Robert Payne Collection Collection 293
Subgroup II: Correspondence
Series 1: Literary Correspondence by Title Series 2: Literary Correspondence by Publisher Series 3: Other Correspondence Subseries A. Literary and Personal Correspondence by Name Subseries B. Correspondence Subseries C. Apartment Correspondence Subseries D. Letters to Others Series 4: Family Correspondence Subseries A. Robert Payne's Letters to His Parents, 1934-1972 Subseries B. Stephen Payne's Letters to Robert Payne, 1947-1972 Subseries C. Mireille Dorey Payne's Letters to Robert Payne Subseries D. Correspondence with Other Relatives
Series 1: Literary Correspondence by Title
Box 1
- Alexander and the Camp Follower {A play}
- Alexander of Asia {A play}
- Alexander the God (Variant title: Alexander and the Camp Follower)
- Ancient Cities of the Middle East
- Ancient Greece; The Triumph of a Culture (Variant title: The Triumph of the Greeks)
- Angels
- Anthology of Western Poetry
- Anthony and Cleopatra
- The Apocalypse of our Time, and Other Writings
- Apollon in America
- Art of Anna Pavlova
- The Bear Coughs at the North Pole
- Behold the Lamb
- Betsy and Napoleon {A Play}
- Biography of Hassoldt Davis
- Biography of Sir Richard Burton
- Birth of Venus
- Blockade
- Blood Royal
- The Blue Nigger and Other Stories
- The Borgia Family {A book proposal}
- Brave Harvest (Variant title: Harvest)
- By Me, William Shakespeare
- Call Me Abraham
- The Canal Builders; The Story of the Canal Engineers Through the Ages
- Caravaggio
- Charlie and the Green Dragons
- Chiang Kai-shek
- The Chieftain
- Childhood
- China Revisited
- Chinese Poetry of Love and Grief {An article}
- Christ in New York
- The Christian Centuries: From Christ to Dante
- Chungking Diary
- Cities of the Bible
- The Civil War in Spain, 1936-1939
- The Cloisters
- The Cloud and the Fire
- Conchita {A musical} (Cf. Conchita and Rezanov)
- The Concord Bridge
- Corrupt Society: From Ancient Greece to Present-Day America
- David and Anna
- Death is a Funny Thing: A Memoir
- Death of an Empress {A play}
- Death of the Poet {A play}
- The Deluge, A Novel by Leonardo da Vinci
- Documents of Revolution
- Dostoyevsky: A Human Portrait
- The Dream and the Tomb: A History of the Crusades
- Dream of a Red Chamber
- Dream of Women (Previous title: A Dream of Fair Women)
Box 2
- Eyewitness; A Personal Account of a Tumultuous Decade, 1937-1946
- The Fair Winds (Other titles: The Storm; The Shining Seas)
- The Fathers of the Western Church
- Fear and Trembling; A Dialectical Lyric
- The First Terrorist
- Fortress
- Four Gospels (See also: William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale)
- Galilee
- Gentleman of Persia; Being the Authorized Biography of Arthur Upham Pope
- Gershwin
- The Girl in the Red Dress {A screenplay}
- The Glory of the Eastern Church
- The Glory of the Greek Church
- The Gold of Troy
- The Golden Flower {A poetry anthology}
- The Golden Treasury of Western Poetry {An anthology}
- Granite Island
- The Great Buildings of the World
- The Great Garbo
- The Great God Pan (Variant title: The Great Charlie)
- The Great Man; A Portrait of Winston Churchill
- The Great Wall of China
- Green Dragon
- Green Palms
- Heritage
- The Himmler Papers
- The Holy Fire; The Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church
- The Holy Sword; The Story of Islam from Muhammad to the Present
- The Horizon Book of Ancient Rome (Variant title: Ancient Rome)
- A House in Peking (Variant title: Prinzessin Rote Jade)
- Hubris, A Study of Pride (See also: The Wanton Nymph; A Study of Pride)
- The Image of Chekhov; Forty Stories in the Order in Which They Were Written
- In a Nest of Flames {A poem}
- In Search of Time {A book proposal}
- In the Footsteps of Buddha
- Island: The Story of the Fortunes
- Island; A Journey to Sakhalin
- The Isles of Greece
- Ivan the Terrible
Box 3
- Journey to Persia
- Journey to Red China
- Lawrence of Arabia; A Triumph
- Leonardo (Previous title: Flight of the Great Bird: The Life of Leonardo da Vinci)
Box 4
- Lesseps, Vicomte Ferdinand Marie de (Collier's Encyclopedia)
- The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler
- The Life and Death of Lenin
- The Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi
- The Life and Death of Trotsky
- The Life, Death and Mystery of the Lord Buddha (Folder includes: The Buddha. the Play
of the Lord Buddha)
- The Lion Roars
- The Looters
- The Lord Jesus
- Lorenzo the Magnificent
- The Lost Treasures of the Mediterranean World
- Love and Other Stories, by Olyesha, Yuri K.
