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Edmund Chang




- Princeton University

Research Topics:

Atmospheric dynamics and diagnoses, climate dynamics, synoptic meteorology

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    My main research focus is on investigating mid latitude storms, including how to forecast them better from a few days out to a season, how they may change under global warming, and their immense societal impacts. The distinctive characteristic of my research lies in the fact that I employ a wide range of tools in my research, ranging from analyses of gridded atmospheric analyses and state of the art climate model simulations to learn about the basic characteristics of the phenomena, examination of actual observations to validate what have been learnt from the gridded data, and dynamical studies using a suite of intermediate/mechanistic models to achieve better understanding of these observed phenomena. My major research interests and some selected publications are listed below. For more details and a complete list of publications, see my web page.

    Major research topics

  • Publications


    Zheng, C., E.K.M. Chang, H. Kim, M. Zhang, and W. Wang, 2021: Subseasonal Prediction of Wintertime Northern Hemisphere Extratropical Cyclone Activity by SubX and S2S Models. Weather and Forecasting, 36, 75-89.

    Yau, A.M.W., and E.K.M. Chang, 2020: Finding Storm Track Activity Metrics That Are Highly Correlated with Weather Impacts. Part I: Frameworks for Evaluation and Accumulated Track Activity. J. Climate, 33, 10169-10186.

    Guo, Y., T. Shinoda, B. Guan, D.E. Waliser, and E.K.M. Chang, 2020: Statistical relationship between atmospheric rivers and extratropical cyclones and anticyclones. J. Climate, 33, 7817-7834.

    Ma, C., E.K.M. Chang, S. Wong, R. Zhang, M. Zhang, and A. Del Genio, 2020: Impacts of storm track variations on wintertime extreme precipitation and moisture budgets over the Ohio Valley and northwestern United States. J. Climate, 33, 5371-5391.

    Zheng, C., and E.K.M. Chang, 2020: The role of extratropical background flow in modulating the MJO extratropical response. J. Climate, 33, 4513-4536.

    Zheng, C., E.K.M. Chang, H. Kim, M. Zhang, and W. Wang, 2019: Subseasonal to seasonal prediction of wintertime Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclone activity by S2S and NMME models. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124. Doi: 10.1029/2019JD031252

    Zheng, M., E.K.M. Chang, and B.A. Colle, 2019: Evaluating US East Coast winter storms in a multimodel ensemble using EOF and clustering approaches. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 1967-1987.

    Zheng, C., and E.K.M. Chang, 2019: The role of MJO propagation, lifetime, and intensity on modulating the temporal evolution of the MJO extratropical response. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124, 5352-5378.

    Wirth, V., M. Riemer, E.K.M. Chang, and O. Martius, 2018: Rossby wave packets on the midlatitude waveguide – A review. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 1965-2001.

    Wang, J., H. Kim, E.K.M. Chang, and S.W. Son, 2018: Modulation of the MJO and North Pacific storm track relationship by the QBO. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, 3976-3992.

    Wang, J., H. Kim, and E.K.M. Chang, 2018: Interannual modulation of Northern Hemisphere winter storm tracks by the QBO. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2786-2794.

    Zheng, C., E.K.M. Chang, H. Kim, M. Zhang, and W. Wang, 2018: Impacts of the MJO on storm-track activity, surface air temperature, and precipitation over North America. J. Climate, 31, 6113-6134.

    Chang, E.K.M., 2018: CMIP5 projected change in Northern Hemisphere winter cyclones with associated extreme winds. J. Climate, 31, 6527-6542.

    Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., Colle, B.A., Luo, Y. and Zhu, Y., 2017. Applying Fuzzy Clustering to a Multimodel Ensemble for US East Coast Winter Storms: Scenario Identification and Forecast Verification. Weather and Forecasting, 32(3), pp.881-903.

    Ma, C. G., & Chang, E. K. (2017). Impacts of storm track variations on winter time extreme weather events over the continental US. Journal of Climate, (2017).

    Guo, Y., Shinoda, T., Lin, J., & Chang, E. K. (2017). Variations of Northern Hemisphere Storm Track and Extratropical Cyclone Activity Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Journal of Climate, (2017).

