Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Multiple Registrations for the Same Course


Repeat: to take a course again that IS marked as “may be repeated.” Examples include topics courses, teaching seminars or internships.

Retake: to take a course again that is NOT marked as “may be repeated.”

Repeatable Courses

1. Certain courses note in their descriptions that they “may be repeated once” or “may be repeated as the topic changes.”  Students may repeat such courses within those restrictions and receive credit each time.

2. Each grade for such repeated courses is computed in the student’s grade point average; a repeat grade does not replace the original grade.

3. Only courses stating in the description that they may be repeated may be taken more than once for credit.

4. If a student has scored a grade on a test or examination that awards equivalency for a specific Stony Brook course, the Stony Brook course may not be taken without permission as the university repeat rules apply. Students may not receive credit for an exam or test that awards a course equivalency in addition to receiving credit for the Stony Brook course.

Retaking Courses

  1. First time takers of courses have priority in registration. Students who wish to retake a course (second attempt) may begin retake registration on or about August 15 for fall classes and on or about January 15 for spring classes, pending an open seat.  The second attempts for winter and summer classes are permitted during the open enrollment date noted on the Registrar’s Office academic calendar. 

  2. Seats in high demand fall and spring classes, noted as High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) courses, are reserved for first time takers and new students through the end of the orientation registration period. Therefore, there is no guarantee of a seat in the case of a second or more attempt.  Students who wish to retake HD/CA courses should consider doing so in the summer and winter sessions, if possible.

    HD/CA courses:

    AMS  102
    AMS  110
    AMS  151
    AMS  161
    AMS  310
    ANP  300
    BIO  201
    BIO  202
    BIO  203
    BIO  204
    BIO  205
    BIO  207
    BIO  315
    BIO  358
    CHE  129
    CHE  131
    CHE  132
    CHE  133
    CHE  321
    CHE  322
    CHE  326
    CSE  114
    ECO  108
    ECO  303
    ECO  305
    ECO  320
    MAP  103
    MAT  122
    MAT  123
    MAT  125
    MAT  126
    MAT  127
    MAT  131
    MAT  132
    MAT  141
    MAT  142
    PHY  121
    PHY  122
    PHY  125
    PHY  126
    PHY  127
    PHY  131
    PHY  132
    PHY  133
    PHY  134
    PHY  141
    PHY  142
    POL  201
    PSY  201
    PSY  310
    SOC  202

  3. Students are considered to have taken a course if they remain in the course past the add/drop deadline, regardless of the grade received in the course (note that a grade of 'W' does count as a grade; see http://sb.cc.stonybrook.edu/bulletin/current/policiesandregulations/records_registration/grading_system.php).

  4. Credits for retaken courses will count once toward cumulative credits, but will count each time toward semester load. Each grade received in the course will be averaged into the cumulative grade point average. A retake grade does not replace the original grade.

  5. Students who retake a course may not exercise the G/P/NC option for that course.

  6. Students who wish to take a course more than twice must approval from the academic department offering the course via a petition form. In support of this petition form, students must include documentation from either the course instructor or department . Note: WAE 190, WAE 192, WAE 194, WRT 101, & WRT 102 are exempt from the petition process.

  7. Academic departments and general academic advising units may deny or deregister a student’s second or more attempt of a class(es) under certain circumstances, including:

    1. Not making sufficient major entry and/or major progress.
    2. Earning below a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
    3. Retaking two or more courses in the same semester.
    4. Retaking a course after earning a C or better on the first attempt.

  8. Students seeking to take courses at other institutions should review course equivalencies at www.stonybrook.edu/transfer. If a course is not already included on this list, students should seek pre-approval from the relevant department at Stony Brook and file a Transfer Course Evaluation Form with Academic and Transfer Advising Services.

Mutually Exclusive Courses

Mutually exclusive courses are courses whose content is so similar that students who have taken one will be repeating the material if they take the other, and taking two mutually exclusive courses is considered a retake of the same course. Credit will not be earned for the second time taking a course considered part of a group of mutually exclusive courses. Such courses are identified in their Undergraduate Bulletin descriptions with the notation “not for credit in addition to ABC ###.” Students risk losing both credits and grade in the second of two courses that are designated mutually exclusive.

Crosslisted Courses

Crosslisted courses are courses offered under the auspices of two or more departments and are identified by the notation “This course is offered as both ABC ### and XYZ ###” in the Undergraduate Bulletin and the course catalog in the SOLAR System, and by the notation “Crosslisted with ABC ###” in the Class Schedule. Crosslisted courses may also be indicated with a slash, such as AFH/PHI 379 or HIS 334/WST 336. The title, course description, prerequisite(s), and credit hours for crosslisted courses are identical. A crosslisted course is taught by the same instructor and meets in the same location and at the same time as the course with which it is crosslisted. Students may register under either designator but may not repeat the course by enrolling a second time under the other designator.

Coscheduled Courses

Coscheduled courses are upper-division undergraduate courses that are taught at the same time and in the same location as graduate courses. The undergraduate and graduate versions of the course must have separate requirements as described in the syllabi for the courses and separate grading policies for undergraduate and graduate students.