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Alumni Circle Launch Dinner (2024)

Enjoy these glimpses of a wonderful dinner and camaraderie, with great insight from Nobel Prize winner Barry Barish on the strengths of Stony Brook!

Barry Barish, the President's Distinguished Endowed Chair in Physics and Nobel Laureate, offers insight into his path to Stony Brook.

alumni at dinner

Picture of the alumni circle at the launch dinner.

ck with alumni

Photo of Department Chair Chang Kee Jung (left) with alumni present at the launch dinner.


Tokufumi (Fumi) Kato, acting president of the Stony Brook University Physics and Astronomy Alumni Circle.


A cool view down Freeman Alley. The launch dinner was held at Freemans, located at the end of this alley.

Videographer and Department Chair Chang Kee Jung circles the room, showing lively conversations between alumni.