974
Comments on regulations no. 3 and 9, 1974

Air quality control regulations (drafts), January 1975
Notice of public hearings before the CO Air Pollution Control Commission, 1975
Comments on air quality regulations nos. 3 and 9, 1975
Proposed alternatives to regulations, 1975
Hearings testimony before the Air Pollution Control Commission, 1975

Colorado Air Pollution Control Commission's
Indirect Source Advisory Committee:
Meeting notes, 1975-76

Box 4

Indirect Source Regulations:
Indirect source review guidelines (EPA), 1974-75
Transportation and Land Use Plan (CO Air Pollution Control Commission)

Box 5

Regulations of individual states (1974):
New York

Boxes 6-8:  Colstrip Units 3 & 4, Application for Certificate of Environmental Compatibility

Box 6

Interrogatories and applicant's answers
Transcript of proceedings, January 1976

Bechtel Corporation
Commonwealth Associates Inc.
Colstrip Schools Superintendent
Economic consultants
Engineering consultants

Box 7

Colstrip Units 3 & 4 Application for Certificate of Environmental Compatibility

Geological issues
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Meteorological consultants
State of Montana Dept of Natural Resources and Conservation
Montana Power Company
Oregon utilities
Puget Sound Power & Light
Resource Education Foundation
Washington State utilities
Westinghouse Electrical Corporation

Box 8


Boxes 9-10:  Air Quality Regulations – Colorado (1976-1980)

Box 9

Colorado-Ute v. Air Pollution Control Commission Docket no. C-62580 (U.S.D.C., City of Denver)

Correspondence, 1977
Clippings, 1976-77

Complaint, March 1976
Motions to drop party & motions to dismiss, April 1976
Answer and cross claim
Answers to motions to dismiss, May 1976
Cross-claim & answers, August-September 1976
Transcript of pre-trial conference, September 1976
Judgment, 1977
Notice of appeal, 1977

Colorado-Ute v. APCC et al. 648 P.2d 150 [1982]
Docket no. 77-662 (U.S.C.A., Colorado)

Designation of record, 1977
Motion to dismiss, 1980

Box 10

Briefs (1979):
Colorado-Ute Electrical Association
State of Colorado and EDF

Motions to dismiss
Order on petition for re-hearing, January 1982

Air Pollution Control Commission v. Colorado Ute Electrical Association
672 P.2d 993 [1983]

Docket no. 82-C-122 (Supreme Ct, CO)
Petition for Writ of Certiorari and reply, 1982
Petition for re-hearing, 1983

Boxes 11-12:  Kaiparowits Project– Water Rights Extension (1975-1976)

Box 11

Application no. a-8569, Request for extension no. 35818,
before the Office of the Utah State Engineer

Fact sheets, n.d.
Memoranda, 1975
Clippings & press releases, 1975-76

Box 12

Pleadings, 1975-76

Hearings on the EIS:
Comments on the EIS (EPA)
Summary of the EIS (So. California Edison)
"Kaiparowits Decision," remarks of William R. Gould (So. Cal Edison Co.)

Arizona Public Service Company, Salt River Project, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, & Southern California Edison Company.            (1973). Kaiparowits project: environmental report. N.p: Arizona Public Service Co., Salt River Project, San Diego Gas and Electric            Co., Southern California Edison.

Box 13:  Prototype Oil Shale Lease Program, Suspension (1976-77)

EDF v. Kleppe/Andrus Docket no. 76-2324 (U.S.D.C., DC) [1977]

Memoranda, 1975-77
Clippings, 1976

Pleadings: Motion to dismiss, 1977

Application for suspension of operations on oil shale lease no. C-20341
Comments on suspension of operations, 1976

Box 14:  Colorado Mining and Reclamation Regulations, Implementations (1976)

Colorado Open Space Council et al. v. Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board
C.A. No. C-68689 (U.S.D.C., Denver)

Memoranda, 1976-79
Press releases & clippings, 1976

Complaint, 1976
Pleadings, 1976-79

Proposed regulations under the Co. Mined Land Act of 1976:
CO Gravel and Sand Association
Peabody Coal Company
CO Mining Association
Energy Fuels Corporation

Comments on proposed regulations (EDF / COSC), 1975
Transcript for permit hearing, 1976
Comments on CO Mined Land Reclamation Act of 1976 (EDF)

Application materials for mining permit:
Application requirements
Peabody Coal Mine
Energy Fuels Corporation
Hoerner Corporation
Flatiron Sand & Gravel

Boxes 15-17:  Pawnee Power Plant Emissions Permit (1976-1977)

Box 15

Hearings before the CO Air Pollution Control Commission

Correspondence, 1976-77
Memoranda, 1976
Media clippings, 1976

Pleadings, 1976
Transcript of proceedings, May 6, 1976
Findings of fact, conclusions of law, 1977

Statements & Testimony:
Air quality and ecology
Public Service Commission

Box 16

Public Services Commission
CO Dept of Health

Document production:
CO Dept of Health
Environmental Protection Agency
Public Service Commission

Box 17

Amax Coal Corporation v. Air Pollution Control Commission
C.A. No. C-65847 (U.S.D.C., Denver)/ C.A. No. 13404 (U.S.D.C., Morgan Co. CO) [1977]

Complaint, 1976
Change of venue, September 1976
Answers to complaint, October 1976

Opening brief (Amax), 1977
Reply briefs (CO Public Service Commission), 1977

Order of Dismissal, August 1977
Reply brief (Amax), September 1977

Boxes 18-28:  Prototype Oil Shale Lease Program, Detailed Development Plans

Box 18

EDF et al. v. Andrus Civil no. 77-M-1119 (U.S.D.C., CO)
EDF et al. v. Andrus Civil no. 77-F-1119 (U.S.D.C., CO)

Complaint, December 1977
Plaintiff's interrogatories, January-March 1978
Submissions of witness list, April 1978

Pleadings-Motions for summary judgment & opposition, May-June 1978

Box 19

Pleadings-Motion for summary judgment (1978):
Affidavits in support of summary judgment
Plaintiff's exhibits in support of summary judgment #1-23

Box 20

Plaintiff's exhibits in support of summary judgment #24-29

Carolyn R. Johnson (Colorado Open Space Council)

Box 21

Mohamed El-Ashry (EDF)
Kevin L. Markey (Friends of the Earth)

Box 22

Kevin L. Markey (Friends of the Earth)
Tom Hardin (CO Bureau of Land Management)
Guy Richard Martin (Dept. of the Interior)
Bruce Blanchard (Dept of the Interior)
Peter Rutledge (USGS)

Exhibits to affidavits:
Tucker / LaHue (Oil Shale Office)

Box 23

Exhibits to affidavits:
Tucker / LaHue (for Defendants)
Steven G. Schmitz (for Defendants)

Box 24

Exhibits to affidavits:
Steven G. Schmitz (for Defendants)

Box 25

Exhibits to affidavits (for Defendants):
Peter Rutledge
Henry Ash

Box 26

Rangely, Colorado Master Plan (oversize exhibit to Rutledge affidavit)

Box 27

Exhibits to affidavits:
J. Blaine Miller
Tom Hardin (Bureau of Land Management)

Box 28

EDF v. Andrus,  619 F.2d 1368
Docket no. 78-1809 (U.S.C.A., 10th Circuit) [1980]

Docketing statement
Opinion, March 3, 1980

Appellants—Environmental Defense Fund
Appellees-Ashland Oil Company & Standard Oil

Boxes 29-31:  Program for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air QualityRe-designation of Northern Cheyenne Reservation (1977)

Box 29

Nance et al. v. EPA 645 F.2d 701 [1981]
 Docket nos. 77-3058 / 77-3301 / 77-3305 (USCA, 9th Circuit)

Case approval memorandum, October 1977
Comments on N. Cheyenne's re-designation under the PSD program, May 1977
Pleadings, 1977-79

N. Cheyenne Tribe
Montana Power Company
Crow Tribe
Amax Coal Company
Westmoreland Resources

Box 30

Reply Briefs:
Reply Brief of Westmoreland Resources
Montana Power Company
Amax Coal Company
Environmental Protection Agency

Box 31

Addendums to briefs:
Crow Tribe
Petitioners & Intervenors

Amax Coal Company. [Map of properties leased for mining], 1978

Boxes 32-37: Alton Coal Mine, Allen Warner Energy System (1979-1982)

Box 32

Petition to designate lands unsuitable for mining before the Dept. of Interior-Office of Surface Mining

Request for case approval, October 1979

Petition for designation (EDF, FOE, Sierra Club), November 1979
Public scoping meeting transcripts on petition, May 1980
Petition of intervention of Utah International, September 1980

Public hearings statement on petition evaluation, September 29-30 1980
Public hearings on designation, transcript, October 1980

Box 33

Intervenor Utah International's summation of hearings, October 1980
Comments on petition evaluation on air quality (FOE / Sierra Club), October 1980
Statement of reasons for decision, ca. 1981

Utah et al. v. U.S. Dept of the Interior 553 F. Supp. 872 [1982]
Docket no. C-81-0090W (U.S.D.C., UT, Central Div.)

