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Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection                 

Collection Number
SC 285

Staff Members

Sources for this list of staff members and their assignments include "Senator Javits and His Staff: Collected Remembrances from the Staff of U.S.," Senator Jacob K. Javits, as well as several hand­ and typewritten lists prepared by the Senator's staff and the archival staff. This alphabetical combines listings by first name, nickname, initials, and by last name. Nicknames are in parentheses following last names. The list is alphabetized by letter, so Mac files ahead of Mc, O' files before names starting with O, for example.

  • AA see Abramowitz, Adina
  • AB see Bennett, Alan
  • Abelman, Jacqueline G. (Jackie). "Late Girl," Appointments Secretary, Government Affairs, Natural Resources.
  • Abramowitz, Adina. New York City Office.
  • Adams, John O. Minority Chief Counsel to U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business, 1972­1975.
  • Adina see Abramowitz
  • AF see Fribourg, Annette
  • Alan see Bennett; Nicholson; Steele­Nicholson
  • Alfred see Rosenberg
  • Allee, Dennis
  • Allen see Lesser
  • Alloway, Don. Press Secretary's office
  • Andrew see Glass
  • Andrews, Jack. Human Resources.
  • Andrews, Kelley. Special Assistant, 1968­1975.
  • Andy see Glass
  • Angeles see Thompson
  • Angie see Thompson
  • Anne see Annett; Monahan; Spiwak
  • Annett, Anne. Secretary to Krumbhaar, George and to Bander, Leslie.
  • Annette see Fribourg
  • AS see Spiwak, Anne
  • ASN see Nicholson, Alan
  • AT see Thompson, Angeles
  • Aten, Robert
  • Attillis, Louise. Mail Room. {Also spelled Attiliis)
  • Aurelio, Richard R. (Dick). Press Assistant, 1961-1963; Administrative Assistant, 1963-1965
  • Avalone, Peter A. Executive Assistant in Charge of New York Office, 1977
  • Babette see Yocum
  • Baker, Lynda. Secretary to Klein, Gary.
  • Ballance, Frank. Special Assistant for Economic Affairs.
  • Bander, Leslie. Minority Economist, Joint Economic Committee.
  • Barbara see Dorfman; Green; Washburn
  • Barr, Leslie J. Minority Economist, Joint Economic Committee, October 1970­May 1975.
  • BB see Blum, Bertie
  • BD see Dorfman, Barbara
  • Bea see Raskin
  • Beau see Dott
  • Bellows, Betsey. Legislative Secretary. Secretary to Warren, Chuck, and to Shakow, Pat.
  • Bennett, Alan R. Government Affairs, Natural Resources.
  • Berman, Richard M. Special Assistant for Community Affairs, New York City Office.
  • Bertie see Blum
  • Betsey see Bellows
  • Betts, Charles A. Executive Assistant to Attorney General Javits, 1955-.
  • Beverly see Charles
  • BG see Green, Barbara
  • Bill see Ryan, Shapiro
  • Bizzini, Noreen. Secretary to Lakeland, Pete.
  • BL see Locke, Robert (Bob)
  • Blitz, Herbert
  • Blum, Bertie
  • Bob see Kaufman; Locke; Patricelli
  • Boyle, Cathy. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • Brian see Conboy
  • Brown, Daphne. Personnel Assistant.
  • Bruce see Kirschenbaum
  • BW see Washburn, Barbara
  • Cahill, Jacklyn. Personal Secretary to Senator Javits.
  • Campbell, Marion
  • Carol see Corcoran
  • Carolann see Haroney
  • Cartwright, Karin. Files.
  • Catherine see Miller
  • Cathi see Warner
  • Cathy see Boyle; Catterson
  • Catterson, Cathy. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • CC see Corcoran, Carol
  • Cerreta, Mary. Albany Office.
  • CH see Haroney, Carolann
  • Charles see Betts; Paolillo; Lawliss; Warren
  • Charles, Beverly. Legislative Assistant. 1977-
  • Cheney, Jean. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • Childers, John
  • Christina see Wolosinski
  • Christopher see Randolph
  • Chuck see Lawliss; Warren
  • Citron, Marilyn. Clerk. Part­time New York City Office Staff.
  • Clare see Cominsky
  • Clark, Peter
  • Clark, Kay. Secretary to Ballance, Frank.
  • Collins, Mary. New York City Office.
  • Cominsky, Clare. Secretary.
