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Faculty Awards and Prizes, by Award

A file grouping faculty by award, which is presented on this page, may be found here.

For awards grouped by recipient faculty member, please go here.

AFOSR Young Investigator Award

Academia Europaea

Academy Prize for Physics, Academy of Sciences, Goettingen, Germany

Academy of Teacher-Scholar Award (Stony Brook)

Albert Szent-Gyorgi Fellowship (Hungary)

Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society (honorary member)

American Academy of Arts & Sciences Fellow

American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow

American Association of Physics Teachers Distinguished Service Award

American Association of Physics Teachers Millikan Award

American Astronomical Society (AAS) Fellow

American Geophysical Union/U.S. Geological Survey - naming of de Zafra Ridge, Antarctica

American Physical Society DAMOP Best Dissertation

American Physical Society Fellow

American Physical Society Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Award

American Physical Society Max Delbruck Award in Biological Physics

Argonne National Laboratory Fellow

Asahi Prize (shared, Super-Kamiokande Collaboration)

BSA Distinguished Service Award

Barrett Award

Bethe (Hans A.) Prize

Bohr (Neils) Institute Prize

Bonner (Tom W.) Prize in Nuclear Physics

Bower Award and Prize in Science

Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

Brookhaven Science and Technology Award

CIC Academic Leadership Fellow

Center of Excellence Award from Univ of Tokyo

Chair Blaise Pascal

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Chancellor's Award/Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities

College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award

Compton Award (Advanced Photon Source)

Copernicus Prize

Corresponding Member of the Austrian National Academy of Sciences

Corresponding Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences

Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics (APS)

Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Education by a Graduate Program Director

Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Mentoring by a Faculty Member

Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Teaching by a Faculty Member

Department of Energy Early Career Award

Dirac Medal and Prize

Dirac Medal, Univ. New South Wales

Discovery Award, USSR

Discovery Prize, SBU

Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award Univ of Iowa

Distinguished Alumni Award, Univ. of Maryland

Distinguished Faculty Research Fellowship, SUNY

Distinguished Professor

Distinguished Service Professor

Distinguished Teaching Professor

Doctor Scientiarum Honoris Causa, University of Copenhagen

Doctor, Honoris Causa, University of Birmingham

Doctor, Honoris Causa, University of Helsinki

Editor in Chief of APS

Einstein Professor

Emilio Segre Distinguished Scholar

Eminent Scientist, RIKEN, Japan

Enrico Fermi Prize

Ernst Bergmann Memorial Award

Esther Hoffman Beller Medal

Ettore Majorana Gold Medal

European Physical Society High Energy and Particle Physics Prize

Exceptional Service Award, DOE

FEL Prize

Fellow of the (British) Institute of Physics

Fermi (Enrico) Fellowship

Finke (Bernard H.) Award for Distinguished Teaching

Finnish Society of Science & Letters (honorary member)

Franklin (Benjamin) Medal

Free Electron Laser Prize

Fujitsu Quantum Device Award

Fullam (Ernest F.) Award from Dudley Observatory

General Electric Junior Faculty Fellow

Goddard Space Flight Center Certificate of Recognition

Godfrey Excellence in Teaching Award

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Fundamental Physics Innovation Convener Award

Guggenheim (J.S.) Fellowship

Henry Draper Medal

Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics

Herschel Award (Harvard)

Hispanic Heritage Award (Stony Brook)

Honorary Degree from Chiao Tun University, Taiwan

Honorary Degree from Ohio State University

Honorary Degree from Princeton University

Honorary Degree from SUNY, SB

Honorary Degree from Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Honorary Degree from Washington College

Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Ohio University

Honorary Professor of the Technische Hochschule in Vienna, Austria

Honorary Science Degree, Chinese Univ of Hong Kong

Honorary Science Degree, Univ of Michigan

Hubble 25th Anniversary Commendation

Hubble Fellow from Space Telescope Science Institute

Humboldt (Alexander von) Senior US Science Fellow

Humboldt (Alexander von) Senior US Scientist Award

Hungarian National Academy Member

ICPT Dirac Medal

IEEE Council on Superconductivity Award

IEEE Educational Activities Board Pre-University Educator Award

IEEE Fellow

IEEE/NPSS Accelerator Science and Technology Award

International Dennis Gabor Award

International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Ewald Prize

J. J. Sakurai Prize

James H. Simons Fellowship

Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship

John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence

Judge Francis Bergan Career Development Grant from Dudley Observatory

Junior Fellow, Harward Society of Fellows

KEK Visiting Professor Fellowship

King Faisal International Prize for Science

Klopsteg Memorial Award

Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion

Knight of Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Kramer Professor, University of Utrecht

