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Graduate Course Schedules

 *Urgent notice: If you are an international student and/or a student receiving a tuition scholarship, YOU MUST be properly registered by November 9, 2024.


FALL 2024 SCHEDULE (TENTATIVE SCHEDULE - Updated 09/11/2024)


AMS 500 Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) AMS 500 Webpage
Note: See AMS 500 Webpage for class meeting dates, location, facilitator and syllabus
91225 SEM S01 F 9:30-10:25AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 501 Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems I AMS 501 Webpage
89544 LEC 01 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. N3085 Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak

AMS 503 Applications of Complex Analysis AMS 503 Webpage
91159 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20 PM Loc: Humanities 3014 Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak

AMS 507 Introduction to Probability AMS 507 Webpage
Note: Cross-listed with HPH 696
91608 LEC 01 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 110 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg
91607 REC R01 RECW 11:00-11:55AM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: In Person Inst: Thi-Thanh-Lam Vu

97071 LEC 02 F 9:30 AM-12:20PM Loc: Engineering 145 Mode: In Person Inst: Weihao Wang
97072 REC R02 RECW 6:30-7:25PM Loc: Engineering 145 Mode: In Person Inst: Hanyu Zhou

AMS 510 Analytical Methods for Applied Mathematics and Statistics  AMS 510 Webpage
91609 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr  109  Mode: In Person Inst: Xiaolin Li
91610 REC R01 RECF 2:00-2:55PM Loc: Lt. Engineering 102 Mode: In Person Inst: Abdul Rahimyar

AMS 511 Foundations of Quantitative Finance AMS 511 Webpage
90908 LEC 01 W 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Frey

AMS 514 Computational Finance AMS 514 Webpage
Note:  Instructor Consent Required
91506 LEC 01 F 1:00-3:50PM Loc: Math Tower, Room B-148 Mode: In person Inst: Andrew Mullhaupt

AMS 516 Statistical Methods in Finance AMS 516 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
91109 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Melville Lbry. E4315 Mode: In Person Inst: Haipeng Xing

AMS 518 Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization   AMS 518 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 512 or AMS 516 or AMS 522
92195 LEC 01 R 3:30-6:20PM Loc: Earth & Space 079 Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
94759 LEC 02 R 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev

AMS 519 Internship in Quantitative Finance AMS 519 Webpage
91474 SUP VO1 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
92003 SUP V02 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev

AMS 520 Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance AMS 520 Webpage
Prerequisites:  AMS 572 and AMS 595; or AMS 561; or based on knowledge of Python per instructor's consent
92039 LEC 01 R 6:30-9:20PM Loc: Humanities 3020 Mode: In Person Inst: Pawel Polak

AMS 526 Numerical Analysis I AMS 526 Webpage
Co-requisites: AMS 510 and AMS 595
89828 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50 PM Loc: Harriman 115 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao

AMS 530 Principles in Parallel Computing AMS 530 Webpage
Prerequisite:  A course in basic computer science such as operating systems or architecture or some programming experience.
91294 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: Physics P-129 Mode: In Person Inst: Yuefan Deng

AMS 531 Laboratory Rotations In Computational Biology AMS 531 Webpage
Note:  Cross-listed with PHY 584
91237 LAB L01 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ASYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Rizzo

AMS 532 Journal Club of Computational Biology AMS 532 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 532 and PHY 665
90964 SEM S01 W 11:00-11:55AM Loc: Harriman 115 Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo

AMS 535 Introduction to Computational Structural Biology and Drug Design AMS 535 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 535 and CHE 535
90905 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Frey Hall 326 Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo

AMS 539 Introduction to Physical & Quantitative Biology AMS 539 Webpage
91353 SEM S01 F 11:00-11:55AM Loc: SBS N109 Mode: In Person Inst: David Green

AMS 540 Linear Programming AMS 540 Webpage
Prerequisite:  A course in linear algebra
91888 LEC 02 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 326 Mode: In Person Inst: Evangelos Coutsias

AMS 542 Analysis of Algorithms AMS 542 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 542 and CSE 548
89827 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 110 Mode: In Person Inst: Michael Bender

AMS 553 Simulation and Modeling AMS 553 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as CSE 529, AMS 553, and MBA 553
PrerequisiteAMS 507
91110 LEC 01 R 2:00-3:20PM Loc: Harriman 112 Mode: In Person Inst: Jiaqiao Hu

AMS 556 Dynamic Programming AMS 556 Webpage
PrerequisiteAMS 507 
91939 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 216 Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg

