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We're linking research with practice.


At The Link, we share essential insights from different areas of research to support the growing community of those interested in scicomm


We bring research to life to help you make an impact.

Connecting Science Communication Research with Action

Below is a curated selection of features from the field of science communication written by collaborators.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov

Report & Summary:

In order to help the scientific community better understand some of the big picture motivations and barriers preventing the public from engaging with science, ASTC, ScienceCounts, and a number of other institutions recently conducted a massive study...

The Flame Challenge

The Alda Center is, above all else, all about making science accessible, which is why one of the first outreach programs created was a way to bring children and scientists together to explore ways to make science accessible to young people.

title image

Using Emotions to Convey Scientific Knowledge

What gets you up in the morning to get your research done? Recent findings in the science communication field recommend using two epistemic emotions when conveying scientific knowledge: curiosity and awe.

photo by Aaron Blanco Tejedor: mural of Black man holding his head in pain

Lessons in Chronic Pain

Dr. Gregory Carbonetti talks with The Link about his work as the Rita Allen Civic Science Fellow in Chronic Pain. As a Civic Science Fellow, Greg was part of a team that conducted a national survey to better understand public perceptions in chronic...

Horseshoe crabs spawning in shallow water

Everyday Environmentalism: The Orgies of Under-appreciated Arthropods

Paul D. Mooney, an award-winning writer, film-maker and master's student in Marine Conservation and Policy at SBU, regales us with his adventures tracking spawning horseshoe crabs along the eastern coastline.

Effective SciComm on Social Media

We live in a world where social media has taken on a life of its own. Given that so many Americans get their news and entertainment from social media, it's imperative that we use scicomm to reach audiences in real time and dispel myths and misinformation...