Lars Onsager Prize (APS)

Lenin Komsomol Prize

Long Island Hall of Fame

Man of the Year in Community, Three Village Times

Man of the Year in Science, Three Village Times

Max Plank Medal of the German Physical Society

McMillian Award

Merit Award for Teaching and Curriculum Development

Merit Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

Michelson Postdoctoral Fellowship (as mentor)

Microbeam Analysis Society's Outstanding Young Scientist Award

Moscow State University Honorary Ph.D.

NASA Fellowship

NASA Spitzer Fellowship

NASA-Goddard Certificate of Achievement

NATO Senior Scientist Award

NRC Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Goddard Institute

NSF Antartic Service Medal

NSF Career Award

NSF Career Grant

NSF Center for Adaptive Optics "top ten paper author"

NSF Center for Adaptive Optics Senior Member

NSF Predoctoral Fellowship

National Academy of Science

National Medal of Science

National Sigma Xi Lecturer

Neuron Award for Contribution to Science

New Horizon Prize in Physics

Nobel Prize

Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (membership)

Oersted Medal AAPT

Onsager (Lars) Prize

Optical Society of America Fellow

Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Dept. of Army

Outstanding Faculty Award

Outstanding Faculty Service Award on Senate Library Services and Resources Committee

Outstanding Junior Investigator Award (DOE)

Outstanding Referees Award (APS)

Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (IBM)

Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge

PECASE Presidential Early Career Award

Packard Fellowship

Panofsky (W.K.H.) Prize

Pomeranchuk Prize

Pontifical Academy of Sciences (membership)

Pregel Award (Boris), NY Academy of Sciences

President's Award for Research & Scholarly Activities

President's Distinguished Endowed Chair

President's and Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (DOE)

Presidential Faculty Fellow (from George Bush)

Presidential Innovation Endowed Chair

Presidential Young Investigator

Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics

Principe de Asturias Prize for Science and Technology (Spain)

Prix La Recherche (shared with T2K collaboration)

Prize Javed Husain for Young Scientists

Proctor Award (Princeton)

Project Professor, Kavli Institute, University of Tokyo

Provost's Outstanding Mentors Award

Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Physics

Renaissance Endowed Chair in Theoretical Physics

Royal Danish Academy Fellow

Royal Dutch Academy of Science Corresponding Member

Royal Society (London) Membership

Rumford Prize

Russian Academy of Sciences (foreign member)

Russian Metrological Academy (honorary member)

SUNY Recognition Research in Science and Medicine

SUWA Prize (Shared, with J-PARC Neutrino Beam Group)

Sackler Fellow

Senior Weizmann Fellow

Silver Medal, University of Helsinki

Sloan (Alfred P.) Fellowship

Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Visiting Professor

Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (shared with S. Ferrara/CERN and D. Freedman/MIT)

Spokesperson of PHENIX, BNL

Student Life Award, SUNY SB

Teyler Professor of Physics at Leiden University 1985 - 1995

Tomassoni Chisesi Prize

US Atlas Fellowship

USSR Minister of Higher Education Award

Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Villum Kann Rasmussen Visiting Professor

Visiting Miller Professor, Univ of California Berkeley

Visiting Schrodinger-Professor 1997

Visiting Scientist Award United Kingdom Particle Phy/Ast Research Council

Visiting Scientist, Particle Physics& Astronomy Council, UK

Wetherill (John Price) Medal of the Franklin Institute

Wilbur Lucius Cross medal of the Yale Graduate School Alumni Assoc.