AMS 560 Big Data Systems, Algorithms and Networks  AMS 560 Webpage
Note:  AMS 560  is cross-listed with CSE 542
92179 LEC 01 R 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ONLINE/In Person - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua Liu
92179 LEC 01 T 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Life Sciences L101 Mode: ONLINE/In Person - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua Liu
97397 LEC 02 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Zhenhua Liu

AMS 562 Introduction to Scientific Programming C++ AMS 562 Webpage
Note: This course is controlled and owned by the Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS)
91634 LEC 01 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: Frey Hall 305 Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao

AMS 572 Data Analysis I AMS 572 Webpage
Note:  Department Consent Required
91504 LEC 02 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 110 Mode: In Person Inst: Pei-Fen Kuan

97073 LEC 01 F 2:00-4:50PM Loc: Engineering 143 Mode: In Person Inst: Silvia Sharna

AMS 575 Internship in Statistical Consulting  AMS 575 Webpage 
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 
91053 SUP V21 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P-138 Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu

AMS 585 Internship in Data Science AMS 585 Webpage
Note:  Permission of instructor
91910 SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics 1-114 Mode: In Person Inst: Zhenhua Liu
91991 SUP V02 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu

AMS 586 Time Series AMS 586 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 570 or AMS 572
92026 LEC 01 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Physics P-128 Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu
92066 LEC 30 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Wei Zhu

AMS 595 Fundamentals of Computing AMS 595 Webpage
Antirequisite:  AMS 561
91601 LEC 01 MW 8:00-9:20PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 101 Mode: In Person Inst: Chenyu You

AMS 598 Big Data Analysis AMS 598 Webpage
Prerequisite:  AMS 507AMS 580 and AMS 597
91696 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: Javits Lectr. 111 Mode: In Person Inst: Yi Liu

AMS 599 Research   AMS 599 Webpage
Note: See AMS 599 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple TUT T01 - T30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 676 Applied Mathematics Internship  AMS 676 Webpage 
Multiple SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 691 Topics in Applied MathematicsAMS 691 Webpage
Note: Lecture 01 Topic:  Recent Progress in AI/ML: Applications, Architectures, and Systems
94710 LEC 01 R 9:30-10:50AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua Liu
94710 LEC 01 T 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Frey Hall 301 Mode: ONLINE/IN PERSON - HYBRID Inst: Zhenhua Liu

Note:  Lecture 02 Topic: Natural Language Processing
94938 LEC 02 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: Humanities 3018 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Jiawei Zhou

Note:  Lecture 03 Topic:  Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
94939 LEC 03 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: Physics P113 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Jian Li

Note:  Lectures 04 and 05Topic:
97655 LEC 04 W 9:30-10:25AM Loc: Hvy. Engineering 201 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Weihao Wang
97656 LEC 05 W 9:30-10:25AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Weihao Wang

AMS 698 Practicum in Teaching  AMS 698 Webpage  
Note:  Lecture 01
94711 HTBA S01 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P127 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: David Green

Note:  Lecture 02
97648 SEM S02 F 12:30-1:25PM Loc: Engineering 183 Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Joseph Mitchell/David Green

AMS 699 Dissertation Research (on-campus)  AMS 699 Webpage
See AMS 699 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-40 APPT 1:00-1:00 AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor

AMS 700 Dissertation Research (off-campus)  AMS 700 Webpage 
See AMS 700 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor

AMS 701 Dissertation Research Off Campus- International  AMS 701 Webpage 
See AMS 701 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty Specific



AMS 500 Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) AMS 500 Webpage
Note: See AMS 500 Webpage for class meeting dates, location, facilitator and syllabus
53557 SEM S01 F 9:30-10:25AM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 502 Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems II AMS 502 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 501 
53405 LEC 01 MW 9:30-10:50AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak

AMS 512 Capital Markets & Portfolio Theory AMS 512 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 511 
54309 LEC 01 MW 3:30-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Robert Frey

AMS 513 Financial Derivatives and Stochastic Calculus  AMS 513 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 511
53889 LEC 01 MW 6:30-7:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In person Inst: Pawel Polak

AMS 515 Case Studies in Machine Learning and Finance  AMS 515 Webpage
54175 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
54485 LEC 30 TR5:00-6:20PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev

AMS 517  Quantitative Risk ManagementAMS517 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507 and AMS 511
53257 LEC 01 W 9:30AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Haipeng Xing

AMS 519 Internship in Quantitative Finance AMS 519 Webpage
53887 SUP VO1 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev

AMS 522, Bayesian Methods in FinanceAMS 522 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 512 or instructor consent
54162 LEC 01 TR 6:30-7:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Stanislav Uryasev
54486 LEC 30 TR 6:30-7:50PM Loc: ONLINE Mode: SYNCHRONOUS Inst: Stanislav Uryasev

