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       New discoveries and new innovations in research require consistent effort and the ability to adapt quickly to new knowledge and new technology.   Federal support is essential for research but fluctuates greatly with the federal budget.  Philanthropic support is critical to maintain the research and teaching efforts in the department, especially during periods where Federal support wanes. 

        Philanthropic contributions support the research and teaching missions of the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology in many ways. Uses include: assisting faculty with the acquisition of new, key pieces of equipment; providing funds for graduate student travel to scientific meetings; and providing funds for undergraduate and Masters student research. Donations also help support the exchange of new ideas through our outside seminar program that brings outstanding scientists from other institutions to talk with our faculty and students and our annual Departmental retreat where students and faculty can describe their research and foster interactions within the department. 

 Contributions can be made to the Biochemistry and Cell Biology Fund for Excellence, which provides funds for immediate use or to the Endowment for Excellence in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, which supports the long term health of the Department.