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship

Academia Europaea

Year Recipient
2021 Dmitri Kharzeev

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Academy of Teacher-Scholar Award (Stony Brook)

Year Recipient
2003 Chang Kee Jung

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Academy Prize for Physics, Academy of Sciences, Goettingen, Germany

Year Recipient
2004 Norbert Pietralla

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AFOSR Young Investigator Award

Year Recipient
2013 Thomas Allison

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Albert Szent-Gyorgi Fellowship (Hungary)

Year Recipient
2005 Laszlo Mihaly

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Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society (honorary member)

Year Recipient
1998 Emilio Mendez

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American Academy of Arts & Sciences Fellow

Year Recipient
2014 Kenneth Dill
2012 Alexander Zamolodchikov
1976 Gerald Brown

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American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow

Year Recipient
2021 Abhay Desphande
2017 Chang Kee Jung
2013 Laszlo Mihaly
2012 Gene Sprouse
2011 Peter Stephens
2011 George Sterman
2010 Dmitri Kharzeev
2009 Philip Allen
2009 Barbara Jacak
2007 Ilan Ben-Zvi
2002 Chris Jacobsen
2000 Paul Grannis
2000 Jack Marburger
1998 Vladmir Korepin
1997 Kenneth Dill
1985 Janos Kirz
1985 Linwood Lee
1973 Cliff Swartz

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American Association of Physics Teachers Distinguished Service Award

Year Recipient
1973 Cliff Swartz

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American Association of Physics Teachers Millikan Award

Year Recipient
1972 Arnold Strassenburg

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American Astronomical Society (AAS) Fellow

Year Recipient
2023 James Lattimer

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American Geophysical Union/U.S. Geological Survey - naming of de Zafra Ridge, Antarctica

Year Recipient
2002 Robert De Zafra

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American Physical Society DAMOP Best Dissertation

Year Recipient
2002 Thomas Weinacht

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American Physical Society Fellow

Year Recipient
2023 Derek Teaney
2021 Tom Hemmick
2021 Jacobus Verbaarschot
2020 Rouven Essig
2020 Marivi Fernandez-Serra
2020 Dominik Schneble
2016 Alexandre Abanov
2016 Axel Drees
2014 Abhay Deshpande
2014 Rosalba Perna
2012 Thomas Weinacht
2011 John Hobbs
2008 Alfred Goldhaber
2006 Dmitri Kharzeev
2005 Krishna Kumar
2005 Laszlo Mihaly
2004 Dmitri Averin
2004 Vladimir Litvinenko
2002 Chang Kee Jung
2002 Jack Marburger
2002 Michael Marx
2002 Steven Peggs
2002 Madappa Prakash
2002 Alexei Tsvelik
2001 Meigan Aronson
2001 Thomas Kuo
2001 James Lattimer
2001 C.N. Yang
2000 Paul Grannis
2000 Luis Orozco
2000 Alexander Zamolodchikov
1999 James Lukens
1999 Benjamin Ocko
1998 Vladimir Goldman
1998 Peter Stephens
1997 Jainendra Jain
1997 Konstantin Likharev
1997 Robert McCarthy
1996 Barbara Jacak
1996 Vladmir Korepin
1996 Edward Shuryak
1995 George Sterman
1994 Ilan Ben-Zvi
1994 Robert Shrock
1994 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen
1992 Peter Koch
1992 Peter Paul
1992 John Smith
1990 Emilio Mendez
1989 David Fossan
1988 Janos Kirz
1986 Philip Allen
1986 Harold Metcalf
1984 Gene Sprouse
1978 Robert McGrath
1976 Gerald Brown
1974 William Weisberger
1973 Peter Kahn
1970 Linwood Lee
1970 Juliet Lee-Franzini

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American Physical Society Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Award

Year Recipient
2022 Chang Kee Jung

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American Physical Society Max Delbruck Award in Biological Physics

Year Recipient
2019 Kenneth Dill

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Argonne National Laboratory Fellow

Year Recipient
2000 Gene Sprouse

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Asahi Prize (shared, Super-Kamiokande Collaboration)

Year Recipient
1998 Chang Kee Jung

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Barrett Award

Year Recipient
2019 Peter Stephens

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Bethe (Hans A.) Prize

Year Recipient
2015 James Lattimer
2001 Gerald Brown

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Bohr (Neils) Institute Prize

Year Recipient
1979 Gerald Brown

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Bonner (Tom W.) Prize in Nuclear Physics

Year Recipient
1982 Gerald Brown

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Bower Award and Prize in Science

Year Recipient
1994 C.N. Yang

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Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

Year Recipient
2024 Alexander Zamolodchikov
2019 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen
2015 Chang Kee Jung
2015 Clark McGrew
2015 Michael Wilking

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Brookhaven Science and Technology Award

Year Recipient
2002 Ilan Ben-Zvi

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BSA Distinguished Service Award

Year Recipient
2004 Peter Paul

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Center of Excellence Award from Univ of Tokyo