  • Conboy, Brian. Special Minority Counsel, Government Affairs.
  • Connell, Patricia. Legislative Counsel.
  • Corcoran, Carol. Joint Economic Committee.
  • Costley, Kelley. Special Assistant.
  • Cremeans, Jan
  • Cummings, Frank. Administrative Assistant, 1968­1972. Minority Labor Counsel, Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, 1966­1967.
  • Cusick, Peter
  • Cusick, Mary. New York City Office.
  • Cutler, Jay B. Minority Counsel, United States Senate Health Subcommittee Committee on Public Welfare and Minority Counsel and Staff Director, United States Senate Human Resources Committee, 1967­1977.
  • CW see Warner, Cathi
  • D. see H.
  • Dan see Szabo
  • Daniel see Szabo
  • Daphne see Brown
  • David see Dunn; Williams
  • Davidowitz, Suzanne. New York City Office.
  • Debbie see Mascari
  • Debra see Mascari
  • Dennis see Allee
  • DH see H., D. {unidentified}
  • Diane see Wattenberg; Schneiderman
  • Diaz, Elisa. New York City Office.
  • Dick see Aurelio
  • DM see Mascari, Debra (?)
  • Don see Alloway; Kellermann; Zimmerman
  • Donald see Kellermann; Zimmerman
  • Dorfman, Barbara. Clerk. Part­time New York City Office Staff.
  • Dorothy see O'Neil; Sankey
  • Dott, Beau. Special Assistant.
  • Duberstein, Kenneth (Ken)
  • Duke, William E. (Bill). Press Secretary, 1963­1969. Executive Assistant and Acting Administrative Assistant.
  • Dunn, David. Research Assistant.
  • Dwight see Griffiths
  • DZ see Zimmerman, Donald (Don)
  • Ebert, John
  • Ed see Pinto
  • ED see Diaz, Elisa
  • Edmund see Pinto
  • Eigelsbach, Joan. Secretary to Lakeland, Pete.
  • EK see Kurz, Ester
  • Elisa see Diaz
  • Ellen see Wessler
  • Elliott, Lynda. Joint Economic Committee.
  • Elliott see Millenson
  • EMC see Cusick, Mary
  • Emery, Susan. Human Resources.
  • Emil see Frankel
  • Entin, Steven
  • Eric see Scoones
  • Ester see Kurz
  • Esterkyn, Shari. Senator Javits' Secretary, 1962­1968.
  • Ethel see Hansen
  • Eugene see Mittelman
  • Falfa see Kalos
  • Federbush, Marjorie Simons. Federal Projects Coordinator, 1964­1969.
  • Felt, Irving M.
  • Fiato, Stephen. Office Assistant. Albany Office.
  • FK see Kalos, Falfa
  • Frank see Ballance; Cummings
  • Frankel, Emil H. Legislative Assistant, 1967­1970.
  • Fribourg, Annette
  • Fristachi, Joseph (Joe). New York City Office
  • Fusco, Gregory (Greg). Human Resources.
  • Gary see Klein
  • Gebhardt, Shari
  • Gelb, Leslie H. (Les). Executive Assistant, 1966­1967.
  • Gene see Mittelman
  • George see Krumbhaar; Van Riper
  • Gerard see Manges
  • Gerry see Manges
  • Gertrude see Sheer
  • Gibson, Ruth. Mail Room.
  • GJ see Jones, Greg
  • Glass, Andrew J. (Andy). Campaign Press Secretary, 1968.
  • Gleiman, Rhona
  • Gloria see Tuell
  • Gordon, Michael S. (Mike). Minority Counsel for Pensions, Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee, 1970­1975.
  • Gorlin, Jacques J. Special Assistant for Economic Affairs, June 1977­January 1981, Chief of the Economic Staff.
  • Green, Barbara. Human Resources.
  • Greenberg, Larry
  • Greenwood, Judith
  • Greg see Fusco; Jones
  • Gregory see Fusco; Jones
  • Griffiths, Dwight. Mail Room.
  • Grossman, James (Jim). Legislative Assistant, 1966-
  • Grossman, Kathy. {wife of Jim Grossman? Javits staff member or campaign aide?}.
  • GS see Sheer, Gertrude
  • GT see Tuell, Gloria
  • Guenther, Kenneth (Ken). Special Assistant for Economic Affairs, 1969­1973.
