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Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection

Collection Number
SC 285


Series 11: Civil Rights

Box 1

  • Airports, 1960-1961.
  • Albany, Georgia, 1962
  • Americans for Democratic Action, 1961-1962. {See also legal-size files}
  • Armed Forces, 1960
  • Birmingham, Alabama, 1961
  • Black Power. Adam Clayton Powell, 1966
  • Boynton v. Virginia, 1960
  • Busing, 1972-1974. 2f.

Box 2

  • Busing, 1974 {See also legal-size files}
  • Case, Senator Clifford, 1966
  • Censorship of Communist Literature, 1962-1963.
  • Christmas Boycott, 1963
  • Church and State, 1964
  • Civil Liberties Legislation, 1959-1960. {See also legal-size files}
  • Civil Rights Commission, 1959-1961.
  • Coleman Nomination, 1965

Box 3

  • Coleman Nomination, 1965 {See also legal-size files}
  • Community Relations Service. Transfer of Community Relations Service to Justice Department, 1965-1966. {See also legal-size files}
  • Contract Compliance, Department of Defense, 1969
  • Court-Appointed Special Masters, 1959
  • Crime Statistics, 1960
  • Desegregation, 1956-1957.
  • Education, 1958-1961.

Box 4

  • Education, 1958-1961.
  • Employment, 1960-1963. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
  • Entertainment Industry, 1962
  • Equal Rights Amendment, 1972

Box 5

  • Federal Regulations and Statistics, 1957-1958.
  • Federal Response and Legislation, 1957-1975.
  • Federally Funded Discrimination, 1961-1965. 2f.

Box 6

  • Federally Funded Discrimination, 1961-1965. 3f.
  • Foreign Reports, 1961
  • Freedom Riders, 1961
  • Group Libel, 1963
  • Haynsworth Nomination, 1969

Box 7

  • Housing, 1956-1970. {See also legal-size files}

Box 8

  • Human Rights, 1961
  • Income Statistics, 1960
  • Interposition, 1957-1961.
  • Javits Legislation. Tour of Southern States, 1958-1959. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
  • Javits Statements,
  • Judicial Review, 1965
  • Koinonia Community. Americus, Georgia, 1957
  • Legislation, 1952-1958. {See also legal-size files}

Box 9

  • Legislation, 1958-1963. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
  • Lincoln Sesquicentennial, 1959-1961.
  • Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957 {See also legal-size files}
  • Loyalty Oath, 1958-1964.

Box 10

  • Mail Delivery, 1964-1965.
  • Mallory Ruling, 1964
  • Miscellaneous, 1963-1965.
  • Mississippi, 1962
  • Montgomery, Alabama Libel Suits, 1963
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Reports, 1961
  • New York State, 1956-1961. 2f.
  • Poll Tax, 1965
  • Powell, Adam Clayton, 1968
  • Quotations,

Box 11

  • Rehnquist, William H., Nomination, 1971
  • Republican Party, 1956
  • Research Information, 1957-1962. {See also legal-size files} 3f.

Box 12

  • Research Information, 1958-1962.
  • Rochester, New York, 1965
  • Rockville Centre, New York, 1965-1966.
  • School Desegregation, 1958
  • Selma, Alabama. Voter Registration, 1965 {See also legal-size files}
  • South Africa, 1959
  • Southern Manifesto, 1956
  • State Authority v. Federal Authority, 1957-1961.
  • Sunday Closing Legislation, 1963
  • Supreme Court and the Constitution, 1963

Box 13

  • Violence, 1958-1961.
  • Voter Registration, 1966
  • Voting Rights, 1957-1963. {See also legal-size files} 2f.
  • Voting Rights Act. Floor File, 1975
  • Voting Rights, Eighteen Year Old Vote, 1967-1971.

Box 14

  • Voting Rights Act, 1975 3f.
  • Voting Statistics, 1960

Box 15

  • Americans for Democratic Action, 1958-1962.
  • Bipartisan Civil Rights Newsletter, 1964
  • Busing, 1974
  • Civil Liberties Legislation, 1959-1960.
  • Coleman Nomination, 1965
  • Community Relations Service, 1965-1966.
  • Constitutional Rights, 1966
  • Dodd, Bella, 1952-1967.
  • Employment, 1962

Box 16

  • Housing. "Stroke of the Pen" Campaign, 1961-1970.
  • Javits Legislation, 1958-1959.
  • Legislation, 1952-1960. 2f.
  • Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957-1960. 2f.
  • Military Justice, 1966

Box 17

  • Puerto Ricans, 1965
  • Research Information, 1957
  • Selma, Alabama, 1965
  • Southern School News, 1958-1960. 2f.

Box 18

  • Southern School News, 1961-1963. 3f.
  • Voting Rights, 1958