Year Recipient
1997 Chang Kee Jung

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Chair Blaise Pascal

Year Recipient
2005 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

Year Recipient
2017 Laszlo Mihaly

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research

Year Recipient
2002 David Fossan
2002 Kenneth Lanzetta

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Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Year Recipient
2016 Angela Kelly

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Chancellor's Award/Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities

Year Recipient
2024 John Hobbs
2019 Axel Drees
2019 Vladmir Korepin
2018 Abhay Desphande
2017 Dmitri Kharzeev
2017 Warren Siegel
2016 Martin Rocek
2016 Thomas Weinacht
2015 Robert Shrock
2015 Peter Stephens
2014 Alfred Goldhaber
2014 Chang Kee Jung

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CIC Academic Leadership Fellow

Year Recipient
2003 Meigan Aronson

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College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award

Year Recipient
2022 Jin Koda
2015 Hal Metcalf

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Compton Award (Advanced Photon Source)

Year Recipient
2005 Janos Kirz

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Copernicus Prize

Year Recipient
2023 Barry Barish

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Corresponding Member of the Austrian National Academy of Sciences

Year Recipient
2005 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Corresponding Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences

Year Recipient
2003 Lois Alvarez-Gaume

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Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics (APS)

Year Recipient
2023 Nikita Nekrasov
2006 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen
1999 Barry McCoy
1999 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Education by a Graduate Program Director

Year Recipient
2008 Laszlo Mihaly

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Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Mentoring by a Faculty Member

Year Recipient
2018 Chang-Kee Jung

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Dean's Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Teaching by a Faculty Member

Year Recipient
2013 Konstantin Likharev
2010 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Department of Energy Early Career Award

Year Recipient
2017 Anja Von Der Linden
2017 Marilena Loverde
2016 Thomas Allison
2012 Rouven Essig
2010 Marivi Fernandez-Serra

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Dirac Medal and Prize

Year Recipient
1993 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Dirac Medal, Univ. New South Wales

Year Recipient
2004 Edward Shuryak

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Discovery Award, USSR

Year Recipient
1984 Konstantin Likharev

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Discovery Prize, SBU

Year Recipient
2017 Thomas Allison

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Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award Univ of Iowa

Year Recipient
2002 Robert McGrath

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Distinguished Alumni Award, Univ. of Maryland

Year Recipient
2004 George Sterman

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Distinguished Faculty Research Fellowship, SUNY

Year Recipient
1967 Nandor Balazs

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Distinguished Professor

Year Recipient
2024 Jacobus Verbaarschot
2022 Abhay Deshpande
2022 Abhay Deshpande
2022 Martin Rocek
2022 Robert Shrock
2020 Axel Drees
2020 Peter Stephens
2019 Alexander Zamolodchikov
2018 Dmitri Kharzeev
2015 Chang Kee Jung
2013 James Lattimer
2012 Kenneth Dill
2007 Barbara Jacak
2006 Gene Sprouse
2004 Edward Shuryak
2004 George Sterman
2003 Barry McCoy
2002 Konstantin Likharev
2001 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen
1999 Philip Solomon
1997 Paul Grannis
1995 Janos Kirz
1988 Gerald Brown

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Distinguished Service Professor

Year Recipient
2024 Laszlo Mihaly
1992 Peter Paul

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Distinguished Teaching Professor

Year Recipient
2006 Tom Hemmick
1999 Harold Metcalf

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Doctor Scientiarum Honoris Causa, University of Copenhagen

Year Recipient
1998 Gerald Brown

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Doctor, Honoris Causa, University of Birmingham

Year Recipient
1990 Gerald Brown

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Doctor, Honoris Causa, University of Helsinki

Year Recipient
1982 Gerald Brown

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Editor in Chief of APS

Year Recipient
2006 Gene Sprouse

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Einstein Professor

Year Recipient
1966 C.N. Yang

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Emilio Segre Distinguished Scholar

Year Recipient
2005 Dmitri Kharzeev

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Eminent Scientist, RIKEN, Japan

Year Recipient
1995 Konstantin Likharev

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Enrico Fermi Prize

Year Recipient
2016 Barry Barrish

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Ernst Bergmann Memorial Award

Year Recipient
1999 Igor Aleiner

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Esther Hoffman Beller Medal

Year Recipient
2023 Harold Metcalf

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Ettore Majorana Gold Medal

Year Recipient
2016 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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EURopEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY HIgh energy and particle physics prize

