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Responsive Data Table

A simple table which holds data in the rows and columns

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Title 1 Title 2 Title 3
Title 1Lorem ipsum Title 2Lorem ipsum Title 3Lorem ipsum
Title 1You can add more rows Title 2Or insert another column Title 3Or remove a row or column
Title 1Here's another row Title 2Here's another row Title 3Here's another row

Grey BG:

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3
Title 1Lorem ipsum Title 2Lorem ipsum Title 3Lorem ipsum
Title 1You can add more rows Title 2Or insert another column Title 3Or remove a row or column
Title 1Here's another row Title 2Here's another row Title 3Here's another row

White BG:

Title 1 Title 2 Title 3
Title 1Lorem ipsum Title 2Lorem ipsum Title 3Lorem ipsum
Title 1You can add more rows Title 2Or insert another column Title 3Or remove a row or column
Title 1Here's another row Title 2Here's another row Title 3Here's another row