- Love and Peace (Variant title: Torrents of Spring)
- Love Stories From the Bible
- Lovers in the Sun (Working title: Death in the Cooling Night)
Box 5
- Maharajah
- Mao Tse-tung, Ruler of Red China (Variant title: Portrait of a Revolutionary; Mao
- Mardi Gras {A screenplay or operetta}
- The Marshall Story; A Biography of General George C. Marshall (Variant title: General
Marshall; A Study in Loyalties)
- The Martyr
- Mary Mother of God
- Massacre
- Memory of David (Variant title: In Memory of David)
- Michelangelo
- The Mississippi
- The Murderers
- Naval Person
- Nova Scotia {A proposal}
- O Western Wind
- Orient
- A Palace in Peking
- Peking Elegies
- Peking; The Splendour and the Glory
- Portrait of André Malraux
- The Publisher
- Pushkin and Gogol {A proposal}
- A Rage for China
- Red Lion Inn
- Red Mountain
- Red Storm Over Asia
- Reflections on a Naked Woman
- Report on America
- The Revolt of Africa {A proposal}
- The Revolt of Asia
- The Rise and Fall of Stalin
- The Roaring Boys (Variant title: The Royal Players)
- Robert Browning
- The Roman Triumph
- The Romanoffs
- The Russian Library (Variant title: The New Russian Library) {A series}
Box 6
- Schweitzer (A screenplay)
- A Season in Hell
- The Senator, by Dekker, Thomas, pseud.
- Sensitive Murderers
- Sergey Nechayev
- The Shepherd
- The Showman
- The Smiling Goddesses: The Treasures of the Museum of the Acropolis
- The Splendor of China
- The Splendor of England
- The Splendor of France (Variant title: The Splendour of France)
- The Splendor of Greece (Variant title: The Splendour of Greece)
- The Splendor of India (Variant title: The Splendour of India)
- The Splendor of Israel (Variant title: The Splendour of Israel)
- The Splendor of Italy
- The Splendor of Persia
- The Splendor of the Holy Land--Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon
- The Splendors of Asia: India, Thailand and Japan
- The Stones of Jerusalem
- The Story of Thais {A play}
- The Stranger
- A Summer in Greece
- Sun, Stones and Silence
- Tea Ceremony {A play}
- Terminus {A play}
- The Terrorists
- Tessa
- Theory of Assassination
- There was a Dawn in Greece
- Three Worlds of Albert Schweitzer (Variant title: Schweitzer; Hero of Africa)
- Three Worlds of Boris Pasternak
- To what Red Hell
- The Tormentors
- Tortured and the Damned
Box 7
- Treasury of Great Western Poetry {Cf. Anthology of Western Poetry. Golden Flower.
A Golden Treasury of Western Poetry}
- The Trial and Subsequent Auto-Destruction of the Late Lamented President
- The Trial of Judge Elder
- Trumpet in the Night
- The Tunnel {A film proposal}
- The Unknown Karl Marx; Documents Concerning Karl Marx
- Ursula {A novel}
- Visionary: A Life of William Blake
- The Wanton Nymph; A Study of Pride
- The White Pony
- The White Rajahs of Sarawak
- William Tyndale (See also: The Four Gospels) {A television proposal}
- World Literature
- World of Art
- Wreath for Socrates
- Young Actresses
- Young Emperor (Variant title: The Great Mogul)
Series 2: Literary Correspondence by Publisher
Box 1
- A & W Publishers, Inc.
- Abrams (Harry), Inc.
- Allen (George) & Unwin Ltd.
- Allen (W.H.) & Company
- American Heritage Press
- Avon Books
- Ballantine Books, Inc.
- Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
- Bookman
- Bradley, William Aspenwall
- Chicago Tribune
- Citadel Press, Inc.
- Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc.
- Cresset Press Limited
- Crowell (Thomas Y.) Company, Inc.
- Day (John) Company
- Dell Publishing Company, Inc.
- Deutsch (André)
- Dial Press
- Doubleday
- Dutton (E.P.) & Co.
- Elek Books Limited
- Esquire
- Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.