  • H., D. {unidentified}
  • Hal see Rosenthal
  • Hamilton, Linda. Secretary to Mittelman, Gene.
  • Hansen, Ethel. Assistant to Alloway, Don.
  • Harold see Rosenthal
  • Haroney, Carolann. Buffalo Office.
  • Harrell, Helen. Mail Room Supervisor.
  • Helen see Harrell; Laulor
  • Herbert see Blitz
  • Heyman, Virginia. Secretary to Sommer, Judah C.
  • HL see Laulor, Helen
  • Horton, Sharon. Receptionist.
  • Howell, Kathy. Assistant to Cartwright, Karin.
  • Irving see Felt
  • JA see Ableman, Jacqueline G. (Jackie)
  • Jack see Andrews; Wells
  • Jackie see Ableman
  • Jacklyn see Cahill
  • Jacobs, Patricia (Pat)
  • Jacqueline see Abelman
  • Jacques see Gorlin
  • James see Grossman; O'Connell
  • Jan see Cremeans
  • Jane see Press; Salzfass
  • Jay see Cutler
  • JC see Cremeans, Jan
  • Jean see Cheney; McKee
  • JEG see Greenwood, Judith
  • Jenkins, Margie-Farrell
  • JF see Fristachi, Joseph
  • JG see Gorlin, Jacques J.
  • Jim see Grossman; O'Connell
  • JJ see Jonas, Judy
  • Joan see Eigelsbach
  • JOC see O'Connell, James J. (Jim)
  • Joe see Fristachi
  • John see Adams; Childers; Ebert; Rother; Scales; Trubin
  • Jon see Rosenbaum
  • Jonas, Judy
  • Jones, Gregory G. (Greg). Administrative Assistant, 1979
  • Jones, Keith. Small Business.
  • Joseph see Fristachi
  • JP see Press, Jane
  • JR see Rother, John
  • JRE see Ebert, John
  • Jud see Sommer
  • Judah see Sommer
  • Judith see Greenwood
  • Judy see Jonas, McDonald
  • Kalos, Falfa
  • Kapral, Michele. Buffalo Office.
  • Karen see Pritchard
  • Karin see Cartwright
  • Kate see Stone
  • Kathleen see Widsom
  • Kathy see Grossman, Howell
  • Kaufman, Sheila Kelley
  • Kaufman, Robert M. (Bob).
  • Kay see Clark
  • Kaye see Phillips
  • Kazanjian, Miriam. Intern.
  • Keith see Jones
  • Kellermann, Donald S. (Don). Administrative Assistant; Press Secretary's office. Director of Public Relations.
  • Kelley see Andrews, Costley
  • Ken see Duberstein; Guenther; MacKay
  • Kenneth see Duberstein; Guenther; MacKay
  • KEP see Pritchard, Karen
  • Kingsley, Sidney. Administrative Assistant, 1959.
  • Kirschenbaum, Bruce. Special Assistant, 1969.
  • Klein, Gary. Special Minority Counsel.
  • Knauss, MaryAnn. Deputy Campaign Director, 1980.
  • KP see Phillips, Kaye
  • Kreiner, Patsy
  • Krumbhaar, George. Minority Counsel, Joint Economic Committee.
  • KS see Stone, Kate
  • Kurz, Ester
  • Kurzman, Stephen. Legislative Assistant, 1961­1965. Minority Counsel to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 1965­1966.
  • L. see N.
  • La Faye, Roxanne. Secretary to Adams, John.
  • LA see Attillis, Louise. Mail Room. {Also spelled Attiliis)
  • Lacher, Michael
  • Lakeland, Pete (Albert Ashton, Jr.). Executive Assistant, Chief Foreign Policy Aide.
  • Larry see Greenberg
  • Laulor, Helen
  • Lawliss, Charles (Chuck). Ad agency staff.
  • Lawrence see Lesser; McCarthy
  • LE see Elliott, Lynda
  • Len see Strickman
  • Leonard see Strickman
  • Les see Gelb
  • Leslie see Bander; Gelb; Barr
  • Lesser, Allen. Executive Assistant, November 1959­January 1965.
  • Lesser, Lawrence M. Staff Assistant, 1960­1967.
  • Lieberman, Sylvia
  • Linda see Hamilton
  • Liz see Peyton
  • LN see N., L. {unidentified}
  • Locke, Robert (Bob). Research Assistant.
