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Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection
Manuscript Collection 285

Series 4, Sub-series 6: Joint Economic Committee 

Box 1

  • American Women Workers Hearings. Kreps, Juanita M.; Stark, John R.; Miller, M. Catherine; Zablocki, Clement; Brooks, Jack; Perkins, Carl, 1977
  • Anti-Inflation Program, 1974
  • Automation and Energy Resources Subcommittee, 1960
  • Balance of Payments. Webster, Donald A., 1963-1964, 1969.
  • Balance of Payments Hearings. Szabo, Daniel; Webster, Donald A.; Knowles, James; Douglas, Paul H., 1963 2f.
  • Balance of Payments Hearings. Webster, Donald A.; Knowles, James, 1963 1964.
  • Balance of Payments Hearings, 1964
  • Balance of Payments Hearings. Jacob K. Javits Statement, 1969

Box 2

  • Business Council Luncheon. Szabo, Daniel; Webster, Donald A., 1965
  • Correspondence. Benjamin A. Javits, 1959-1960.
  • Correspondence. Robert Kaufman, 1960
  • Correspondence, 1961-1962.
  • Correspondence, 1965
  • Correspondence, 1966
  • Correspondence, 1967-1969.
  • Current Economic Situation and Outlook Hearings. Douglas, Paul H., 1960
  • Current Economic Situation and Outlook Hearings. Blitz, Herbert, 1960 1961.
  • Defense Procurement Subcommittee. Douglas, Paul H.; Curtis, Thomas; McCormack, John, 1960-1965.

Box 3

  • Defense Procurement Subcommittee. Buy American Act, 1964
  • Defense Procurement Subcommittee. Government Publications. "Background Material on Economic Aspects of Military Procurement and Supply. Impact of Military Supply and Service Activities on the Economy.," 1963
  • Economic Cost of Racial Discrimination. Walter Heller, Kermit Gordon, 1962
  • Economic Growth and Stabilization Subcommittee. Congressional Research Service Reports, 1976 5f.

Box 4

  • Economic Growth and Stabilization Subcommittee. Rural Economic Development Hearings, 1977 {See also legal-size files} 2f.
  • Economic Impact of Federal Procurement Hearings, 1965
  • Economic Progress Subcommittee. Wright Patman, 1965
  • Economic Progress Subcommittee. Automation and Technology in Education, 1966
  • Economic Report of the President. Szabo, Daniel; Knowles, James; Webster, Donald A., 1965 2f.
  • Economic Report of the President. Minority Views. Webster, Donald A., 1964
  • Economic Report of the President Hearings. Douglas, Paul H.; Webster, Donald; Knowles, James; Szabo, Daniel, 1964 2f.

Box 5

  • Economic Stabilization, Automation, and Energy Resources Subcommittee. Task Force to Investigate Business Inventories, 1962
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee, 1962
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee. William Proxmire, James Knowles, 1965 1966.
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee. Comparison of United States and Soviet Economies, 1959-1960.
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee. Federal Government Statistics, 1956 1961.
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee. Government Publication. "Comparison of the United States and Soviet Economies" (1959), 1959
  • Economic Statistics Subcommittee. Job Vacancy Statistics, 1966
  • Economy of Communist China, 1966
  • Economy of Communist China Hearings. Szabo, Daniel; Stark, John, 1967
  • Employment Act of 1946. Amendment on Appropriations for the Joint Economic Committee. Matthew Hale, 1964
  • Employment Situation. United States Department of Labor Report, 1976
  • Employment, Growth and Price Levels. draft of Joint Economic Committee Report. Douglas, Paul H.; Kaufman, Robert, 1960
  • Evaluation of United States Economy by European Experts. John Stark, 1962
  • Federal Budget as an Economic Document, 1963
  • Federal Expenditures. Gordon, Kermit; Blitz, Herbert, 1963
  • Federal Reserve Proposal on Commercial Bank Borrowing. Douglas Frechtling, 1969
  • Fiscal Policy Subcommittee. Webster, Donald A.; Szabo, Daniel, 1965, 1967
  • Fiscal Policy Subcommittee. Private Pension Plans Hearings, 1966
  • Fiscal Policy Subcommittee. Revenue Sharing Plan, 1964

