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More information about the chart labeled “Perceptions of Probability” -

Morss, R. E., Demuth, J. L., & Lazo, J. K. (2008). Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: A survey of the US public. Weather and forecasting, 23(5), 974-991.

Frameworks Institute -

Presentation by Nat Kendall-Taylor called, “Framing the Conditions for Successful STEM Learning”, given during the Out-of-School STEM Learning Summit convened by the National Academies of Science in June 2014 -

Elliot, A. J. (2015). Color and psychological functioning: a review of theoretical and empirical work. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 368.

Scientific American article on the use of color -

Broad, K., Leiserowitz, A., Weinkle, J., & Steketee, M. (2007). Misinterpretations of the “Cone of Uncertainty” in Florida during the 2004 Hurricane Season, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88(5), 651-668. Retrieved Feb 17, 2021

Washington Post articles on Hurricane Ian and uncertainty. 

“Here’s why Ian’s track was hard to predict, and harder to communicate” -

“Cone of confusion: Why some say iconic hurricane map misled Floridians” –

Hoti, F. (2022). The impact of uncertainty communication on emotional arousal and participation intention: the psychophysiological effects of uncertainties on experts. Journal of Risk Research, 1-20.

Journals of interest 

“The Journal of Risk and Uncertainty features both theoretical and empirical papers that analyze risk-bearing behavior and decision-making under uncertainty. The journal serves as an outlet for important, relevant research in decision analysis, economics, and psychology.” -

“The International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification disseminates information of permanent interest in the areas of analysis, modeling, design and control of complex systems in the presence of uncertainty.” -

“The International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systemsis a forum for research on various methodologies for the management of imprecise, vague, uncertain or incomplete information. The aim of the journal is to promote theoretical or methodological works dealing with all kinds of methods to represent and manipulate imperfectly described pieces of knowledge, excluding results on pure mathematics or simple applications of existing theoretical results.”-

Risk Analysis,published on behalf of the Society for Risk Analysis, is ranked among the top 10 journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports under the social sciences, mathematical methods category, and provides a focal point for new developments in the field of risk analysis. This international peer-reviewed journal is committed to publishing critical empirical research and commentaries dealing with risk issues.” -

“The Journal of Risk Researchaims to publish the latest theoretical and empirical research and commentaries on the communication, regulation, and management of risk.” -

Sara Kobilka

Sara Kobilka is the owner and principal consultant for Renaissance Woman Consulting LLC and a dedicated lifelong learner. She is passionate about education, communication, outreach, networking and issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, accessibility, belonging and social justice. Sara is involved nationally in diversity in STEM (including serving as a national trainer for SciGirls, Hero Elementary, Click2Science and ACRES) and STEM engagement initiatives. Over the course of her career, she’s been a broadcast meteorologist/journalist, formal and informal educator, non-profit leader, career consultant and entrepreneur. Her goal is to encourage collaborative, trans-disciplinary thinking, and develop a STEM identity in all individuals. She enjoys a Renaissance woman life-style, both inside and outside of her work life and is actively raising two Renaissance girls.

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