Year Recipient
2019 Rod Engelmann
2019 Guido Finocchiaro
2019 Myron Good
2019 Paul Grannis
2019 John Hobbs
2019 Chang Kee Jung
2019 Juliet Lee-Franzini
2019 Michael Marx
2019 Robert McCarthy
2019 Michael Rijssenbeek
2019 Dmitri Tsybychev
2013 Hannah Arnold
2013 Valerio Dao
2013 Rod Engelmann
2013 John Hobbs
2013 Robert McCarthy
2013 Giacinto Piacquadio
2013 Michael Rijssenbeek
2013 Dmitri Tsybychev

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Exceptional Service Award, DOE

Year Recipient
1997 Paul Grannis

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FEL Prize

Year Recipient
2004 Vladimir Litvinenko

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Fellow of the (British) Institute of Physics

Year Recipient
2003 Peter Paul

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Fermi (Enrico) Fellowship

Year Recipient
1971 Robert McCarthy

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Finke (Bernard H.) Award for Distinguished Teaching

Year Recipient
1962 Arnold Strassenburg

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Finnish Society of Science & Letters (honorary member)

Year Recipient
1984 Gerald Brown

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Franklin (Benjamin) Medal

Year Recipient
1993 C.N. Yang

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Free Electron Laser Prize

Year Recipient
2007 Ilan Ben-Zvi

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Fujitsu Quantum Device Award

Year Recipient
2000 Emilio Mendez

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Fullam (Ernest F.) Award from Dudley Observatory

Year Recipient
1988 Frederick Walter
1987 Michal Simon
1985 James Lattimer

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General Electric Junior Faculty Fellow

Year Recipient
1992 Meigan Aronson

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Goddard Space Flight Center Certificate of Recognition

Year Recipient
1991 Frederick Walter

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Godfrey Excellence in Teaching Award

Year Recipient
2023 Jesus Perez Rios
2022 Jin Koda
2019 Michael Zingale

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Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Fundamental Physics Innovation Convener Award

Year Recipient
2021 Ross Corliss

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Guggenheim (J.S.) Fellowship

Year Recipient
2013 Leonardo Rastelli
2002 Philip Allen
2000 Paul Grannis
1999 James Lattimer
1998 Luis Orozco
1997 Alexander Zamolodchikov
1996 Jainendra Jain
1991 Martin Rocek
1985 Janos Kirz
1985 George Sterman
1984 Amos Yahil
1974 William Weisberger
1962 C.N. Yang

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Henry Draper Medal

Year Recipient
2017 Barry Barish

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Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics

Year Recipient
2017 Edward Shuryak

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Herschel Award (Harvard)

Year Recipient
1971 Robert Shrock

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Hispanic Heritage Award (Stony Brook)

Year Recipient
1998 Emilio Mendez

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Honorary Degree from Chiao Tun University, Taiwan

Year Recipient
1997 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Degree from Ohio State University

Year Recipient
2005 Gerald Brown

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Honorary Degree from Princeton University

Year Recipient
1958 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Degree from SUNY, SB

Year Recipient
1999 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Degree from Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Year Recipient
1997 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Degree from Washington College

Year Recipient
1999 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Ohio University

Year Recipient
2009 Paul Grannis

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Honorary Professor of the Technische Hochschule in Vienna, Austria

Year Recipient
2005 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Honorary Science Degree, Chinese Univ of Hong Kong

Year Recipient
1997 C.N. Yang

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Honorary Science Degree, Univ of Michigan

Year Recipient
1998 C.N. Yang

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Hubble 25th Anniversary Commendation

Year Recipient
2015 Frederick Walter

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Hubble Fellow from Space Telescope Science Institute

Year Recipient
1990 Kenneth Lanzetta

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Humboldt (Alexander von) Senior US Science Fellow

Year Recipient
1979 Thomas Kuo

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Humboldt (Alexander von) Senior US Scientist Award

Year Recipient
2022 Leonardo Rastelli
2013 Dmitri Karzeev
2006 Jacobus Verbaarschot
2005 Edward Shuryak
2004 Alexander Zamolodchikov
2000 Alvarez-Gaume. Lois
1997 Harold Metcalf
1996 John Smith
1996 Philip Solomon
1989 David Fossan
1989 Peter Koch
1988 Philip Solomon
1987 Gerald Brown
1987 Gene Sprouse
1984 Philip Allen
1983 Peter Paul
1974 Robert McGrath