Box 6

  • Foreign Banks in the United States, 1966
  • Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee. William Summers Johnson, Hale Boggs, 1961-1962.
  • Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee. Henry Reuss, 1967
  • Foreign Economic Policy Subcommittee. Hale Boggs, 1969
  • German Economic Policy, 1961
  • German Indemnification and the Balance of Payments, 1961
  • Gold and the Balance of Payments, 1961
  • Gold Price. Henry Reuss, 1962
  • Gold Reserve Requirement. Szabo, Daniel, 1964
  • Great Society Hearings. Wright Patman, 1965
  • Gurley. Achinstein Report on the Federal Open Market Committee, 1962
  • Improving the International Monetary System Hearings. Henry Reuss, 1965
  • Inter-American Economic Relationships Subcommittee. Economic Development in South America, 1962
  • Inter-American Economic Relationships Subcommittee. Private Investment and the Alliance. John Sparkman, 1964
  • Inter-American Economic Relationships Subcommittee. Western Hemisphere Free Trade, 1964
  • Inter-American Economic Relationships Subcommittee. John Sparkman, 1965
  • Inter-American Economic Relationships Subcommittee. Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Private Investments in Latin America. John Sparkman, 1963-1964.
  • Interest Rate Jumps and Advance Notice in the Stock Market. Szabo, Daniel, 1966
  • International Exchange and Payments Subcommittee. Henry Reuss, John W. Lehman, 1961
  • International Exchange and Payments Subcommittee. Szabo, Daniel; Percy, Charles, 1962, 1967

Box 7

  • International Exchange and Payments Subcommittee. Government Publication. Factors Affecting the United States Balance of Payments, 1962
  • International Exchange and Payments Subcommittee. International Monetary Reform. Szabo, Daniel; Reuss, Henry S., 1965 2f.
  • International Monetary Fund Conference. Douglas Dillon, 1964
  • International Reserve System, 1964
  • Jacob K. Javits Statement before Senate Appropriations and Budget Committees, 1978
  • Jacob K. Javits Statement on President's Budget Message, 1969
  • Joint Economic Committee. John Lehman, Walter Heller, James Knowles, Robert Kaufman, 1961-1963.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Knowles, James; Szabo, Daniel; Douglas, Paul H., 1963-1964.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Webster, Donald A.; Knowles, James; Patman, Wright; Proxmire, William; Szabo, Daniel, 1965
  • Joint Economic Committee. Curtis, Thomas; Szabo, Daniel; Patman, Wright; Long, Russell, 1966
  • Joint Economic Committee. Szabo, Daniel; Webster, Donald A.; Proxmire, William; Reuss, Henry S., 1967-1968.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Webster, Donald A., 1976, 1978
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Lehman, John; Kaufman, Robert; Douglas, Paul H.; Curtis, Thomas; Patman, Wright, 1959-1961.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Patman, Wright; McClellan, John; Curtis, Thomas; Szabo, Daniel; Webster, Donald A.; Knowles, James; Stark, John, 1961-1965.

Box 8

  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Knowles, James; Blitz, Herbert; Webster, Donald A.; Douglas, Paul H.; Szabo, Daniel, 1963-1965.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Szabo, Daniel; Knowles, James; Douglas, Paul H.; Patman, Wright; Webster, Donald A.; Stark, John, 1965 1967.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. James Knowles, Wright Patman, 1966
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Henry Reuss, Thomas Curtis, William Proxmire, Barber Conable, Jr., Clarence Brown, Douglas Frechtling, Wright Patman, 1967-1969.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Administrative. Douglas Frechtling, William Proxmire, Wright Patman, 1968-1969.
  • Joint Economic Committee. Government Publication. "Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power," 1962
  • Joint Economic Committee. Proposed Studies. Webster, Donald A., 1963
  • Joint Economic Committee. Proposed Studies, 1969
  • Joint Economic Committee Prints. Webster, Donald A.; Douglas, Paul H., 1963
  • Joint Economic Committee Report, 1960 {See also legal-size files}
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Blitz, Herbert, 1963
  • Joint Economic Committee Report, 1969
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. draft. Wright Patman, 1961
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Minority View. Kaufman, Robert; Bush, Prescott S., 1959