Pleadings, 1982-84
Exhibits (source unknown):
Technical report on noise related evidence in petition hearings (Utah International)

Box 34

Document production:
US DOI-OSM: Petition for unsuitability designation-memoranda, 1979-80
Vegetation Studies
Sediment yield analysis, 1980

US Geological Survey:
S. Utah siting study, 1973
Exploration drilling plan, Alton Coal Field, 1979

Box 35

Document production:
Bureau of Land Management-
Summary report of Allen Warner Project Team: "Strategy for Electricity," 1980

USDOI-National Park Service-
Memoranda, 1979-80
Bryce Canyon National Park noise levels (reports), 1980
Bryce Canyon National Park visitors' survey, 1980

USDA Forest Service-
Dixie National Forest, Paunsaugunt-Servier Planning Guide

EPA Reports-
Survey of fugitive dust from coal mines, 1978
Visual & air quality impacts of coal mines, 1980

Box 36

Comments on proposed amendments to the Office of Surface Mining's Regulations regarding Unsuitability designations (EDF), 1982

Environmental Statements:
Correspondence on preparation-
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
UT Bureau of Land Management
California Public Utilities Commission

Allen Warner Valley Energy System (California Public Utilities Commission), 1980
Dept of the Interior-Bureau of Land Management

South Utah Petition Evaluation Document, 1980

Box 36a

United States. (1980). Final environmental impact statement on Allen-Warner Valley energy
system. [Cedar City, Utah]: The Bureau


Title: Alton [Coal Mine?]
Creator: Unknown
Description: 4 color photos of smoke emerging from site; aerial view
Date: Unknown

Box 37

Document Production:

United States Geological Survey:
S. Utah Siting Study, 1973
Alton Coal Field Exploratory Drilling Plan, 1979

Utah International, 1980:
Alton Project fact sheets
Soil resources assessment
Wildlife impact reports
Socio-economic analysis of Kane County Utah
"Historic Land Use & Land Coverage Investigation of Lease Area"
Air quality and visibility issues
Visual resources assessment

Boxes 38-39:  Juniper/Cross Mountain Hydroelectric Project (1980-1988)

Application for License, FERC Project No. 275, before the Federal Energy Regulatory

Correspondence & memoranda, 1981-82
Clippings, 1982

Application & exhibits (Colorado-UTE Electric Association), 1980
Pleadings and filings, 1982-84
Petition to intervene (EDF), 1988

Document production (1982):
CO Dept of Health--Water quality standards
Colorado-Ute Electric Association--Financial feasibility analyses

Comments on proposed project (1980):
US Dept of the Interior
State of Colorado
National Wildlife Federation

Alternative to Juniper/Cross Mountain Project--technical & economic review (EDF)

Boxes 40-41: Preference Right Lease Application for Coal (1979-1980)

Box 40

Correspondence, 1983-86
Memoranda, 1984-86

NRDC, EDF v. Berklund 197 U.S. App. D.C. 298 [1979]
Docket nos. 78-1757 / 1787 / 1842 (U.S.C.A., DC)

Briefs of appellees, 1978
Settlement agreement, 1985
Preference Right Lease Applications, issued under terms of a court order

Box 41

Correspondence of the Dept of the Interior re: PRLAs

Proposed rulemaking on Preference Lease Right Applications
Comment of EDF, National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club & NRDC, 1987

Comments on San Juan Coal EIS, 1983
San Juan River Regional Coal EIS, Record of Decision, 1987
James Creek Coal EIS & comments, 1988-89

SERIES 2:  Background Documents

Boxes 1-15:  Oil Shale Lease Program, Publications and planning documents
[Research for EDF v. Andrus Docket no. 77-F-1119 & related cases]

Box 1

Comments on Draft Environmental Statement on the Prototype Oil Shale Leasing Program
Final environmental statement Vols. I-IV of VI, 1973

Box 2

Final environmental impact statement Vols. V-VI of VI, 1973
Final supplement to the impact statement, 1983

Box 3

Oil Shale Environmental Advisory Panel (OSEAP):
Meeting minutes, 1974-77

Box 4

Federal prototype oil shale leasing management reports, 1979, 1982

Oil Shale research & development:
The Strip Mining of America: An Analysis of Surface Coal Mining & the Environment--Sierra Club, 1971.

Wildlife and Oil Shale: A Problem Analysis and Research Program--U.S. Dept of the Interior, 1975.

Environmental Considerations for Oil Shale Development--Environmental Protection Agency, 1974.

Oil Shale in Colorado--Colorado Energy Research Institute, 1979.

United States. (1980). A History and analysis of the federal prototype oil shale leasing program. An Assessment of oil shale technologies,
            v. 2. Washington, D.C.: Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment.

Assessment of Long Term Research Needs for Shale Oil Recovery--Fossil Energy Research Working Group—III, 1981

Box 5

Rio Blanco Oil Shale Project Tract c-a – Gulf Oil / Standard Oil Companies:

Colorado Tract c-a Preliminary Development Plan
Detailed Development Plan for Tract c-a, draft vols. 1-3, 1976

Box 6

Rio Blanco Oil Shale Tract Continued:

Public hearings on Detailed Development Plan, 1976-77
Project progress reports #4-7, 1976

Box 7

Rio Blanco Oil Shale Tract Continued:

Revised Detailed Development Plan Vols. 1-3, May 1977
Decision document on the Detailed Development Plan (U.S. Dept. of the Interior), September 1977

Box 8

Rio Blanco Oil Shale Tract continued:

Public hearings on Revised Detailed Development Plan:
Annual progress report, 1980-82

Box 9

Shale Oil Lease Tract c-b – Ashland Oil and Atlantic Richfield Company:

Environmental Baseline Program, Annual Trends and Summary, 1975
Environmental Monitoring Programs for Tract c-b, supplement, 1976
Environmental & exploration program, summary report #4-8

Box 10

Shale Oil Lease Tract c-b – Ashland Oil and Atlantic Richfield Company:

Detailed Development Plan:
Decision document

Box 10a

Shale Oil Lease Tract v-b—

Detailed Development Plan--Modifications

Box 11

Prototype Oil Shale Lease Tract U-a, White River Shale Project:

Preliminary Development Plan, 1974
Partial Exploration Plan discussion draft, 1974
Environmental Baseline Data collection and Monitoring Program quarterly reports, Nos. 3-4

Box 12

White River Shale Project continued:

Quarterly reports, Nos. 5-9
First Year Environmental Baseline Report, White river Shale Project, Tracts U-A & U-B

Boxes 13-14

First Year Environmental Baseline Report, Vol. 2
Detailed Development Plan for White River Shale Project

Box 14a

Cathedral Bluff application for permit for the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality [partial]

Box 15

White River Shale Project, Tracts U-a & U-b Detailed Development Plan, 1981

Proceedings: [these documents are cataloged in STARS]

Gary, James H., ed.  Tenth Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings. Golden Colorado: Colorado School of Mines, 1977

Gary, James H., ed.  Eleventh Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings. Golden Colorado: Colorado School of Mines, 1978

Gary, James H., ed.  Twelfth Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings. Golden Colorado: Colorado School of Mines, 1979

Peterson, Kathy Kellogg, ed. Oil Shale: The Environmental Challenges II: Proceedings of anInternational Symposium.  Golden Colorado:            Colorado School of Mines Press, 1982.

Peterson, Kathy Kellogg, ed. Oil Shale: The Environmental Challenges III: Proceedings of an International Symposium. Golden Colorado:            Colorado School of Mines Press, 1983.

Sub-group II.3 Energy Program--Project Files [Reserved]

Sub-group II.4 Energy Program--Public Statements / Texts

SERIES 1:  Comments

Box 1


Fletcher, K. (1974). Comments on the DEIS for the development of coal resources in the Eastern Powder River Coal Basin of Wyoming.

Environmental Defense Fund et al.  (1974). Comments on federal oil shale policies. Letter to President Ford.