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Hungarian National Academy Member

Year Recipient
2010 Laszlo Mihaly
1995 Nandor Balazs

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ICPT Dirac Medal

Year Recipient
2011 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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IEEE Council on Superconductivity Award

Year Recipient
2004 Konstantin Likharev

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IEEE Educational Activities Board Pre-University Educator Award

Year Recipient
2009 Robert Spira

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IEEE Fellow

Year Recipient
2008 Ilan Ben-Zvi
2008 Konstantin Likharev

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IEEE/NPSS Accelerator Science and Technology Award

Year Recipient
1999 Ilan Ben-Zvi

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International Dennis Gabor Award

Year Recipient
1996 Chris Jacobsen

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International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Ewald Prize

Year Recipient
2008 David Sayre

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J. J. Sakurai Prize

Year Recipient
2002 George Sterman

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James H. Simons Fellowship

Year Recipient
2002 Alexandre Abanov
2001 Jacobus Verbaarschot

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Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship

Year Recipient
2000 Jin Koda
1998 Chang Kee Jung

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John S. Toll Endowed Award for Teaching Excellence

Year Recipient
2022 Jin Koda

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Judge Francis Bergan Career Development Grant from Dudley Observatory

Year Recipient
1995 Kenneth Lanzetta

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Junior Fellow, Harward Society of Fellows

Year Recipient
1981 Lois Alvarez-Gaume

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KEK Visiting Professor Fellowship

Year Recipient
1998 Chang Kee Jung

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King Faisal International Prize for Science

Year Recipient
2001 C.N. Yang

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Klopsteg Memorial Award

Year Recipient
2002 Barry Barish

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Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion

Year Recipient
2004 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Knight of Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Year Recipient
1979 Nandor Balazs

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Kramer Professor, University of Utrecht

Year Recipient
1993 John Smith

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Lars Onsager Prize (APS)

Year Recipient
2011 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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Lenin Komsomol Prize

Year Recipient
1982 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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Long Island Hall of Fame

Year Recipient
2002 Peter Paul

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Man of the Year in Community, Three Village Times

Year Recipient
2002 Robert De Zafra

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Man of the Year in Science, Three Village Times

Year Recipient
2002 Deane Peterson
1999 C.N. Yang
1997 Paul Grannis

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Max Plank Medal of the German Physical Society

Year Recipient
1996 Gerald Brown

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McMillian Award

Year Recipient
2000 Igor Aleiner

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Merit Award for Teaching and Curriculum Development

Year Recipient
1989 Erland Graf

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Merit Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

Year Recipient
2008 Ilan Ben-Zvi

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Michelson Postdoctoral Fellowship (as mentor)

Year Recipient
2004 Anand Sivaramakrishnan

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Microbeam Analysis Society's Outstanding Young Scientist Award

Year Recipient
2001 Chris Jacobsen

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Moscow State University Honorary Ph.D.

Year Recipient
2002 Peter Paul

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NASA Fellowship

Year Recipient
2002 Aaron Evans

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NASA Spitzer Fellowship

Year Recipient
2005 Stanimir Metchev

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NASA-Goddard Certificate of Achievement

Year Recipient
1992 Frederick Walter

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National Academy of Science

Year Recipient
2008 Kenneth Dill
2008 Barbara Jacak
2002 Barry Barish
1978 Gerald Brown
1965 C.N. Yang

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National Medal of Science

Year Recipient
2023 Barry Barish
1986 C.N. Yang

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National Sigma Xi Lecturer

Year Recipient
1979 Peter Kahn

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NATO Senior Scientist Award

Year Recipient
1996 Philip Solomon

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Neuron Award for Contribution to Science

Year Recipient
2017 Martin Rocek

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New Horizon Prize in Physics

Year Recipient
2020 Rouven Essig

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Nobel Prize

Year Recipient
2017 Barry Barish
1957 C.N. Yang

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Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (membership)

Year Recipient
1989 Gerald Brown

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NRC Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Goddard Institute

Year Recipient
1970 Robert De Zafra

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NSF Antartic Service Medal

Year Recipient
1987 Robert De Zafra

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NSF Career Award

Year Recipient
2022 Cyrus Dryer
2022 Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi
2020 Jennifer Cano
2019 Sergey Syritsyn
2012 Dmitri Tsybychev
2011 Patrick Meade
2010 Matthew Dawber
2008 Rouven Essig
2008 Christopher Herzog