Box 9

  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Minority View. Robert Kaufman, 1960
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Minority View. Szabo, Daniel; Burns, Arthur F., 1964
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Minority View, 1969
  • Joint Economic Committee Report. Minority View. John Stark, 1974
  • Latin American Common Market. Thomas Curtis, 1965
  • Measuring Employment and Unemployment Hearings, 1963
  • Memoranda from Otto Eckstein and John Kareken, 1959
  • Midyear Report on the Economy, 1975
  • Military Expenditures and the Economy, 1970
  • Multi-national Corporations. Szabo, Daniel, 1969
  • Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments. Douglas, Paul H., 1963 {See also legal-size files}
  • Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments. Knowles, James; Szabo, Daniel; Douglas, Paul H.; Boggs, Thomas, 1963-1964.
  • Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments. Szabo, Daniel; Webster, Donald A., 1964
  • Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments. Szabo, Daniel, 1965
  • Open Market System. Wright Patman, 1961
  • Martin, William McChesney Speech on the United States Economic Situation. Responses. Webster, Donald A.; Patman, Wright; Szabo, Daniel, 1965

Box 10

  • Response of Central Intelligence Agency to questions of Percy, Charles, Senator, during hearings on Soviet and Chinese economies, 24 May 1976, 1976 June 11-1976 June 15.
  • "Shadow" Council of Economic Advisors. Webster, Donald A.; Curtis, Thomas, 1964
  • "The United States Balance of Payments I and III." Government Publications. Also the forecast: "The United States Balance of Payments in 1968," 1963
  • Pravda article attacking Joint Economic Committee's "Annual Economic Indicators for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," 1964
  • Prices and the Relation to Economic Stability and Growth. Benjamin A. Javits, 1958
  • Record of Policy Actions of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Record of the Federal Open Market System, 1967
  • Regular Budgetary Estimates and Analyses. Knowles, James; Douglas, Paul H.; Webster, Donald A., 1963
  • Relocation Assistance Study. James Knowles, 1965
  • Revision of "Economic Indicators." Richard Bolling, Wright Patman, 1960 1961.
  • South Africa Drawing on International Monetary Fund. Szabo, Daniel; Frechtling, Douglas, 1969
  • Staff Memoranda to Jacob K. Javits. George Krumbhaar, M. Catherine Miller, Robert Aten, 1975-1978.
  • Staff Memoranda to Jacob K. Javits. M. Catherine Miller, Steve Entin, George Krumbhaar, 1976-1978. {Closed} Restriction: memos from G. Krumbhaar 2/1978.
  • State of the Economy and Policies for Full Employment Hearings, 1962
  • Steel Hearings. James Knowles, 1963
  • Trade Agreement Negotiations. Webster, Donald A., 1963
  • Twentieth Anniversary of the Employment Act of 1946. Szabo, Daniel, 1965
  • Twentieth Anniversary of the Employment Act of 1946. Wright Patman, 1966
  • Urban Affairs Subcommittee. Thomas Curtis, 1967

Box 11

  • Urban Finance, 1975, 1977
  • Wage-Price Guidelines. Henry Reuss, Thomas Curtis, 1966

Box 12

  • Economic Growth and Stabilization Subcommittee. Rural Economic Development Hearings, 1977
  • Joint Economic Committee Report on the 1960 Economic Report of the President. Douglas, Paul H., 1960
  • Ocean Freight Rates, 1963