Fletcher, K. (1975). Comments on the DEIS for Colstrip Generating Units 3 & 4. Submitted to the Department of Natural Resources and            Conservation, Montana.

Fletcher, K. (1975). Comments on proposed surface management of federally owned coal resources (43 CFR Part 3041) and coal mining operating            regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Fletcher, K. (1975). Comments on proposed rules and regulations of the LandReclamation Board, Colorado State Department of Natural            Resources.


Environmental Defense Fund. (1976). Comments on the Colorado draft Energy Conservation Plan.

Environmental Defense Fund. (1976). Comments on Interior proposed regulations defining "Commercial Quantities" and "Valuable Deposits"            under Mineral Leasing Act.

Environmental Defense Fund & Colorado Open Space Council. (1976). Comments on the use of "short term criteria" for Federal coal            leases by the Bureau of Land Management. Letter to Thomas S. Kleppe et al.


Environmental Defense Fund. (1977). Comments on proposed rules to implement the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Act of 1974.

Mastbaum, D. & El-Ashry, M.T. (1977). Comments on the proposedre-designation of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation under the EPA's            program to prevent significant deterioration of air quality.

Mastbaum, D., et al. (1977). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on Homestake Mining Company's applications to the Colorado Air            Pollution Control Division for emission permits for the proposed Pitch Project.

Environmental Defense Fund et al. (1977). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth and the Colorado Open Space            Council on EPA's conditional approval of PSD permits for oil shale tracts c-a and c-b.


Mastbaum, D., Pomerance, R. (1978). Comments of EDF and Friends of the Earth on the EPA'samended regulation and proposed regulations on            the prevention of significant deteriorationof air quality.


Phillips, P.C. & El-Ashry, M. T. (1979). Comments on the Federal Coal Management Program DEIS.

Phillips, P. C. (1979). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the petition by the National Wildlife Federation et al. to amend 30 C.F.R.            section 705 [conflict of interest].

Phillips, P.C. (1979). Comments on the Bureau of Land Management's proposed coal management regulations. 44 Fed. Reg. 16800.


Environmental Defense Fund et al. (1980). Joint comments of the Environmental Defense Fund, Public Lands Institute, & Colorado Open Space            Council on proposed regulations under the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act.

Phillips, P. C. (1980). Comments on the Bureau of Land Management's draft environmental impact statement: "Surface Management of Public            Lands under U.S. MiningLaws."

Luecke, D. F. (1980). Comments on petition from Cathedral Bluff's Shale OilCompany to substituteBACT for the sulfur dioxide emission            standard. Letter to the Air Quality Control Commission


Environmental Defense Fund. (1981). Comments on Assembly Bill 1807 related to toxic aircontaminants.

Luecke, D. F. (1981). The Administration's budget, utilities and energy conservation;Comments prepared for the House Budget Committee Task            Force on Energy & the Environment.

Luecke, D. F. (1981). Comments on the DEIS related to the construction of Moon Lake Power Plant Units 1 & 2.

Yuhnke, R. E. & Green K. (1981).  Comments on the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed rules for non-attainment area new source            review. Submitted on behalf of EDF & Citizens for a Better Environment-Chicago.

Environmental Defense Fund. (1981). Comments on proposed changes to the Coloradorules and regulations pertaining to radiation control.             Submitted to the Colorado Board of Health.

Yuhnke, R. E. (1981). Comments on the SIP application of Kennecott Copper Corporation sulfur dioxide emissions in Utah.

Yuhnke, R. E. & Tuchman, R. (1981).  Comments on the invitation of the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission regarding the need for a            visibility protection plan in Colorado.

Yuhnke, R.E. (1981). Comment objecting to the final action of the Administrator suspending the effectiveness of certain rules under the Clean Air            Act without prior opportunity for public notice, comment and public hearing. re:  EPA docket no. A-81-23.

Yuhnke, R. E. & Hutchinson, R. (1981). Comments of Dakota Resources Council and EDF on EPA's role in the hearing concerning proposed long            range transport models for use in North Dakota.

Yuhnke, R.E, et al. (1981). Comments by the Environmental Defense Fund on the proposed amended agreement with Colorado pursuant to            section 274 (d) and (o) of the Atomic Energy Act.

Luecke, D. F. (1981). Comments on U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation, oil shaledevelopment, and the environment. Meeting at the U.S.            Synfuels Corporation, Salt Lake City.


Yuhnke, R. E. (1982). Comments on the proposed delayed compliance order for the Hawaiian Electric Company's Kahe Units 1-5. Before the            Director, Air and Hazardous Materials Division, EPA Region 9.

Luecke, D. F. (1982). Formal comments on the Reagan Administration's approach to energy policy and to the Clean Air Act.

Yuhnke, R.E. (1982). Petition for rulemaking or in the alternative notice of intent to sue for failure to perform a non-discretionary duty.             Submitted to the EPA regional administrator, region 9, re: proposed Arizona SIP revision for non-ferrous smelters.

Laurence, Robert W.  (1982). Comments in response to notice of intent to issue NSO and grant waiver. Re: application of Phelps Dodge            Corporation for a non-ferrous smelter order and waiver of interim continous emission reduction requirements for the Douglas smelter.

Environmental Defense Fund. (1982). Comments by EDF, the National Wildlife Federationand the Colorado Wildlife Federation on the scope of            the EIS for the Phase II expansion of Union Oil Company's Parachute Creek Shale Oil Program.

Babich, A. & Yuhnke, R. E. (1982). Federal regulation of sulfur dioxide emissionsfrom non-ferrous smelters in Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,            New Mexico and Washington.

Yuhnke, R. E. & Hughes, R. (1982). Comments on White River oil shale PSDpermit application.

Hughes, R. & Yuhnke, R. E. (1982). Comments by the Environmental Defense Fund on the draft supplemental impact statement for the            prototype oil shale leasing program.

Yuhnke, R. E., Hughes, R. (1982). Comments from EDF, Friends of the Earth and National Wildlife Federation on Uintah Basin EIS.

Yuhnke, R.E. (1982).  Comments on the proposed changes to Arizona's airquality regulations. Submitted to the Arizona Department of            Health Services.


Koved, M. (1983). Formal comments of the Environmental Defense Fund inresponse to the U.S.D.A. Rural Electrification Administration, proposed            environmentalpolicies and procedures.

Environmental Defense Fund.  (1983). Comments on Montana's PSD regulations. Letter to the EPA.

Box 2

Hughes, R. (1983). Comments on the final supplemental environmental impact statement for the prototype oil shale leasing program. Submitted to the Bureau of Land Management.

Greene, K., Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Comments on the proposed revision to the Illinois State Implementation Plan for the alternative control            strategy of National Steel'sGranite City Steel Division in Granite City, IL.

Yuhnke, R.E. (1983). Comments and alternate text on proposed amendments to rulesand regulations for air pollution control.

Yuhnke, R.E. et al. (1983). Recommended changes to and comments re: proposed group 3900 oil shale management regulations (C.F.R. Parts            3900, 3920,3930).

Yuhnke, R. E. & Curcio, C. (1983).  Comments from the Environmental Defense Fund on the DEIS for Riley Ridge Natural Gas project.            Submitted to the Bureau of Land Management.

Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Statement on acid rain. 

Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Comments on standards for toxic pollutants under the CleanAir Act.  Form letter to congressmen.

Marcus, D., Green, F. M. (1983). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund & the National Wildlife Federation on the Western Area Power            Administration's proposed power marketing criteria.

Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Comments by the Environmental Defense Fund on proposed rulemaking for NSOS.

King, L. B. (1983). Comments of the Natural Resources Defense Council, EDF andNational Wildlife Federation on the second draft-San Juan River            regional coal EIS.

Curcio, C. & Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Comments by the Environmental DefenseFund on FEIS of Clear Creek shale oil project.


Gutman, D., Yuhnke, R.E. (1984). Comments on the notice of proposedrulemaking regarding the proposed Utah SIP revision for Salt Lake and            Tooele Counties. 49 Fed. Reg. 10946 (March 23 1984).

Yuhnke, R. E. & Oppenheimer, M. (1984). Comments on proposed PSD permitfor Chevron Chemical Company.  Submitted to the EPA.

Box 3

Yuhnke, R. E. & Oppenheimer, M. (1984). Comments on PSD permit forChevron Shale Oil Project and upgrading facility. Submitted to the            EPA.

Yuhnke, R. E., Bernau, B. (1984). Comments on the draft EIS for the Tar SandsTriangle project. Submitted to the National Park Service.