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NSF Career Grant

Year Recipient
2004 Alexandre Abanov

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NSF Center for Adaptive Optics "top ten paper author"

Year Recipient
2005 Anand Sivaramakrishnan

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NSF Center for Adaptive Optics Senior Member

Year Recipient
2001 Anand Sivaramakrishnan

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NSF Predoctoral Fellowship

Year Recipient
1971 Robert Shrock

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Oersted Medal AAPT

Year Recipient
1987 Cliff Swartz

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Onsager (Lars) Prize

Year Recipient
1999 C.N. Yang

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Optical Society of America Fellow

Year Recipient
2002 Louis Dimauro
2000 Chris Jacobsen
2000 Harold Metcalf

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Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Dept. of Army

Year Recipient
1983 Cliff Swartz

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Outstanding Faculty Award

Year Recipient
2023 Radu Ionas
2020 Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi
2019 Douglas Swesty
2018 Tom Hemmick
2017 Eden Figueroa Barragan
2016 Martin Rocek
2015 Thomas Weinacht
2013 Derek Teaney
2012 Alan Calder
2011 Xu Du
2010 Chang Kee Jung
2009 John Hobbs
2008 Alfred Goldhaber
2008 Thomas Kuo
2007 Dominik Schneble
2006 Alexandre Abanov
2005 Tom Hemmick
2004 Emilio Mendez
2003 Chris Jacobsen
2002 Emilio Mendez
2001 Peter Kahn
2000 John Hobbs
1999 Gene Sprouse
1998 Konstantin Likharev
1997 Michael Rijssenbeek
1996 Chris Jacobsen
1995 Andrew Jackson
1994 Luis Orozco
1993 Volker Koch
1992 Luis Orozco
1992 Ismail Zahed
1991 Herbert Muether
1990 Richard Mould
1989 Yihan Kao
1988 Janos Kirz
1987 Max Dresden
1986 Peter Stephens
1985 Philip Allen
1984 Gene Sprouse
1982 Yihan Kao
1981 Max Dresden
1980 Janos Kirz
1979 Leonard Eisenbud
1978 Gene Sprouse
1977 Herbert Muether
1976 Daniel Strottman
1975 Peter Kahn
1974 Harold Metcalf
1973 Leonard Eisenbud
1972 Janos Kirz

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Outstanding Faculty Service Award on Senate Library Services and Resources Committee

Year Recipient
2017 Robert Shrock

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Outstanding Junior Investigator Award (DOE)

Year Recipient
2006 Leonardo Rastelli
2006 Derek Teaney
2006 Michael Zingale
2004 Norbert Pietralla
2001 Thomas Schaefer
1999 John Hobbs
1994 Chang Kee Jung
1980 Michael Marx

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Outstanding Referees Award (APS)

Year Recipient
2008 Philip Allen
2008 Thomas Bergeman
2008 Alfred Goldhaber
2008 Barry McCoy
2008 Harold Metcalf
2008 Edward Shuryak

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Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (IBM)

Year Recipient
1989 Emilio Mendez

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Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge

Year Recipient
1996 Philip Solomon

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Packard Fellowship

Year Recipient
1998 Igor Aleiner

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Panofsky (W.K.H.) Prize

Year Recipient
2001 Paul Grannis

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PECASE Presidential Early Career Award

Year Recipient
2019 Joanna Kiryluk

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Pomeranchuk Prize

Year Recipient
2014 Alexander Zamolodchikov

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Pontifical Academy of Sciences (membership)

Year Recipient
1997 C.N. Yang

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Pregel Award (Boris), NY Academy of Sciences

Year Recipient
1976 Gerald Brown

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President's and Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Year Recipient
2003 Laszlo Mihaly
2001 Thomas Kuo
1999 Gene Sprouse
1996 Tom Hemmick
1978 Herbert Muether
1976 Janos Kirz
1974 Harold Metcalf

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President's Award for Research & Scholarly Activities

Year Recipient
2005 John Smith

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President's Distinguished Endowed Chair

Year Recipient
2023 Barry Barish

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Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (DOE)

Year Recipient
2005 Michael Zingale

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Presidential Faculty Fellow (from George Bush)