- Fawcett Publications
- Funk and Wagnalls
- Gollancz (Victor,) Ltd.
- Hale (Robert) Limited
- Hamilton (Hamish) Ltd.
- Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
- Harper and Brothers
- Harper & Row
- Harper's Magazine
- Heinemann (William) Ltd.
- Holiday Magazine
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston
- Horizon
- Houghton Mifflin Company
Box 2
- Klausner, Bertha
- Correspondence between Robert Payne and his literary agent, Bertha Klausner, of the
Bertha Klausner Agency.
- Knopf
- 3.Ladies' Home Journal
- Lippincott (J.B.) Company
- Little, Brown and Company
- London Film Productions Ltd.
- Look Magazine
- Macmillan Company
- McCall Publishing Company
- McGraw-Hill
- Meredith Press
- Methuen, Inc.
- Mohrbooks
- Morrow (William) & Company, Inc.
- Muhlenberg Press
- Nelson (Thomas) & Sons
- New American Library
- New Directions
- New York Times
- Norton (W.W.) & Company, Inc.
- Oxford University Press
- Praeger Publishers Inc.
- Prentice-Hall, Inc.
- Putnam (G.P.) Sons
- Pyramid
- Random House, Inc.
- Reader's Digest
- Rizzoli International
- Saturday Review
- Simon and Schuster
- St. Martin's Press, Incorporated
- Thames and Hudson Ltd.
- Time-Life Books
- Tuttle (Charles E.) Co., Inc.
- Vanguard Press
- Viking Penguin Inc.
- Washington Square Press, Inc.
- Weybright and Talley, Inc.
- Wyn (A.A.), Inc.
Box 4
- Unsorted correspondence (may include correspondence that needs to be filed in other
Series 3: Other Correspondence
Subseries A. Literary and Personal Correspondence by Name
Box 1
- A
- Adler-Rudel, S.
- Agarwal, Chandra
- Alabama College
- Albery, Nobuko (Ouenishi) (Includes: Morris, Ivan, Mrs.; Morris, Nobuko (Ouenishi);
Ouenishi, Nobuko)
- Allen, Mary E.
- Antoninus, Brother (i.e., Everson, William)
- Art Asia Inc.
- Artemakis, Alexander
- Asia Institute
- Authors Guild Inc., Authors League of America, inc.
- Babb, Sanora
- Baker, Barbara Ann. Alabama College student who acted in the color film Jeanie, produced in 1953. (B., Barbara Ann)
- Balcells, Carmen, Agencia Literaria
- Barcroft, Judith
- Barlow, Samuel Latham Mitchill, b.1892.
- Barnes, Djuna
- Bobrinsky, Alexis, Count (Includes: Bobrinsky, Olga)
- Book Dealers
- Bradley, Lionel
- Brand, Millen
- Brandin, Marcel
Box 2
- Brennan, Norman
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- Brodsky, Joseph
- Brynner, Yul
- Buck, Pearl S.
- Bunzel, Ruth
- Burton, Barbara (Daughter of MacIntyre, Marian?)
- Butterick, George F.
- Callahan, Barbara (Includes: Callahan, Jim)
- Campbell, Allan A., Jr.
- Canfield, Cass
- Capron, Jill (Stern)
- Carr, Gladys J.
- Cathy (Also: Catherine) {First name}
Box 3
- Chakravarty, Amiya
- Chen, Stephen (Includes: Chen, Stella (Snead))
- Chiang, Yee, b.1903
- Chin Ti
- Chowdhury, Kabir
- Clemens, Cyril
- Coggins, Carolyn
- Consuelo Nina (Nina Consuelo?)
- Cooley, Bridie
- Corinis, Jimmy D.
- Crawford, Joan
- Crown, Bonnie R.
- Curtin, Edward J., Jr.
- Daniels, Guy
- Davidova, Lucia
- Davis, Bette
- Decker, Clarence R. (Includes: Decker, Mary)
- DeFanti, Charles L. (Includes: DeFanti, Leni)
- Demuth, Harry - (Subject file: Correspondence regarding litigation)
- Dewey, Robert
- Dommett, Dick (R.R), Rev.
Box 4
- Donoho, Alice
- Dorothy {first name}
- Duldig, Karl
Box 5
- Ellsworth, Patricia. Letters to and from Payne, Robert.
- Ellsworth, Patricia, Family. (Correspondence from her relatives.)