Martin, J. (1984). Revised proposed general marketing criteria and allocation criteria. Submitted to the Western Area Power Administration.


Yuhnke, R. E. (1985). Phelps Dodge-Douglas smelter operating permit renewal. Memorandum.

Yuhnke, R. E. & Mullen, N. (1986). Comments on proposed decision to issue a non-ferrous smelter order to Magna Copper Company Corporation            for its smelter at San Manuel, AZ.  Submitted to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Yuhnke, R. E. (1987). Comments on smelter emissions and their effects on health. Letter to Lee Thomas, Environmental Protection            Agency.

Yuhnke, R. E. (no date). Enforcement of the manufacturers' responsibilities for maintaining vehicle compliance with tailpipe emissions standards            after sale. Legal memorandum to the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission.

Box 4

Approval & promulgation of State Implementation Plans designation of areas for air quality purposes; Utah Sulfur Dioxide Plan—EPA, 1984

Environmental Defense Fund
Natural Resources Defense Council

SERIES 2:  Testimony / Speeches

Box 1


1974: On the draft environmental impact statement on federal coal policy; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the Bureau of Land Management. Denver, Colorado

1974: On coal development in the Great Plains; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the Senate Interior Committee, Sub-committee on Minerals, Materials, and Fuels

1974: On "Project Independence"; Testimony of George Pring; Denver, Colorado


1975: Federal coal leasing; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before Sub-committee on Minerals,Materials, and Fuels, Senate Interior Committee

1975: Colorado State strip mining regulations; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the Mined Land Reclamation Board, Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources

1975: Rate design for the Public Service Company of Colorado; Testimony of William Vickery before the Public Utilities Commission for the State of Colorado

1975: Hearings on synthetic fuels subsidies; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the Subcommittee on Energy Research, Development and Demonstration, U.S. House of Representatives; Boulder, Colorado.

1975: Hearings on indirect source air pollution regulations; Testimony of George Pring before the Colorado Air Pollution Control Commission


1976: Hearing on draft environmental statement Proposed Development of oil shale resources inColony Development Operation; Statement of Katherine Fletcher, Denver

1976: Hearing on proposed changes in State leasing regulations; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the State Board of Land Commissioners, Denver

1976: Hearings on the Federal Coal Leasing Program; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the House Subcommittee on Mines and Mining

1976: Hearings on synthetic fuels development; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the House Committee on Science and Technology.
1976: Hearing on detailed development plan of oil shale lease c-b (Shell and Ashland OilCompanies); Testimony of Katherine Fletcher 

1976: Hearings on the 1976 National Plan of the Energy Research and Development Administration; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher

1976: Hearing on the "Detailed Development Plan" of oil shale lease c-a (Standard Oil of Indianaand Gulf Oil Companies); Testimony of Katherine Fletcher & David Mastbaum

1976: Hearing on the Federal Oil Shale Leasing Program; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher before the Subcommittee on Mines and Mining, U.S. House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

1976: Hearing on Northwest Coal development draft EIS; Testimony of Larry Edelman before the Bureau of Land Management

1976: Hearings on proposed Federal rulemaking to adopt certain Wyoming State reclamation laws; Testimony of George Pring, Cheyenne, Wyoming


1977: Hearings on proposed legislation to test the commercial, environmental and social viability of various oil shale technologies; Testimony of David Mastbaum before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Water Resources of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources           

1977: Hearings on proposed regulation concerning sulfur dioxide emission limitations, area air quality allocations and ambient air quality standards for sulfur dioxide; Testimony of M.T. El-Ashry et al.

1977: Hearings on the modifications to the detailed development plan of oil shale lease c-b;
Testimony of John Krautkraemer

1977: Hearings on the Rio Blanco Oil Shale project revised detailed development plan; Testimony of John Krautkraemer and Mohamed T. El-Ashry

1977: Hearings on Colowyo Coal Company one-year mining plan approval before the U.S.G.S.; Testimony of George W. Pring

Hearings on proposed interim regulations for the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act; Testimony of Paula C. Phillips, Boulder, Colorado


1980: Hearings on Proposed Regulations under the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act; Testimony of Environmental Defense Fund and Public Lands Institute

1980: Hearings on S.2858 before the Subcommittee on Energy Resources and Materials Production of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Testimony of Paula C. Phillips


April 15, 1981: National Energy Policy and Energy Issues in the Mountains and Northern Plains States; Summary of testimony of Daniel Luecke prepared for hearings on the Third National
Energy Plan. Denver Colorado

1981: Hearings on proposed oil shale leasing legislation; Testimony of Daniel F. Luecke and Paula C. Phillips before the House Subcommittee on Mines and Mining

1981: Hearings on the PSD program; Testimony of Robert E. Yuhnke on behalf of the National Clean Air Coalition, before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee


1982: Public rulemaking hearing regarding considerations of revisions to regulations under the PSD program; Testimony of the Environmental Defense Fund and Friends of the Earth

Yuhnke, R.E. (1982, May). The spiritual and political importance of visibility protection in the national parks and wilderness. Presented at the            Visual Values Workshop, Keystone Colorado, 10 May 1982.

Luecke, D.F. (1982, October). Remarks on de-regulation and its impact on the environment. Presented at the 1982 Region VIII            Conference, American Society for Public Administration, Denver.

Box 2


1983: Hearings on S. 768 / Toxic air pollution and acid rain; Testimony of Robert E. Yuhnke before the Committee on the Environment and Public Works

Koved, M. & Kirshner D.  (1983, April) A methodology to determine the cost-effectiveness of utilitysponsored end-use energy conservation and            solar energy programs. Presented at the World Solar Conference, Perth, Australia.


Yuhnke, Robert E., et al. (1985, August 12). An acid rain prevention program for the west. Presented before the Senate Committee on            Environment and Public Works on behalf of EDF, The Sierra Club and The Wyoming Outdoor Council.


Yuhnke, Robert E. (1986, May 7). The west needs acid rain protection too: An acid rain preventionprogram for the west. Presented to the            Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on behalf of EDF, The Sierra Club and the Wyoming Outdoor Council.

SERIES 3:  Writings by Program Staff

Box 1


El-Ashry, Mohamed T., Phillips, Paula C. (1979). Synthetic fuels and the west. Submitted to TheDenver Post, August 3, 1979.


Luecke, Daniel F. (1981 March 19). The Federal Budget, the free market, and cost-effective energy development. Based on testimony            prepared for the House Budget Committee Task Force on energy and the environment.


Environmental Defense Fund. (1982). Acid rain in the intermountain west: a report of the Environmental Defense Fund of a survey of acid rain            research in the Rocky Mountain west.

Babich, Adam, & Yuhnke, Robert E. (1982). Federal regulation of sulfur dioxide emissionfrom non-ferrous smelters in Arizona, Idaho, Montana,            Nevada, New Mexico, Utah andWashington. Manuscript.

Oppenheimer, M. (1982). The PSD increments and NAAQS and sulfur dioxide donot protect against acidification of sensitive environments:            Colorado needs an aciddeposition standard. Manuscript.


Environmental Defense Fund & Friends of the Earth. (1983). Proposed Colorado PSD regulations: EDF and FOE. Final recommendations:            Summaries of the record and legal and policy analyses. Report submitted to the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission.

Oppenheimer, M. (1983). A Methodology to determine the effectiveness of utility end-useconservation programs. Manuscript.

Oppenheimer, Michael & Yuhnke, Robert E. (1983).  Acid deposition, smelter emissions, and the linearityissue in the Western United States.            Manuscript.


Oppenheimer, Michael. (1984). Reducing acid rain: Scientific basis for an acid rain control policy. Report.

Marcus, David. (1984). Southwest power markets:  A report submitted to the Dept of Justice, Navajo Nation by the Environmental Defense Fund.

Yuhnke, Robert E. & Oppenheimer, Michael. (1984). Safeguarding acid sensitive waters in the intermountain west: A sulfur pollution strategy            for preventing acid pollution damage. Report.


Yuhnke, Robert E. (1985 July). EPA's risk assessment process: A critique. Environmental Forum, 4(3), 19-24.

Oppenheimer, Michael, et al. (1985, August 30). Acid deposition, smelter emissions, and the linearity issue in the western United            States. Science, Vol. 229, pp. 859-862.


Yuhnke, Robert E. (1986). PM-10: A new age for urban air pollution control. Manuscript.

