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Selection of the Search Committee

Each search committee must have a designated diversity liaison. The search committee membership and the name of the diversity liaison must be submitted, along with the job position description, through a Google Form. The Google Form link will be emailed to the appropriate chair/unit leader after the position is approved. The diversity liaison will have to participate in a training session provided by the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Intercultural Initiatives (DI3). All members of the search committee must also take the online training developed by the Office of Equity and Access.

Please note, that the in case of multiple searches within the same department, each search will have a its own diversity liaison.

We will work with the diversity liaisons to ensure that your committees include members with different perspectives and expertise, and a demonstrated commitment to the values of inclusiveness and representation. Diversity liaisons will also be crucial in committee training.

For further inquiries or questions, please email us at