Box 6
- Ethel {first name}
- Etienne {first name}
- Fan letters
- Farago, Ladislas
- Farano, Michael
- Farrell, Elsa (De Brun) (De Brun, Elsa) (Includes: Farrell, Patric)
- Feiler, Eva
- Feldman, Lew David (Includes: Reynolds, Regina)
- Forsythe, Sidney
- Frazer, Jamie (Includes: Frazer, Joan)
- Fremantle, Anne
- Frenaye, Frances
- Galvin, Dallas
- Gandhi, Indira
- Gary, Dorothy Hales (Includes: Gary, Robert)
Box 7
- Gershwin, Alan
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Gleeson, Tony
- Glomen, Edith (?)
- Goell, Theresa
- Government of Israel
- Green, Maurice R., M.D. (Includes: Green, Amelia)
- Grosvenor, Charles
- Guardian Friendship Tours
- Haley, K. Dan
- Hammer, Armand
- Hart, Stephen
- Hays, St. John, Abramson & Heilbroner (Counselors At Law)
- Heyward, Dorothy DuBose
- Higham, David (Includes: Pearn, Pollinger & Higham, Ltd.)
- Hochmann, John (Praeger Publishing)
- Hopkirk, Kathleen
- Howe, James Wong
- Hudgins, Arthur (University of Minnesota)
- Hulbert, Aline (Davis)
- Hulbert, Lucy
- Hulbert, Truxton
- Hulbert, William R.
Box 8
- Hussein, King
- Israel, John
- Jacobson, Helen
- James, C.L.R. (Cyril Lionel Robert)
- Kang, Younghill
- Karim, S.A.
- Keene, Frances
- Kethevan, Nina
- Kinsman, Sabina
Box 9
- Knowles, Pat
- Kollek, Teddy
- Korda, Michael V.
- Kuhn, Hedwig S., M.D. (Includes: Kuhn, Hugh)
- Leighter, Jackson
- Leonard, Nancy Haywood
- Levine, Isaac Don
- Lilius, Carl-Gustaf
- Lim, Lucy
- Lindfors, Viveca
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987 (?)
- MacIntyre, C.F. (Carlyle Ferren "Mac"), b.1890 (Includes: MacIntyre, Marian)
- MacShane, Frank
- Macy, Helen
- Mahadevan, T.K. (Includes: Gandhi Peace Foundation)
- Malraux, André
- Malraux, Clara (Includes correspondence with: Brandin, Marcel)
Box 10
- Manring, Janice (a.k.a. as: Manning, Jenny; McConnell, Janice; Rafaela, Maria)
Box 11
- Marshall, Lenore G.
- May, James Boyer
- McAllister, Claire
- McCormick, Ken
- McGaughy, Alvin (Includes: McGaughy, Barbara; McGaughy, Jessie)
- McMullen, Joe
- Micelli, Eleanore
- Michael of Greece, Prince
- Mitrovich, Marta
- Morris, Gwyneth
- Morris, Ivan
- Moudud, Hasna
- Murphy, Sherrie
- Nakashidse, George
- Nason, Ruth Putnam
- Oettinger, Alan
- Olson, Charles
- Oppenheimer, Dorothea
Box 12
- Oser, Samuel and Associates
- Oshima, Kazuko
- Ouei, Mimie
- Paniker, Ayyappa
- Payne, B. Iden
- Payne, Jean
- Pedretti, Carlo
- Pizer, Laurette
- Pole, Reginald
- Pope, Arthur Upham (Includes: Pope, Phyllis)
- Powell, Dawn
- Powell, Lawrence Clark (Powell, Larry)
- Preminger, Otto
- Prentis, Edmund A. III
- Pritchett, Mary (Includes: Mary Pritchett-Barbara Brandt Authors's Representatives)
- Purdy, Ted
- Purtscher, Alfonse (See also: Wydenbruck, Nora)
- Ransom, Harry (Includes: Ransom, Hazel)
- Rao, Christopher
- Rao, Katherine
- Rao, Raja
- Rather, Dan
- Read, Herbert, Sir
- Read, Sophia
- Reck, Michael (Christmas greeting written on his 25 Christmas Haiku. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico)
- Reik, Miriam M.
Box 13
- Renault, Mary
- Replansky, Naomi
- Rockefeller, Laurance S.
- Rolfe {Last name}
- Romanoff, Nikita (Includes: Romanoff, Janet)
- Roosevelt, Willard
- Rovina International Foundation (Includes: Rovina International Films, Inc., and correspondence
by Payne, Robert and Sarkar, Vinanti)
- Rukeyser, Muriel
- Sanborn, Robert Alden (Downing, Robert)
- Sawyer, Forrest
- Scherbatow, Alexis (Includes: Scherbatow, Kathleen)
- Sevek
- Shepard, Winifred K. (Shepard, Rutherford M., Mrs.)
