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TAP Certification Summary Page

In an effort to provide TAP recipients/applicants with a means of gauging their progress toward meeting New York State criteria for TAP eligibility, we have developed a new tool that appears as a page in SOLAR.    

The page is called the TAP Certification Summary page and provides students with timely information and updates regarding their status in satisfying TAP criteria, which include enrollment in degree applicable credits, good academic standing, current major declaration, just to name a few.

Both students and advisors will find the page helpful, specifically during registration when TAP recipients must select a minimum of 12 credits that are required for either their major or SBC/DEC requirements.

As the TAP Certification Summary page updates nightly, the page can be viewed to confirm that a TAP recipient is registered in courses that meet the enrollment requirement for TAP eligibility 24 to 48 hours after any registration transaction. Students are strongly encouraged to make all registration changes two days prior to the deadline date – this would ensure their course enrollment can be viewed and confirmed for the 12 degree application credit regulation.

As all other TAP criteria are also noted on the TAP Certification Summary page, a student will know months prior to our certification period whether or not they are currently meeting requirements.  This early warning system will give students ample time to make corrections, submit documents and seek assistance before coming up against deadlines for declaring majors and specializations and for changing course enrollments.

While no advising department is being asked to inform students whether or not they will receive a TAP award, advising for degree applicable credits (courses specifically required to satisfy major and Core requirements) are conversations advisors regularly have with students.  As such, please do not hesitate to use, or refer your students to, the new TAP Certification Summary page. 

Academic Waivers, Exceptions, or Course Substitutions

Please note, any academic waivers, exceptions, or course substitutions in majors, minors, or specializations for students must be submitted by the appropriate designee from the specific academic department.  Exceptions should be sent to the Degree Audit Team within the Office of the Registrar at for posting in Degree Works.