AMS 523 Mathematics of High Frequency FinanceAMS 523 Webpage
53988 LEC 30 F 1:00-3:50PM Loc: Math Tower, Room B-148 Mode: In Person Inst: Andrew Mullhaupt

AMS 527 Numerical Analysis IIAMS 527 Webpage
51983 LEC 01 MW 3:30-4:50 PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Xiangmin Jiao

AMS 528 Numerical Analysis IIIAMS 528 Webpage
Note:  May be taken whether or not the student has completed AMS 526 or AMS 527.
53882 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Roman Samulyak

AMS 531 Laboratory Rotations In Computational Biology AMS 531 Webpage
Note:  Cross-listed with PHY 584
53558 LAB L01 FLEX 1:00-1:00AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo

AMS 533 Numerical Methods and Algorithms in Computational BiologyAMS 533 Webpage
Note:  Informatic methods for genomic analysis (such as data mining and analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequences) will not be covered. These topics are covered thoroughly in CSE 549.
53108 LEC 01 T 9:30AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: David Green

AMS 536 Molecular Modeling of Biological MoleculesAMS 536 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 535/CHE 535; or permission of the instructor
52997 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Robert Rizzo

AMS 542 Analysis of Algorithms AMS 542 Webpage
Note: This course is offered as both AMS 542 and CSE 548
57100 LEC 01 TR 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: TBA

AMS 548 Optimization Techniques in Biomolecular SimulationsAMS 548 Webpage
57116 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Dmytro Kozakov

AMS 550 Operations Research: Stochastic ModelsAMS 550 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
51984 LEC 01 TR 3:30-4:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Jiaqiao Hu

AMS 555 Game Theory IIAMS 555 Webpage
Prerequisites:  AMS 552/ECO 604
53300 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20 PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: TBA

AMS 559 Smart Energy in the Information Age  AMS 559 Webpage
 Note:  Cross-listed with CSE 551.
54176 LEC 01 F 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Zhenhua Liu

AMS 561Introduction to Computational and Data Science  AMS 561 Webpage
Antirequisite: AMS 595
Prerequisite:  Instructor Consent Required
54017 LEC 01 MW 11:00AM-12:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: TBA

AMS 569 Probability Theory I  AMS 569 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 510 
53865 LEC 01 TR 12:30-1:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Eugene Feinberg

AMS 570 Introduction to Mathematical StatisticsAMS 570 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 507
52928 LEC 01 MW 2:00-3:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Hongshik Ahn

AMS 573 Design and Analysis of Categorical DataAMS 573 Webpage
Prerequisites: AMS 572
51985 LEC 01 TR 5:00-6:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Jiawei Zhou

AMS 575 Internship in Statistical Consulting  AMS 575 Webpage 
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 
51986 SUP V01-17  HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P-138 Mode: In Person Inst: Statistics Faculty

AMS 578 Regression TheoryAMS 578 Webpage
Prerequisite: AMS 572
51987 LEC 01 W 3:30-6:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: TBA

AMS 580 Statistical Learning AMS 580 Webpage
54269 LEC 01 TR 9:30-10:50AM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Wei Zhu
57124 LEC 02 MW 5:00-6:20PM Loc: TBA Mode In Person Inst: Weihao Wang

AMS 597 Statistical ComputingAMS 597 Webpage
53294 LAB L01 TR 2:00-3:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Pei-Fen Kuan
57125 LAB L02 F 11:00AM-1:50PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: Weihao Wang

AMS 599 Research   AMS 599 Webpage
Note: See AMS 599 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple TUT T01 - T30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: IN PERSON Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 603 Risk Measures for Finance & Data AnalysisAMS 603 Webpage
53864 LAB L01 W 3:30-6:20PM Loc: TBA Mode: In Person Inst: James Glimm

AMS 676 Applied Mathematics Internship  AMS 676 Webpage 
Multiple SUP V01 HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty Specific

AMS 698 Practicum in Teaching  AMS 698 Webpage  
53303 SEM S01HTBA 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics P127 Mode: In Person Inst: David Green

AMS 699 Dissertation Research (on-campus)  AMS 699 Webpage
See AMS 699 Webpage for registering in correct section
Multiple APPT TUT T01-40 APPT 1:00-1:00 AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor

AMS 700 Dissertation Research (off-campus)  AMS 700 Webpage 
See AMS 700 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 APPT 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Your Doctoral Thesis Advisor

AMS 701 Dissertation Research Off Campus- International  AMS 701 Webpage 
See AMS 701 Webpage for registering in correct section 
Multiple APPT TUT T01-30 1:00-1:00AM Loc: Mathematics Mode: In Person Inst: Faculty Specific