Sub-group III Water Resources Program

Sub-group III.1 Water Resources Program--Staff Files

Memoranda of the Program staff, 1974-1976

Sub-group III.2 Water Resources Program-- Legal Files

SERIES 1:  Water Resources Program--Litigation & Hearings

Boxes 1-2: Garrison Diversion Project, North Dakota (1973-1975)

Box 1

Correspondence, 1973-1975
Memoranda, 1973-1976

Clippings, 1973-74
News releases (Committee to Save North Dakota), 1973-74

Committee to Save North Dakota v. Morton Civil no. 73-1198
(U.S.D.C., N.D., Southwest Div)

Complaint, December 1972
Pleadings, February-March 1973
Transcript of pre-trial conference, March 1974
Motion for summary judgment, March 1974
Judgment, June 1974

Committee to Save North Dakota v. Morton No. 74-155 & 1648
(U.S.C.A., 8th Circuit)

Briefs of appellants & appellees, October 1974

Comments Environmental Impact Statement for Initial Phase (1973-74):
Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife
Wildlife Society

Box 2

Comments on EIS continued:
North Dakota Farmers Union
The Ecology Institute

Background documents:
Testimony before House Committee on Government Operations, 1974
"Irrigation Return Flows to Souris River & Canada" (ms-Department of the Interior)
"Garrison Diversion: An Overview" (ms-University of Manitoba), 1974
"New Wounds for Old Prairies" (Glen Sherwood), 1972

Box 3:  Sub-surface Waste Disposal Facility Permit (1974)

Box 3


Hearings before the Water Quality Control commission:

Sub-surface disposal facility, Morgan Co. Colorado-feasibility report, 1973

Critiques of feasibility report (CO Dept of Natural Resources), 1974

Boxes 4-18:  Colorado River Basin Salinity Standards

Box 4

EDF v. Costle 79 F.R.D. 235; 1978
Civil action no. 77-1436 (U.S.D.C., DC)

Memoranda, 1977-78
Correspondence, 1977-78

Complaint & Defendants' answers, August 1977
Pleadings, October-December 1977

Box 5

Pleadings, December 1977
Hearing on motion to transfer venue, 1977
Pleadings, January-December 1978
Hearing on status, January 1978

Box 6

John Walton Keyes (Bureau of Reclamation)
W. Don Maughan (CA State Water Resources Control Board)
Gene Reetz (EPA)

Exhibits to depositions

Box 7

Deposition of Patrick J. Godsil (EPA)

Box 8

Affidavits of salinity control experts

State and Local Management Actions to Reducer Colorado River Salinity (EPA)
Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program V. 1 (FEIS)

Box 9

Exhibits (w/affidavits), n.d.

Document production:
Salinity control program P.L. 93-320 Title I & Title II:
Bureau of Reclamation documents, 1976

Box 10-11

Document Production:
Salinity control program P.L. 93-320 Title I & Title II:
Bureau of Reclamation documents, 1976-77

Box 12

Document Production:
EPA Documents, 1968-76

Box 13

Document Production:
EPA Documents, 1976
Bureau of Reclamation documents, 1974

Box 14

Document Production:
Bureau of Reclamation documents, 1976-78

Box 15

Document Production:
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum, 1974-78
Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1976-78

Box 16

Document Production:
Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973-78
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, 1977-78
State Water Resources Board, 1974-77
Salinity Control Forum, 1977-78

Box 17

EDF v. Costle Docket no. 78-1471 (U.S.C.A.)

Appendices, May 1978
Pleadings, June-July 1978

Co. Water Conservation District et al. v. EDF & Costle
Docket no. 78-658/678 (U.S.Supreme Ct.)

Briefs, 1979

EDF v. Costle 211 U.S. App. D.C. 313; 1981
Docket no. 78-2432 (U.S.C.A.)

Pleadings, October-December 1980
Joint appendix Vols. 1-2

Box 18

EDF v. Costle 211 U.S. App. D.C. 313; 1981
Docket no. 78-2432 (U.S.C.A.)

Joint appendix, Vol. 3
Briefs for appellants, 1980
Exhibits #10, 12-13

Boxes 19-26:  Industrial Water Marketing (1974-1979)

Box 19

EDF v. Morton Civil action no. 1220 (U.S.D.C., MT)
and appeal case

Correspondence, 1973-83
Memoranda, 1973-77
Clippings, 1978-79

EDF v. Morton Civil action no. 1220 (U.S.D.C., MT)

Pleadings, 1974-75

Box 20

Pleadings, 1975

Box 21

Depositions (1975):
Robert Joseph Pierpoint (EDF)
John H. Adams (NRDC)
Phil Q. Gibbs (Bureau of Reclamation)
Robert L. MacPhaill (Bureau of Reclamation)
Harold Aldrich
Daniel Haughian (Haughian Livestock Co.)
Deponents representing irrigation districts

Box 22

Richard Croy (Sioux Irrigation District)
Mike Flynn (Yellowstone Irrigation District)

Answers to Interrogatories (1975):
Montana Wildlife Federation
Cartright Irrigation District
Consolidation Oil Company
Continental Oil Company
Colorado Interstate Gas Co.

Box 23

Answers to Interrogatories
Gulf Oil Corporation
Kinsey Irrigation
Mobil Oil
Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co.
Peabody Coal
Shell Oil
Sioux Irrigation District
Yellowstone Pumping District

Box 24

Document Production:
Bureau of Reclamation-
Memoranda-Water Marketing Program
Memoranda-Water sales and contracts
Memoranda-Water allocation for energy
Correspondence with WY State Engineer, 1971

Box 25

Opinion and notice of appeal, 1976

EDF v. Kleppe Docket no. 76-3133 (U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)
Pleadings, 1978-79
Appellant's briefs
Appellees briefs

Northern Great Plains Coal Development

Box 26

Sierra Club et al. v. Morton 421 F. Supp. 638(1974)
Civil no. 1182-73 (U.S.D.C., DC)

Pleadings, 1973
Memorandum opinion and order, 1973

American Electrical Power System v. Sierra Club
Docket no. 75-561 (U.S. Supreme Ct)

Briefs for Amicus Curiae, 1976
Brief for respondent, 1976

Boxes 27-31:  Colorado River Basin Water Projects: Comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement

Box 27

Correspondence, 1977-79
Memoranda, 1977-79

Department of the Interior Memoranda on Environmental Impact Statement, 1976-77

EDF v. Higginson Docket no. 78-1135 (U.S.D.C., DC)

Complaint, June 1978
Pleadings, August-September 1978
Response to interrogatories, September 1978

Box 28

EDF v. Higginson Docket no. 78-1135 (U.S.D.C., DC)

Pleadings-Motion for summary judgment, September 1979
Proceedings of hearings for summary judgment, November 1979

Depositions (1978):
Keith Higginson (Dept of the Interior)
Guy Richard Martin (Dept of the Interior)

Box 29

Mohamed El-Ashry (EDF)
Gilbert G. Stamm
Cecil Andrus


EDF v. Higginson 211 U.S. App. D.C. 14
Docket no. 80-1123/1242/1255

Box 30

CO River Basin Projects

EDF v. Higginson Docket nos. 80-1123/1242/1255
(U.S.C.A., DC)

Briefs and Reply Briefs (1980)
Cross appellant Utah Power & Light
Cross appellants States of AZ, NV, CO, WY
Federal appellees

Joint appendix Vols. 1 & 2

Box 31

EDF v. Broadbent (formerly Higginson) Docket no. 78-1135

Remand record, 1982

Boxes 32-34:  Cottonwood Canyon Portal/Wilberg Mine, Utah—Surface Water Rights (1980-1982)

Box 32

Plaintiff's correspondence with State and Federal agencies, 1979

E.S. Crawford v. Board of Oil, Gas & Mining & U P&L
No. C79-0153 (3rd Dist. Ct, UT) -- Motion to Dismiss

Public Lands Institute et al. v. Andrus C.A. No. 80-0555/79-3329
(U.S.D.C., DC)

Affidavits, 1980
Exhibits to Edward Crawford's deposition
Utah Power & Light submittals re: Wilberg & Deer Creek Mines

Box 33

E.S. Crawford v. Board of Oil, Gas & Mining & U P&L No. 80-7839 (Dist. Ct of SLC, UT)

Complaint, October 9, 1980
Order of dismissal October 31, 1980

Public Lands Institute / Crawford v. Andrus C.A. No. 80-2323 (U.S.C.A.)

