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A&S Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Resources and Forms

Before you submit proposals, please read the following important notes from the committee (submission forms are linked in #4-6 below):

The Undergraduate Bulletin is published twice yearly. Annual deadlines for curricular proposals are as follows:

October 1: for inclusion in the following fall curriculum (e.g., October 1, 2022 would be the deadline for consideration for Fall 2023 curriculum)

February 1: for inclusion in the following spring curriculum (e.g., February 1, 2023 would be the deadline for Spring 2024 curriculum)

1. Checklist (NEW!): Consult the appropriate section of this “reviewers’ checklist” and linked resources for best meeting curricular review requirements.   

2. Syllabus: A complete syllabus needs to be included for proposing or changing a course. Recommended templates and useful resources for developing courses, including for online delivery, can be found on the CELT Course Development page

3. Supporting documents: Have the following documents ready to upload:

    • Written approval from your department chair.
    • Written approval from the chair(s) of ALL other departments that may be affected by the new course/program.


4. Regular submission: The regular submission form should be used for submitting changes that fall into the following categories (See instructions):

      • New course proposal
      • Change in SBC to an existing course
      • Change in delivery mode - this requires evidence of restructuring the course for the online mode, with details fitting either synchronous, asynchronous, or hybrid
      • Change in pre-requisites
      • Change in course title – this should be used if only the course title is being changed, without substantially altering the course. If there are additional changes like updates to the course description, please use the ASCC “Other” form to submit the request
      • Bulletin edits – bulletin edits submitted through this form should be for updates to bulletin wording only. Any changes to major requirements, minor requirements, course descriptions, etc should be submitted through the ASCC “Other” form
      • Topic titles

5. Miscellaneous “other” submissions: Please complete the ASCC “Other” form for any requests that do not fall into the categories outlined above. Examples include: Change in course descriptions, multi-part changes to courses, change in course components (i.e., adding or removing a recitation), changes to major or minor requirements, etc. Any changes that require the completion of SUNY forms will need SUNY and NYSED approval following ASCC approval. 

6. Submission of all revisions – select the “revision form” to submit all revisions requested by the Committee, uploading a revision summary as described in the form. 


7. Language: Note that the working language of the ASCC is English. If your proposal contains a syllabus written in a language other than English, the ASCC requests that you also submit a version translated to English. If you use translation technology (e.g., MS Word Translate tool), please double-check that syllabus areas such as the course schedule, course policies, learning objectives, SBC learning outcomes, description of assessments, et cetera, are all accurately translated. Book, article, and/or film titles do not require translation. The requested English language syllabus is not meant to replace the syllabus intended for dissemination to students; it is for the review process only and can accompany the non-English syllabus intended for students if the instructor wishes to provide both.

8. Other relevant A&S CC and Senate documents – This record includes policies and decisions on infrequently offered courses, ACE courses, independent reading and research, film and video, course levels, prerequisites. Please review as relevant. 

9. SUNY Guide to Academic Program Planning - Please review this document before submitting any new program announcements, new program proposals, revisions of existing programs, or requests for discontinuance or deactivation. The new required forms can be found on this website.  Forms are now required for program revisions and requests for discontinuance and deactivation, as well as for new program announcements and proposals.