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General Education Advisory Committee

General Education, known as the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC), at Stony Brook University is guided by the General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC).

GEAC Charge
The General Education Advisory Committee is jointly constituted by the Undergraduate Council of the University Senate and the Office of the Provost to provide ongoing advice about implementation, evaluation, and assessment of Stony Brook University’s general education curriculum (the SBC). The Committee examines the extent to which the general education curriculum achieves its stated purpose for students, including outcomes for student learning, degree progress, and post-graduation outcomes, as well as impact on department, school and university operations. [Certification and de-certification of individual courses fall outside the purview of the GEAC.]

GEAC Responsibilities

  • Explore and understand how well students master and demonstrate the articulated outcomes of Stony Brook’s general education curriculum;
  • Recommend policies, structures, and mechanisms to ensure the general education curriculum fulfills its stated purpose, learning objectives, and external requirements; this includes making recommendations to the Assessment Council about parameters for the assessment of general education learning outcomes;
  • Consider periodically (no less than every five years) the purpose and scope of Stony Brook’s general education curriculum in terms of relevance and impact on students and departments;
  • Validate that Stony Brook’s general education program meets requirements of regulatory entities, including accreditors, the NY State Department of Education, and the State University of New York;
  • Review reports and make recommendations about:
      • The extent of student learning in each area of general education;
      • The sufficiency of available courses in each area of general education;
      • The satisfaction of students and faculty about the general education curriculum;
  • Prepare for the Undergraduate Council of the University Senate and the Office of the Provost an annual report about how the Committee has addressed each point of its charge.

GEAC  Reports

GEAC  Membership

Committee Member Role School, College or Unit
Alexis Anagnostopoulos, PhD Faculty College of Arts & Sciences
Katherine Aubrecht, PhD Faculty School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences
Kara Desanna, EdD Administrator Office of the Provost
Janet Galiczewski, DNP, RN, ANP, CCRN Faculty School of Nursing
J. Peter Gergen, PhD Faculty College of Arts & Sciences
Brenda Hoffman, PhD Faculty School of Communication & Journalism
Braden Hosch, PhD Ex-officio Administrator, Deputy Chair Educational and Institutional Effectiveness
Kevin McDonnell, PhD Faculty College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Hanna Nekvasil, PhD Faculty, Chair College of Arts & Sciences
Christine Pitocco, PhD  Faculty College of Business
Catherine Scott, MA, MAPP Ex-officio Administrator Office of Educational Effectiveness
Nancy Strein Ex-officio Administrator, Scribe Office of the Provost
Rose Tirotta-Esposito Ex-officio Administrator Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching
Madeline Turan, MS Faculty College of Arts & Science
Suzanne L. Velázquez, PhD, LCSW Faculty School of Social Welfare
Deborah Zelizer, PhD, LCSW Faculty School of Health Professions
Linda Shi Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student Government