Brief of appellants
Administrative record

Background documents:
UT/Dept of the Interior Cooperative Agreement re: coal mining on Federal lands

UT State Coal Mining Regulatory Program:
Review by the Dept of the Interior Office of Service Mining (OSM)
Comments on resubmission (EDF/PLI), 1981

Box 34

UT State Coal Mining Regulatory Program:
Report on State Windows in the Regulatory Program (UT Division of Oil, Gas & Mining)

SERIES 2:  Background Documents

Box 1:  Colorado River Basin Water Projects(EDF v. Higginson No. 78-1135)

Correspondence, re: Central Utah Project, 1978

Clippings, 1978
Press releases (EDF), 1976, 1978

Savery Hook Project, 1977

Congressional Reports:
On Appropriations, 1979

Department of the Interior:
Memoranda on environmental impacts, 1977
Annual report for the Colorado River Storage Projects, 1974-75
Brochures for projects on the Colorado River
Data on the Savery Hook
Dallas Creek Project Review, 1977

Central Arizona Project, economic analysis (U of MT)
Savery Hook: An Exercise in Environmental Decision-making (U of CO)
Alternatives to Colorado Water Projects (EDF), 1977

Conference on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Colorado River and its Tributaries. (1960). Transcript of conference. Washington:            U.S. Govt. Print. Off.

Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Colorado River and Its Tributaries. (1963). Proceedings.            Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service.

United States. (1964). Conference in the matter of pollution of the interstate waters of the ColoradoRiver and its tributaries: Fifth session, Las            Vegas, Nevada, May 26, 1964. Washington: U.S.Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service.

Boxes 2-3:  Tennessee Valley Authority--Columbia Dam, Duck RiverBackground Files for Deposition [Daniel Luecke, Sr. Scientist]

Please see the New York Office [RG 2 SG V] for the litigation files

Box 2

Correspondence, October 1980
Deposition of Dan Luecke, w/ attachments, November 1980

EPA Documents:
Memoranda on water quality, 1980
Statement of Region IV Administrator before the Committee on Government Relations
Duck River Project Planning Report, 1968
Duck River Project-Water quality impacts, 1969

TVA Documents:
Eutrophication-report, n.d.
Discharge outlets-memoranda, 1978

Box 3

TVA Documents Continued:
Dam alternatives, 1978-90
Water quality, 1979-80
Normandy reservoir

Recreation impacts, 1980

Water quality (Storet), 1980

Department of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research:
"Limnological Investigations of TX Impoundments for Water Quality Management Purposes," 1972

Sub-group III.3 Water Resources Program--Project Files

SERIES 1: Committees & Meetings

Box 1:  Colorado Environment 2000-Citizen Advisory Committee (1988-1990)
Meeting handouts, 1988-90
CE 2000 Summit--Governor Romer's Speech, 1990

Colorado Water Conservation Focus Group (Dept of Public Works):
Treated water master plan, 1990
Meeting notes, 1989-90

SERIES 2:  Project Files

Box 1:  Denver Water Supply Study, EDF & University of Colorado (1977-1981)

Correspondence, 1977-81
Study Advisory Committee meeting notes, 1979
Memoranda of the Metropolitan Water Conservation Roundtable, 1982
Press releases and clippings
Supply Study Advisory Committee: meeting notes, 1979
Water use survey template, n.d.
Draft chapters of supply study, n.d.
Denver Water Department review of study, 1980
"Water for Denver: Analysis of Alternatives" (John Morris, Clive V. Jones), 1981
Response to Denver Water Board's Review of "Water for Denver", 1981

Box 2:  System-wide EIS (SEIS) for Meeting Denver's Water Demand (1983-1985)

Correspondence, 1983-85
"Plan for Satisfying Denver's Water Needs" (Metropolitan Water Roundtable), 1984
Report of the Residential Water Conservation SC of the Metro Water Roundtable, 1984
Comments on System wide EIS (Colorado Environmental Caucus), 1984
Water supply scenarios--recommendations of the Colorado Environmental Caucus, 1986

Boxes 3-4:  Reudi Reservoir, Colorado Water Sale (1983-1985)

Correspondence, 1985-86
Clippings, 1984-85
Invitation for bids for industrial water service (Bureau of Reclamation), 1983
Proposed contract for water service (Fryingpan-Arkansas Project), 1983
Position papers on sale, 1983-85
Reudi Round II water sales biological opinion (Dept of the Interior)
Meeting minutes (DOI-Bureau of Reclamation), 1985-86
HYDROSS Flow Model documentation (DOI), 1984-85
Green Mountain Reservoir hydrology study, 1984

Box 4

Green Mountain Reservoir hydrology study, 1984
Hydrology report for Reudi Reservoir, n.d.

Box 5:  Water Quality Standards for Texas (1986)

Memoranda, 1986
Correspondence of the TX Dept. of Water Resources (copies), 1985
Comments on proposed water quality standards and revisions, 1981-86

Sub-group III.4 Water Resources Program-Public Statements / Texts

SERIES 1:  Comments

Box 1



Edelman, L. (1975). Comments of Environmental Defense Fund on "Water Resources: Use and Management" policy statement.

El-Ashry, M. T. (1976). Comments on the EPA water quality standards for salinityincluding numeric criteria & implementation plan for salinity            control in the Colorado River System.

El-Ashry, M.T. (1976). Comments on the DEIS on the Colorado River Water QualityImprovement Program.

El-Ashry, M.T., Mastbaum, David C. (1976). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund regarding the Woodward-Clyde Report on water            quality issues as they pertainto the development of Lake Catamount.

El-Ashry, M.T. (1976). Comments on the Savery-Pot Hook project and relatedwater issues in Colorado; submitted to the Governor's Planning and            Coordinating Council.


Trujillo, G., Krautkraemer, J., & El-Ashry, M.T. (1977). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the proposed White River Dam &            Reservoir.

Trujillo, G. & El-Ashry, M.T. (1977). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the proposed OXYMIN Cerrillos Copper Project

El-Ashry, M.T., & Trujillo, G. (1977). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the proposed Foothills Project draft environmental            statement.


El-Ashry, M.T. (1978). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the Environmental Assessment Report (December 1977) for the Grand            Valley Unit of the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Project.

El-Ashry, M.T. (1978). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the Draft Environmental Statement for the Paradox Valley Unit of the            Colorado River Valley SalinityControl Project.

El-Ashry, M.T., et al. (1978). Comments to the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation &Enforcement on "Alluvial Valley Floors Technical            Guidelines."


Pring G., & Phillips, P. (1980). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund onthe proposed Colorado River Salinity Standards or Criteria and            Plan of Implementationbefore the Water Quality Control Commission.


Environmental Defense Fund. (1981). Comments on the effect of Senate Bill 10 on Classifications and Numeric Standards for the South Platte            Basin before the Water Quality Control Commission.

Environmental Defense Fund. (1981). Comments on proposed regulations for the StateDischarge Permit System: Opportunity for public            hearings, variances, temporary permits, and monitoring requirements.

Yuhnke, R. (1981). Comments by the Environmental Defense Fund in response to Notice of Public Hearing re: proposed NPDES permit            renewal…for the Schwarzwalder Mine.

Yuhnke, R. (1981). Comments by the Environmental Defense Fund, the NationalWildlife Federation and the Colorado Wildlife Federation on the            scope of the EIS for the Chevron Clear Creek project.


Luecke, D. F. (1982). Comments on S-2202 proposed amendments to the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act before the Senate Committee            on Energy and NaturalResources.


Luecke, D. F. et al. (1983). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on U.S.Bureau of Reclamation, DEIS on Industrial Water Service            Yellowtail (Bighorn)-BoysenReservoirs.


Luecke, D. F. & Kassen, M. (1986). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission's proposed            "Basic Standards forGround Water."

SERIES 2:  Testimony / Speeches

Box 1


1974: Colorado River Salinity Standards; Testimony of Chester Stern before the EPA Denver


Fletcher, K. (1975, March). Water/energy in the west. Presented at the Regional Energy Environmental Impact Statement Seminar            sponsored by the Denver Federal Executive Board, Denver.

El-Ashry, M.T. (1975, December). Some of the pressing environmental issues facing the RockyMountain west. Presented at the Environmental            Town Meeting held by EPA-Region VIII, Denver.
El-Ashry, M.T.  (1975). The need for progressive water management policies in Colorado.

1975: Hearings on industrial water marketing; Testimony of Katherine Fletcher, before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Water Resources of the Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Billings MT


1977: Hearings on Fruitland Mesa, Dolores, and Savery-Pot Hook Water Projects; Testimony of Mohamed T. El-Ashry before the Interior Water Projects Review Team

El-Ashry, M.T. (1975, June). [Water Management in the West]. Speech at the Colorado Professional Engineers Annual Meeting, Denver.