  • Lonnie see Taylor
  • LP see Pyeton, Liz
  • LPT see Taylor, Lonnie
  • LR see Rivera, Lucas
  • LT see Trovato, Lucia
  • Lucas see Rivera
  • Lucia see Trovato
  • Lynda see Baker; Elliott
  • MAC see Campbell, Marion
  • MacKay, Kenneth (Ken).
  • Manges, Gerard H. (Gerry). Assistant Counsel, 1959
  • Marcia see Speiser
  • Margaret see Reed
  • Margie-Farrell see Jenkins
  • Marilyn see Citron
  • Marion see Campbell
  • Marjorie see Federbush
  • Mary see Cerreta; Collins; Cusick; McFerran; Murray; Sharp; Weldon
  • MaryAnn see Knauss
  • Marybeth see Narcisenfeld
  • Mascari, Debra (Debbie). Secretary to Cutler, Jay.
  • Matthews, Steven (ca. 1980).
  • MBN see Narcisenfeld, Marybeth
  • MC see Cerreta, Mary
  • MC see Collins, Mary
  • McCarthy, Lawrence. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • McDonald, Judy
  • McDonald, Steven (Steve).
  • MCF see McFerran, Mary
  • McFerran, Mary. Caseworker.
  • McKee, Jean. Administrative Assistant, 1972-
  • Meg see Power
  • Merrie see White
  • MFJ see Jenkins, Margie-Farrell
  • Michael see Lacher; Gordon
  • Michele see Kapral
  • Mike see Gordon
  • Millenson, Roy H. Legislative and Press Assistant to Representative Jacob K. Javits, January 1949­October 1955. Legislative Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits, January 1957­October 1959. Minority Staff Director, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, February 1965­December 1974.
  • Millenson, Elliott. Part­time assistant to Monahan, Anne.
  • Miller, M. Catherine
  • Miranda, Tom. Human Resources.
  • Mittelman, Eugene (Gene). Minority Counsel, Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, 1967­1974.
  • MK see Kapral, Michele
  • Monahan, Anne. Special Assistant.
  • Moul Tisdale, Betty. Personal Secretary to Senator Javits, 1963­1969.
  • MP see Power, Meg
  • MS see Sharp, Mary
  • Munnell, Terry
  • Murray, Mary A. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • Murray, Thomas. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • Murtaugh, Sandy. Foreign Relations Committee staff.
  • MW see White, Merrie
  • N., L. {unidentified}
  • Nancy see Shakman; Shuker
  • Narcisenfeld, Marybeth
  • Nicholson, Alan
  • Nicosia, Eileen
  • Noreen see Bizzini
  • NYO = New York Office
  • O'Connell, James J. (Jim). Labor and Human Resources Committee Professional Staff Member. Chief Legislative Assistant to Senator Javits, 1975­1981.
  • O'Neil, Dorothy. Assistant. Buffalo Office.
  • Paolillo, Charles D. Special Assistant for International Affairs, 1965
  • Pat see Jacobs; Shakow; Walsh
  • Patricelli, Robert (Bob).
  • Patricia see Connell; Jacobs; Perlman; Shakow
  • Patsy see Kreiner; Perlman
  • PC see Clark, Peter
  • Perlman, Patricia K. (Patsy). Assistant to Senator Javits and Office Manager, New York City Office.
  • Pete see Lakeland
  • Peter see Avalone; Clark; Cusick; Teeley; Turza
  • Peyton, Liz. Human Resources.
  • Phillips, Kaye. Press Secretary's office. Assistant. Albany Office.
  • Pinto, Edmund (Ed). Press Secretary, 1977­1980.
  • PL see Lakeland, Peter
  • Power, Meg. Government Affairs.
  • Press, Jane
  • Pritchard, Karen. Human Resources.
  • PT see Turza, Peter
  • PW see Walsh, Pat. Secretary to the Senator, Washington.
  • Rand, Robin. Secretary to Conboy, Brian.
  • Randolph, Christopher. Research Assistant. Part­time New York City Office Staff.
  • Raskin, Bea. Staff Member Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, 1967­1977.
  • Reed, Margaret. Secretary to Berman, Richard.
  • Reeves, Rosser
  • Rhona see Gleiman
  • Richard see Aurelio; Berman
  • Rivera, Lucas
  • Robert see Aten; Locke; Kaufman; Patricelli
  • Robin see Rand
  • Rosenbaum, Jon. Foreign Affairs­economic.
  • Rosenberg, Alfred
  • Rosenthal, Harold (Hal).