Year Recipient
1992 Chris Jacobsen

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Presidential Innovation Endowed Chair

Year Recipient
2023 Eden Figueroa Barragan

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Presidential Young Investigator

Year Recipient
1989 Vladimir Goldman

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Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics

Year Recipient
2015 Rouven Essig

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Principe de Asturias Prize for Science and Technology (Spain)

Year Recipient
2017 Barry Barish
1998 Emilio Mendez

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Prix La Recherche (shared with T2K collaboration)

Year Recipient
2012 Chang Kee Jung

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Prize Javed Husain for Young Scientists

Year Recipient
1989 Lois Alvarez-Gaume

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Proctor Award (Princeton)

Year Recipient
1973 Robert Shrock

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Project Professor, Kavli Institute, University of Tokyo

Year Recipient
2013 Chang-Kee Jung

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Provost's Outstanding Mentors Award

Year Recipient
2022 Thomas Weinacht

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Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Physics

Year Recipient
2018 Zohar Komargodski

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Renaissance Endowed Chair in Theoretical Physics

Year Recipient
2023 Leonardo Rastelli

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Royal Danish Academy Fellow

Year Recipient
1964 Gerald Brown

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Royal Dutch Academy of Science Corresponding Member

Year Recipient
1994 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Royal Society (London) Membership

Year Recipient
1992 C.N. Yang

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Rumford Prize

Year Recipient
1980 C.N. Yang

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Russian Academy of Sciences (foreign member)

Year Recipient
2016 Paul Grannis

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Russian Metrological Academy (honorary member)

Year Recipient
1997 Konstantin Likharev

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Sackler Fellow

Year Recipient
2005 Dmitri Kharzeev

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Senior Weizmann Fellow

Year Recipient
1967 Peter Kahn

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Silver Medal, University of Helsinki

Year Recipient
1966 Gerald Brown

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Sloan (Alfred P.) Fellowship

Year Recipient
2022 Jennifer Cano
2015 Lukasz Fidkowski
2013 Rouven Essig
2010 Christopher Herzog
2008 Derek Teaney
2001 Alexandre Abanov
2001 Zurab Kakushadze
1998 Igor Aleiner
1991 Jainendra Jain
1989 Vladimir Goldman
1985 Lois Alvarez-Gaume
1982 James Lattimer
1978 Peter Koch
1973 Philip Allen
1973 Barry McCoy
1972 Gene Sprouse
1970 Janos Kirz
1969 Paul Grannis
1967 Peter Paul
1967 William Weisberger

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Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Visiting Professor

Year Recipient
2005 Chang Kee Jung

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Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (shared with S. Ferrara/CERN and D. Freedman/MIT)

Year Recipient
2019 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Spokesperson of PHENIX, BNL

Year Recipient
2006 Barbara Jacak

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Student Life Award, SUNY SB

Year Recipient
1998 Alfred Goldhaber

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SUNY Recognition Research in Science and Medicine

Year Recipient
2001 Barbara Jacak

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SUWA Prize (Shared, with J-PARC Neutrino Beam Group)

Year Recipient
2013 Chang Kee Jung

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Teyler Professor of Physics at Leiden University 1985 - 1995

Year Recipient
1995 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Tomassoni Chisesi Prize

Year Recipient
2022 Zohar Komargodski

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US Atlas Fellowship

Year Recipient
2011 Dmitri Tsybychev

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USSR Minister of Higher Education Award

Year Recipient
1980 Konstantin Likharev

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Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Year Recipient
2008 Peter Paul

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Villum Kann Rasmussen Visiting Professor

Year Recipient
2005 Jacobus Verbaarschot

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Visiting Miller Professor, Univ of California Berkeley

Year Recipient
2001 Barry McCoy

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Visiting Schrodinger-Professor 1997

Year Recipient
1997 Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen

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Visiting Scientist Award United Kingdom Particle Phy/Ast Research Council

Year Recipient
1996 Philip Solomon

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Visiting Scientist, Particle Physics& Astronomy Council, UK

Year Recipient
2001 Paul Grannis

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Wetherill (John Price) Medal of the Franklin Institute

Year Recipient
1992 Gerald Brown

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Wilbur Lucius Cross medal of the Yale Graduate School Alumni Assoc.

Year Recipient
2003 Gerry Brown

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Woodrow Wilson Fellowship

Year Recipient
1971 Robert Shrock

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