1977: Hearings on quality management of irrigation return flows; Testimony of Mohamed T. El Ashry, before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works—Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution

El-Ashry, M.T. [Comments at the Water Resource Policy Study Hearing], Denver, July 1977.

El-Ashry, M.T. (1977, October). [Comments at President Carter's Panel Discussion on Western Water Issues.]
El-Ashry, M.T. (1977, November). Alternatives to current water resources planning in the west. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the            American Water Resources Association.
El-Ashry, M.T.  (1978, February 16). Quality management of irrigation return flows in western waterstates. Presented at the Annual Meeting            of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

1978: Hearing on the President's Water Policy Recommendations; Testimony Mohamed T. El-Ashry, Denver

Pring, George. (1978, December 1). Future directions for water management in the Colorado RiverBasin. Address to the 35th Annual            Meeting, Colorado River Water Users Association, Las Vegas.

Galeziowski, John. Comments on proposed regulations under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act.] Denver, 27 Jun. 1979.

Luecke, Daniel F. (1981, October 1). Comments on the proposed report on the 1981 Review Water   Quality Standards for Salinity (Prepared by            the Colorado River Basin Salinity ControlForum). Presented at a public meeting convened by the Salinity Control Forum.


March 22, 1984: Testimony of Robert E. Yuhnke on pending acid rain and toxic air pollution bills, before the House Sub-committee on Health and the Environment


Luecke, Daniel F. (1984, May 2). Front range water: Moving the continental divide west. Presented at the 1985 Spring Convention of the            American Society of Civil Engineers, Denver.

SERIES 3:  Writings by Program Staff

Box 1


El-Ashry, M.T. (1976). Physical & Ecological Aspects of the Upper Colorado River Basin in relation to energy development and environmental            problems: A Discussion. Manuscript printed in Resources for the Future Forum on "The Impact of Energy Development on the            Waters, Fish, and Wildlife of the Upper Colorado River Basin." Albuquerque, N.M.

El-Ashry, M.T., Weaver, Robert. (1977). Colorado water projects: Impacts and alternatives. Submitted to The Denver Post

El-Ashry, M.T. (1977). Denver water users are better off without Foothills. Manuscript submitted to The Denver Post


Murphy, S., & Yuhnke, R. E. (1982). An Evaluation of inspection andenforcement practices of the Colorado Water Quality Control Division.            Manuscript.

Koved, M. & Luecke, D. F. (1982). Opportunities in Colorado for salinity controlthrough the inter-industry transfer of water as a function of            improved agricultural efficiency. Draft manuscript

Luecke, D.F. (1982).  Water Resource Development in the West: Some Comments on Economics and theEnvironment. Manuscript.


Luecke, D. F. & Rozaklis, L. (1984). Wise water use: Alternatives to inter-basintransfers. Manuscript


Luecke, D.F. (1985). Regional growth, water supply and the environment. Colorado Municipalities, March/April 1985, pp. 33-40.

Sub-group IV Nuclear Energy Program

Sub-group IV.1 Nuclear Energy Program—Staff Files [Reserved]

Sub-group IV.2 Nuclear / Radiation-Legal Files

SERIES 1:  Litigation & Hearings

Box 1: Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal(1982-1985)

Correspondence, 1982-85
Press releases, 1984

EDF et al. v. William Ruckelshaus/EPA Docket no. 83-2039
(USCA, DC), 1983


Comments on proposed standards for active uranium mines (EDF), 1983

Comments on Nuclear Regulatory Commission's uranium mill tailings regulations (EDF)

EDF's Exhibits on radon's effect on the human health (case unknown)

Box 2-7:  Nuclear Waste Disposal Guidelines (1986-1987)

Box 2

Correspondence 1986-87

Environmental Policy Institute et al. v. Hodel Docket no. 84-7854
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Pleadings, 1985-86

Box 3

Pleadings, 1986

State of Nevada v. Herrington Docket no. 86-7307 and consolidated cases
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Pleadings, 1987

Box 4

Environmental Policy Institute et al. v. Herrington Docket no. 84-7854
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Pleadings, 1986-1989
Record items

Box 5

Environmental Policy Institute et al. v. Herrington Docket no. 84-7854
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Record items, 1983

State of Nevada, EDF v. Watkins Docket no. 85-7308 (U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Briefs for petitioner and respondents, November-December 1990

Box 6

State of Nevada, EDF v. Watkins Docket no. 85-7308 (U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Excerpts of record for respondent
Appendices for petitioner and respondent

Box 7

Washington Attorney Gen. Eikenberry v. Herrington Docket no. 86-7235
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Certified index to administrative record

State of Nevada v. Herrington Docket no. 86-7307
(U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Pleadings, 1986-87

EDF v. Herrington Docket no. 86-7382 (U.S.C.A., 9th Circuit)

Pleadings, 1986
Motion to consolidate with Docket no. 86-7307

Box 8:  Rocky Flats (CO), Hazardous Waste Disposal (1990-1991)

Memoranda, 1990-91

Fact sheets (DOE)
Newsletters/fact sheets (environmental groups)

Hearings on water quality before the CO Water Quality Control Commission
Pre-hearing statement (EDF)
Exhibits (EDF)
Correspondence re: Wirth provisions
Notice of final classification, 1991

Meeting minutes:
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety, 1991

Rocky Flats Environmental Report (EG & G-Rocky Flats)
Federal Facilities Compliance-Treatment Plans (EG & G Rocky Flats)
Rocky Flats Site Development Plan
Waste Management Overview
Rocky Flats Community Relations Plan (DOE), 1991
Risk Management (Resources for the Future), 1991

SERIES 2:  Background Documents

Box 1-8:  Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Regulations (1979-1985)

Box 1

Correspondence, 1983-85
Clippings, 1978, 1986-88

Mill Tailings Disposal at Uravan CO plant:
Stabilization Program, 1980
Stabilization Program, phase II, 1980 (incomplete)

Spring Creek Mesa Disposal Facility (Union Carbide Corporation):
Surface Soil Radon 222 Flux Rates, 1982
Radiological impacts, 1982
Socioeconomic impact, 1982
Flood Survey, 1982

Box 2

Uravan CO Area Reports for Union Carbide Corporation:
Groundwater Monitoring Program, 1983
Geotechnical Evaluation for Reclamation Plan, 1983
Environmental Monitoring Procedure Manual Volume I and II

Box 3

Uranium Mill Tailings--Spring Creek Mesa Disposal Facility (Union Carbide Corporation):
Environmental Monitoring Procedure Manual  Volume II, cont.
Geotechnical investigations
Tailings and effluents impoundments environmental reports

Box 4

Uranium Mill Tailings--Spring Creek Mesa Disposal Facility:
Tailings and effluent impoundments, environmental report
Drawings of Spring Creek Mesa project area (part of Spring Creek Mesa reports)

Box 5

Uranium Mill Tailings--Management:
Management symposium proceedings, 1979
Comments and testimony of EDF staff, 1981-84

Low-level radioactive waste management:
Consultants' reports, 1982
Law journal articles, 1982

Status report of the mill tailings study of the Grants Mineral Belt, 1979

Mill Tailings Legislation:
Comments of EDF on H.R. 2837, reducing human exposure to radon, n.d.
Comments on Reclamation Act of 1985
Reclamation Fund proposal, 1985

Box 6

Uranium Mill Tailings--Effects on health (EDF papers):
Evaluation of Uravan CO mill site, 1984
Evaluation of health effects from radiation exposure near Uravan CO, 1984
Lung cancer risk from radon exposure, 1984
Report on radon exposure levels, 1984

Box 7

Uranium Mill Tailings--Standards:
Correspondence of the EPA, 1984
Environmental impacts of uranium milling, 1979

Comments on proposed standards, 1983:
Southwest Research and Information Center,
Environmental Defense Fund
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Comments on proposed standards for radionuclides (EDF), 1983
Comments on proposed emissions standards (Natural Resources Defense Council)
Energy seminar reports, 1982

Box 7a

Agreement States Program, assessments (Nuclear Regulatory Committee), 1978

"Crisis in the West End: Social and Economic Impacts of the Uranium Market Bust"
(West End Economic Adjustment Committee, CO), 1981

Comments—EDF (1985):
Proposed emissions standards for Radon 222
Proposed rules to conform uranium mill regulations to EPA standards
Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program
Vanadium Corporation uranium site—remedial action