  • Rosser see Reeves
  • Rother, John. Human Resources.
  • Rovner, Susan
  • Roxanne see La Faye
  • Roy see Millenson
  • RSG see Gleiman, Rhona
  • Ruth see Gibson
  • Ryan, Bill. Press Secretary's office.
  • Salzfass, Jane. Personal Secretary to Senator Javits, New York City Office.
  • Sandy see Murtaugh
  • Sankey, Dorothy. Office Manager. Secretary to McKee, Jean.
  • Scales, John. Minority Counsel, Senate Labor Subcommittee on Employment, 1969­1975.
  • Schneiderman, Diane. Intern.
  • Scoones, Eric. Part­time United States Senate Staff.
  • Scott see Sklar
  • SD see Davidowitz, Suzanne
  • SE see Emery, Susan
  • Shakman, Nancy. Secretary to Gordon, Mike.
  • Shakow, Patricia (Pat). Legislative Assistant, 1964­1977.
  • Shapiro, William (Bill). Intern.
  • Shari see Esterkyn, Gebhardt
  • Sharon see Horton
  • Sharp, Mary
  • Sheer, Gertrude. Secretary to Costley, Kelley.
  • Sheila see Kelley; Kaufman
  • Shuker, Nancy
  • Sidney see Kingsley
  • Sklar, Scott. Caseworker.
  • SL see Lieberman, Sylvia
  • SM see Matthews, Steven
  • SM see Murgtauh, Sandy
  • Sommer, Judah C. (Jud). Executive Assistant, 1972­1974. Campaign Manager, 1974. Minority Counsel, Senate Select Committee on Small Business, 1975­1976.
  • Speiser, Marcia. Receptionist.
  • Spiwak, Anne
  • SR see Rovner, Susan
  • Steele­Nicholson, Alan. Press Secretary's office.
  • Steinberg, Stephen. Deputy Campaign Director.
  • Stephen see Fiato; Kurzman; Steinberg
  • Steve see McDonald
  • Steven see Entin; Matthews; McDonald
  • Stone, Kate. Government Affairs.
  • Strickman, Leonard P. (Len). Minority Counsel to the Senate Select Committee on Equal Educational Opportunity, 1970­1972.
  • Susan see Emery; Rovner
  • Suzanne see Davidowitz
  • Sylvia see Lieberman
  • Szabo, Daniel (Dan). Special Assistant for Economic Affairs, 1963­1969.
  • Taylor, Lonnie
  • TBM see Miranda, Tom
  • Teeley, Peter. Press Secretary's office.
  • Terry see Munnell
  • Thomas see Murray
  • Thompson, Angeles (Angie). Receptionist, New York City Office.
  • Tisdale, Betty Moul see Moul Tisdale, Betty
  • TM see Munnell, Terry
  • Tom see Miranda
  • Tony see Welters
  • Trovato, Lucia. New York City Office.
  • Trubin, John. Close friend and political adviser.
  • Tuell, Gloria. Mail Room.
  • Turza, Peter. Human Resources.
  • TW see Welters, Tony
  • Valarie see Wilbur
  • Van Riper, George. Special Assistant, Albany.
  • Virginia see Heyman
  • VW see Wilbur, Valarie
  • Walsh, Pat. Senator's Secretary in Washington.
  • Warner, Cathi. Government Affairs.
  • Warren, Charles (Chuck). Legislative Assistant.
  • Washburn, Barbara. Legislative Assistant, May 1977­February 1980.
  • Wattenberg, Diane Abelman. 1968­1972.
  • Weldon, Mary M. Clerical Assistant.
  • Wells, Jack
  • Welters, Tony
  • Wessler, Ellen. Secretary to Perlman, Patricia K.
  • Wheeler, Winslow T. (Win). Special Assistant for Foreign Relations and National Defense, 1971­1981; Special Assistant, National Security, 1978­1980.
  • White, Merrie
  • Widsom, Kathleen. Special Projects for Sommer, Jud, New York City Office.
  • Wilbur, Valarie
  • William see Duke; Shapiro
  • Williams, David. Intern.
  • Win see Wheeler
  • Winslow see Wheeler
  • Wolosinski, Christina. Research Assistant, New York City Office
  • WW see Wheeler, Winslow T. (Win)
  • Yocum, Babette. Secretary to Scales, John.
  • Zimmerman, Donald (Don). Human Resources.