    Wang, J., Kim, H. M., & Chang, E. K. (2017). Changes in Northern Hemisphere Winter Storm Tracks under the Background of Arctic Amplification. Journal of Climate, (2017).

    Zheng, M., Chang, E. K., Colle, B. A., Luo, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2017). Applying Fuzzy Clustering to a Multi-Model Ensemble for US East Coast Winter Storms: Scenario Identification and Forecast Verification. Weather and Forecasting, (2017).

    Chang, E. K. (2017). Projected Significant Increase in the Number of Extreme Extratropical Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Climate, (2017).

    Trammell, J. H., Jiang, X., Li, L., Kao, A., Zhang, G. J., Chang, E. K., & Yung, Y. (2016). Temporal and Spatial Variability of Precipitation from Observations and Models*. Journal of Climate, 29(7), 2543-2555.

    Chang, E.K.M, C.-G. Ma, C. Zheng, and A.M.W. Yau, 2016: Observed and projected decrease in Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclone activity in summer and its impacts on maximum temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 2200-2208. Doi:10.1002/2016GL068172

    Chang, E.K.M, C. Zheng, P. Lanigan, A.M.W. Yau, and J.D. Neelin, 2015: Significant modulation of variability and projected change in California winter precipitation by extratropical cyclone activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 5983-5991, doi: 10.1002/2015GL064424.

    Xia, X., and E.K.M. Chang, 2014: Diabatic damping of zonal index variations, J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 3090-3105, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-13-0292.1.

    Maloney, E.D., S.J. Camargo, E. Chang, et al., 2014: North American climate in CMIP5 experiments: Part III: Assessment of twenty-first-century projections, J. Climate, 27, 2230-2270, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00273.1.

    Chang, E.K.M, 2013: CMIP5 projection of significant reduction in extratropical cyclone activity over North America. J. Climate, 26, 9903-9922, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00209.1.

    Chang, E.K.M., Y. Guo, and X. Xia, 2012: CMIP5 multimodel ensemble projection of storm track change under global warming. J. Geophys. Research, 117, D23118, doi:10.1029/2012JD018578.

    Chang, E.K.M., 2009: Diabatic and orographic forcing of northern winter stationary waves and storm tracks. J. Climate, 22, 670-688.

    Chang, E.K.M., and Y. Guo, 2007: Is the number of North Atlantic tropical cyclones significantly underestimated prior to the availability of satellite observations? Geophys. Res. Letts., 34, L14801, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030169.

    Chang, E.K.M., 2006: An idealized nonlinear model of the Northern Hemisphere winter storm tracks. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 1818-1839.

    Chang, E.K.M., 2005: The impact of wave packets propagating across Asia on Pacific cyclone development. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 1998-2015.

    Harnik, N., and E.K.M. Chang, 2004: The effects of variations in jet width on the growth of baroclinic waves: Implications for midwinter Pacific stormtrack variability. J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 23-40.

    Chang, E.K.M., S. Lee, and K.L. Swanson, 2002: Storm track dynamics. J. Climate, 15, 2163-2183.

    Chang, E.K.M., and Y.F. Fu, 2002: Inter-decadal variations in Northern Hemisphere winter storm track intensity. J. Climate, 15, 642-658.

    Chang, E.K.M., 2000: Wave packets and life cycles of baroclinic waves: Examples from the Southern Hemisphere summer season of 84/85. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 25-50.

    Chang, E.K.M., and D.B. Yu, 1999: Characteristics of wave packets in the upper troposphere. Part I: Northern hemisphere winter. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1708-1728.

    Chang, E.K.M., 1999: Characteristics of wave packets in the upper troposphere. Part II: Hemispheric and seasonal differences. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1729-1747.

    Chang, E.K.M., 1995: The Influence of Hadley Circulation Intensity Changes on Extratropical Climate in an idealized model. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 2006-2024.

    Chang, E.K.M., and I. Orlanski, 1993: On the Dynamics of a Storm Track. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 999-1015.

    Chang, E.K.M., 1993: Downstream Development of Baroclinic Waves as Inferred from Regression Analysis. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 2038-2053.

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