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heather mann

Heather Mann

Professional Titles & Affiliations

Instructional Coordinator for General Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, St. Johns University
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Science, Suffolk County Community College


A.B. Physics, Vassar College
M.S. Physical Chemistry, Stony Brook University
M.A. Higher Education Administration, Stony Brook University

Research Interests

Undergraduate physics & chemistry education, mathematics anxiety & undergraduate STEM education, physical-chemistry education, teaching computational methods in undergraduate physical sciences, remediation in undergraduate STEM, persistence & retention in undergraduate STEM, cognitive load theory, cognitive transfer in undergraduate STEM. 

Laser applications in chemical-physics, computational electronic structure, interstellar physics & chemistry


Burrill, A. B., Chung, Y. K., Mann, H. A., & Johnson, P. M. (2004). The Jahn–Teller effect in the lower electronic states of benzene cation. III. The ground-state vibrations of C6H6+ and C6D6+The Journal of Chemical Physics120(18), 8587-8599.

Lightstone, J. M., Mann, H. A., Wu, M., Johnson, P. M., & White, M. G. (2003). Gas-phase production of molybdenum carbide, nitride, and sulfide clusters and nanocrystallites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B107(38), 10359-10366.

Elmegreen, B. G., Elmegreen, D. M., Salzer, J. J., & Mann, H. (1996). On the size and formation mechanism of star complexes in Sm, Im, and BCD galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal467, 579.