Low Level Radiation (1985):
Waste classification & siting criteria (CA Dept of Health)
Proposed low level waste disposal standards—Background info (EPA)

Box 8

Uranium Mill Tailings--Churchrock (New Mexico) Tailings Spill:
Correspondence from New Mexico Environmental Improvement District, 1983
Correspondence from UNC Mining Co, 1985
Radioactive materials license from Unite3d Nuclear Corporation, 1981
Plan for stabilization at Churchrock, 1984
Clippings, 1979-84

Uranium Mill Tailings--Quivera Mining Co. tailings disposal:
From New Mexico Environmental Improvement District, 1983-86
From Kerr-McGee Corporation/Quivera Co., 1984-86
Groundwater Quality (Kerr-McGee/Quivera report)

Comments on Ambrosia Lake disposal license disposal application, 1982-84

Boxes 9-18:  Nuclear Waste Disposal Guidelines-Site Selection for DisposalGuidelines for Nuclear Waste Repositories (1982-1986):

Box 9

Clippings, 1986-91

Legislative history:
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982
Nuclear waste transportation House & Senate bills, 1982

Comments (EDF):
Environmental assessment for nomination of sites for disposal, 1985
NWPA amendments, 1986
Nuclear waste transportation, 1987

Department of Energy reports:
Yucca Mountain Site Program progress report, 1990
Recommendation of sites for repositories, 1986
Nuclear waste transportation, 1985

Reports to Congress:
Nuclear waste disposal, 1986

OVERSITE (Newsdata Corporation), 1988
OCRWM Bulletin (Dept of Energy), 1988-90

Box 10

Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982
Report to the President by the Inter-Agency Review Group on Nuclear Waste, 1979
Management of Commercially Generated Radioactive Waste (DOE), FEIS, 1980

Box 11

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (Dept. of Energy):
Final environmental impact statement, Vol. 1, 1980

Box 12

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant:
Final environmental impact statement, Vol. 1 &2, 1980
W.I.P.P. site evaluation, DOE response to comments, 1983

Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program (DOE):
Mission Plan for the Management Program, 1984

Box 13

Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program (DOE):
Mission Plan for the Management Program, 1984
Draft amendments, 1991           
Strategic Principles for Planning and Decision-making, 1991 (DOE)
OCRWM Bulletin, January-June, 1991

Box 14

Radioactive waste repository siting guidelines:
Geological disposal of Radioactive Waste: plan for field tests in salt, 1981
Draft plan for siting H-Level Waste Repositories, 1982

National Waste Terminal Storage Program criteria for mined geologic disposal of
Nuclear waste, 1982

Considerations in long term management of H-Level Waste Repositories (ORNL), 1972

Public Hearing before the Dept. of Energy, docket no. NE-RM-83-2, March 1983

Box 15

Proposed Guidelines for recommendations of sites for nuclear waste repositories
February 1983

Public Hearing before the Dept of Energy March 1983

Comments on proposed guidelines for waste repositories:
Federal Agencies
Environmental groups

Box 16

Comments on proposed guidelines for waste repositories, April 1983
Columbia Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
Yakima Indian Nation
Utility Nuclear Waste Management Group
Environmental groups
Environmental Policy Institute
States of MI, VT, NY, ME

Response to public comments on guidelines (DOE), May 1983

Response to public comments on proposed repository guidelines (DOE) Vols. 1 & 2

Box 17

Proposed repositories siting guidelines, response to comments,
November 1983

Repository siting public hearing, January 11, 1984 (NRC):
Transcript of proceedings
Testimony & comments

Box 18

Repository siting guidelines:
Meeting transcripts:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) meeting on staff recommendations on siting guidelines, February 1984
NRC/DOE meeting on repository siting guidelines, March 1984

NRC Concurrence in Repository Siting Guidelines—Comments:
Federal Agencies
State Agencies
Yakima Indian Nation

1984 Draft Mission Plan for Waste Disposal (DOE)
DOE revisions to siting guidelines in response to decision on concurrence, May 1984

Nuclear Regulatory Commission's final decision on repository siting guidelines, June 1984
NRC Transcript on discussion of possible vote on commission concurrence on DOE
Siting guidelines, June 1984

Sub-group IV.3 Nuclear Power Program / Radiation--Project Files

SERIES 1:  Committees & Meetings

Boxes 1-2: High Level Waste Licensing Support System Advisory Committee

Correspondence, 1987-89
Memoranda, 1987-88
Comments on proposed rules for licensing nuclear waste repositories
(EDF), 1987

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 CFR Part 2
Establishment of LSS Advisory Committee, 1987

Minutes of the Advisory Committee, 1987-88

Box 2

10 CFR Part 2, Proposed rules on Licensing Support System

High Level Waste Disposal, 1988
Licensing Support System, 1988

Final rulemaking on Licensing Support System for high level waste repositories

HLW Repository Licensing Support System, feasibility (NRC), 1987
Examples of raw data (DOE)
Licensing Support System analyses (DOE), 1988

Sub-group IV.4 Nuclear Power Program--Public Statements / Texts

SERIES 1: Comments
SERIES 2:  Testimony

Box 1


Yuhnke, R. E.  (1981). Comments on the proposed amended agreement between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of Colorado            under Sec. 274 (d) and (o) of the Atomic Energy Act. Submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Yuhnke, R. E. (1983). Comments on the standards for remedial actions in inactiveuranium processing sites. Submitted to the EPA. Docket no.            A-79-25 ANPR, 48 FR 605(Jan. 5, 1983).

Yuhnke, R.E. et al. (1983). Comments on standards for radionuclides under Sec. 112 of the Clean Air Act.

Yuhnke, R.E. (1985). Comments on the final draft report on low-level waste manifestsand information management: requirements, systems and            needs.

Kassen, M. (1988).  Comments regarding the transportation analysis in the DEISfor the Special Isotope Separation Project.

Kassen, M. (1991). Scoping comments of the Environmental Defense Fun on the programmaticenvironmental impact statement for reconfiguration            of the nuclear weapons complex.


1988: Nuclear waste transportation; Testimony of Melinda Kassen and Caroline Petti before the House Interior Committee, Sub-committee on Nuclear Regulation

1991: Testimony of the Environmental Defense Fund; Hearings before the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, Panel on Transportation and Systems, Denver

Sub-group V Toxic Chemicals Program

Sub-group V.1 Toxic Chemicals Program—Staff Files [Reserved]

Sub-group V.2 Toxic Chemicals Program—Legal Files [Reserved]

Sub-group V. 3 Toxic Chemicals Program—Project Files

SERIES 1:  Committees and Meetings

Box 1:  Environmental Strategy Project, Colorado (1987-1988)

Citizens Advisory Committee:
Meeting agendas and minutes, 1988
Summary of Work Group recommendations, 1987
High priority environmental issues for Denver--survey analysis, July 1988
Issue papers (Report to the ESP Advisory Committee), April 1988
Abstracts of ESP documents, August 1988

Advisory Committee--Groundwater Quality Work Group:
Meeting agendas and discussion papers, 1987-88
Water quality improvement, recreational benefits--report, 1987
Groundwater quality draft recommendations, 1988

Advisory Committee--Outdoor Air Work Group:
Meeting agendas and discussion papers, 1987-88
Outdoor air recommendations, 1988
Metro Denver Brown Cloud Study, 1987-88
(Denver) Metro Air Quality Council--assessment, 1987

Box 2:  Integrated Solid Waste Management [1989-1991]

Integrated Solid Waste Management Task Force:
Correspondence, 1990
Roster, 1989
Phase II Action Plan, 1989
Meeting minutes and handouts, 1990
Interim Report, 1990
Review draft of final report, 1991
Solid waste legislation, 1990

Reducing Working Group of the Task Force:
Correspondence, 1990-91
Status reports, 1990

Technical Issues Sub-Committee report

Sub-group V.4 Toxic Chemicals Program--Public Statements / Texts

SERIES 1: Comments

Box 1

Natural Resources Defense Council & Environmental Defense Fund. (1982). Comments on the OAQPS draft toxic air pollutant strategy and            the OPRM comments.

Rozaklis, L. (1983). Evaluation of contaminated groundwater treatment systems at Lowry Landfill by Engineering Science, Inc.

Wells, P. L. (1983). Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund on closure plan for Denver-Arapahoe Chemical Waste Processing Facility.

Environmental Defense Fund. (1987). Regulation for Formaldehyde and Benzene in Fuels. Submitted to the EPA.