- Sheppard, Mark, M.D.
- Shimansky, Stefan (Includes: Shimansky, Eugenia)
- Sinha, Prakash
- Shirer, William L.
- Simmons, George, M.D.
- Sinclair, David
- Singh, Nirmal J.
- Sloane, T. O'Conor, III
- Smith, Edith A.
Box 14
- Stanley, Margaret
- State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Stead, Rexford
- Stephenson, Miranda
- Stern, J. David
- Sun Yat Sen, Madame
- Tambimuttu
- Terry {first name}
- Thomas, Lowell
- Todd, Ruthven
- Tolstoy, Alexandra
- Translation Center
- Trask, Willard R.
- Tucker, Shirley
Box 15
- Ullman, Zara
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Hawaii at Manoa (Translations)
- University of Texas
- Van Leyden, Ernst (Includes: Van Leyden, Karin)
- Vance, Carolyn (Hicks)
- Waley, Alison
- Weathers, Virginia (Mother of Manring, Janice)
- Weinberger, Dorothy (Includes: Weinberger, Roy)
- West, Martha
- White, Callan
- Wilbanks, Madge (Mullins) (Mullins, Madge)
- Wilber, D.N.
- Wilson, Ivy Crane
- Wilson, Jeremy (Lawrence, T.E., Studies)
- Wolff, Tatiana
- Wood, George
- Wydenbruck, Nora (See also: Purtscher, Alfonse)
- Zoglin, Rosalind A.
- Zukofsky, Louis
Subseries B. Correspondence
Box 1
- Unidentified and letter fragments
- A - J
Box 2
Box 3
- Greeting and postal cards
Subseries C. Apartment Correspondence
Box 1
Subseries D. Letters to Others
Box 1
Series 4: Family Correspondence
Subseries A. Robert Payne's Letters to his Parents, 1934-1972
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Subseries B. Stephen Payne's Letters to Robert Payne, 1947-1972
Box 1
- Miscellaneous fragment and undated, 1947-1958.
Box 2
Box 3
Subseries C. Mireille Dorey Payne's Letters to Robert Payne
Box 1
Box 2
Subseries D. Correspondence with Other Relatives
Box 1
- Payne, Alan, and family (including Payne, Sally "Pat" Barrett, Nina (Payne); Payne,
Judith Diane) correspondence to and from Payne, Robert.
- Payne, Alan, Family (including Payne, Sally "Pat" Barrett, Nina (Payne); Payne, Judith
Diane) correspondence to and from Payne, Stephen, and Payne, Mireille (Dorey).
Box 2
- Badiou, Pierre. Letters to Payne, Robert.
- Dorey, Martha. Letters to and from Payne, Robert.
- Fong, Jon (Kien-Tien). Son of Rose Payne.
- Genevray, Henri. Letters to Payne, Robert.
- Gibbons, Eric, Family (including Gibbons, Yvonne; Slater, Rosalind (Gibbons); Gibbons,
Janice; Gibbons, Jimmy.)
- Miscellaneous Family.
- Payne, Ronald Henry "Ron". Letters to Payne, Robert.
- Payne, Rose (Hsiung) (Baudet). Letters to and from Payne, Robert.
- Payne, Sheila (Lalwani) (Lalwani, Sheila). Letter to Payne, Robert.
Box 3
- Condron, Jacqueline (Baudet) and Condron, Andrew. Letters to and from Payne, Robert.
- Condron, Jacqueline (Baudet) and Condron, Andrew. Letters to and from Payne, Rose
(Hsiung) (Baudet)
- Condron, Jacqueline (Baudet) and Condron, Andrew. Letters to Payne, Stephen and Payne,
Mireille (Dorey).
- Condron, Ian and Condron, Chantal. Letters to Payne, Robert.
- Condron, Ian and Condron, Chantal. Letters to Payne, Stephen and Payne, Mireille (Dorey).
Box 4
- Payne, Stephen and Payne, Mireille (Dorey). Miscellaneous correspondence, and letters
of condolence regarding Mireille Payne.
- Payne, Stephen and Payne, Mireille (Dorey). Miscellaneous letters written to others.
- Payne, Stephen and Payne, Mireille (Dorey). Miscellaneous letters received from others.
- Payne, Stephen. Letters to Payne, Mireille (Dorey).