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Town Hall Meetings

Improving leadership diversity in our schools 

A NYSED-funded Diversity Leadership Initiative Program

With New York State’s increasingly diverse schools, it is critical that their leaders reflect their schools and communities. Yet, there are too few leaders of color who reflect New York State’s diverse communities and student populations.

This problem varies widely across New York State where districts experience differing opportunities and challenges to diversifying the leadership pipeline. This challenge calls for a collaborative effort, built upon what we know and have learned already.

The New York State Education Department is funding a series of regionally-focused Town Hall meetings bringing together key educational stakeholders to address this pressing leadership challenge.  

Who Should Attend

To inspire the most productive conversations, we are inviting stakeholders from P-12 and higher education, including:

  • School and District leaders
  • Board of Education members
  • Professional associations
  • Faculty from public and private leadership preparation programs
  • Other interested stakeholders

Please sign up for the regional conversation of interest.


Content and Format

There will be separate online town hall meetings for each region of the state. The meetings will begin with a speaker who will set the stage for our discussion, followed by small group discussions with facilitators and then a whole group convening for a final discussion and suggested next steps. Each two-hour session will meet from 9-11 am and address:

  • The challenges districts have in recruiting and retaining diverse leaders.
  • The challenges leadership programs have recruiting and retaining diverse candidates.
  • Strategies that work within your district or region to prepare, recruit and retain diverse leaders.

Analysis and reporting.  After all of the meetings have been conducted, participants will be sent a link to a report of the findings. 



About The Diversity Leadership Initiative

The Diversity Leadership Initiative was made possible through the work of the Metropolitan Council of Education Administration Programs (MCEAP) executive committee and has received funding from a New York State Education Department (NYSED) grant. The grant's objectives are to help create a pipeline for emerging school leaders, to conduct and disseminate research on the effective strategies being used in the field, and to foster new and better leadership skills to integrate diversity and inclusion efforts deeply into school priorities, culture and operations.

Find Out More >


For More Information

If you have questions about the Town Hall Meetings, please send us an email.