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Selected Publications

Behavioral Finance

Jiang, D., Norris, D., & Sun, L.  (forthcoming). Weather, Institutional Investors, and Earnings News. Journal of Corporate Finance.

Hirshleifer, D., Jiang, D., & Meng, Y. (2020). Mood Beta and Seasonalities in Stock Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 137(1), 272-295.

Autore, D., Hutton, I., Jiang, D., & Outlaw, D. G. (2018). Short interest as a signal to issue equity. Journal of Corporate Finance, 48, 797-815.

Jiang, D., Kumar, A., & Law, K. K. (2016). Political contributions and analyst behavior. Review of accounting studies, 21(1), 37-88.

Hutton, I., Jiang, D., & Kumar, A. (2015). Political values, culture, and corporate litigation. Management Science, 61(12), 2905-2925.

Big Data Analytics

Chen, H., Xiao, K., Sun, J., & Wu, S. (2017). A double-layer neural network framework for high-frequency forecasting. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 7(4), 11.

Yin, L., Ge, Y., Xiao, K., Wang, X., & Quan, X. (2013). Feature selection for high-dimensional imbalanced data. Neurocomputing, 105, 3-11.

Crowdfunding/Investment Decisions

Wolfe, M. T., Blaseg, D., Patel, P. C., & Chan, R. Mix with the crowd? Craft‐based campaigns and the value of distinctiveness in campaign success. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Chan, C. S. R., Parhankangas, A., Sahaym, A., & Oo, P. (2020) Bellwether and the herd? Unpacking the u-shaped relationship between prior funding and subsequent contributions in reward-based crowdfunding. Journal of business Venturing, 35(2), 105934.

Chan, C. S. R., Park, H. D., Patel, P., & Gomulya, D. 2018. Reward-based crowdfunding success: decomposition of the project, product category, entrepreneur, and location effects. Venture Capital, 20(3), 285-307,

Chan, C. S. R., Park, H. D., & Patel, P. (2018). The effect of company name fluency on venture investment decisions and IPO underpricing. Venture Capital, 20(1), 1-26.

Chan, C. R., & Park, H. D. (2015). How images and color in business plans influence venture investment screening decisions. Journal of business Venturing, 30(5), 732-748. 

Financial Risk Management

Y. S. Kim and H-G. Kim (2024) Quanto Option Pricing on a Multivariate Levy Process Model with a Generative Artificial Intelligence,

J. Choi, H. Kim, Y.S. Kim, (2024) Diversified reward-risk parity in portfolio construction, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, To Appear

Y.S. Kim, H. Kim, J. Choi, (2023) Deep Calibration with Artificial Neural Network: A Performance Comparison on Option Pricing Models, The Journal of Financial Data Science, 5 (4) 100 - 118, DOI: 10.3905/jfds.2023.1.140

T. Kurosaki, Y. S. Kim (2021), Cryptocurrency portfolio optimization with multivariate normal tempered stable process and Foster-Hart risk, Finance Research Letters, to appear.

Kim, S. I.,  & Kim, Y. S. (2018). Tempered stable structural model in pricing credit spread and credit default swap. Review of Derivatives Research, 21, 119-148.

Anand, A., Kurosaki, T. Li, T. , & Kim, Y. S. (2016). Foster-hart optimal portfolios. Journal of Banking & Finance, 68, 117–130.

Kim, Y.S., Lee, J. , Mittnik, S.  & Park, J. (2015). Quanto option pricing in the presence of fat tails and asymmetric dependence. Journal of Econometrics, 187, 512–520.

Choi, J. Kim,  Y. S. , & Mitov, I. (2015). Reward-risk momentum strategies using classical tempered stable distribution. Journal of Banking & Finance, 58, 194-213.

Kim, Y. S., Rachev, S. T., Bianchi, M. L. , Mitov, I.  & Fabozzi, F. J. (2011). Time series analysis for financial market meltdowns. Journal of Banking & Finance, 35, 1879–1891.

Innovation Management

Patel, P. C., & Chan, C. R. (2023). The influence of differences between venture studios on differences in venture outcomes. Venture Capital, 1-19.

Oo, P. P., Sahaym, A., Hmieleski, K. M., Chan, R., & Parhankangas, A. (2024). The Aha Moment! The Effects of Serendipity and Innovation on Crowdfunding Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587241254069.

Chan, C. S., & Parhankangas, A. (2017). Crowdfunding innovative ideas: How incremental and radical innovativeness influence funding outcomes. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41(2), 237-263.

Wolf, G. (2017). Entrepreneurial university: a case study at Stony Brook University. Journal of Management Development, 36(2), 286-294.

 Luryi, S., Tang, W., Lifshit, N., Wolf, G., Doboli, S., Betz, J. A., ... & Shamash, Y. (2007, October). Entrepreneurship in engineering education. In Frontiers In Education Conference-Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, 2007. FIE'07. 37th Annual (pp. T2E-10). IEEE.

Portfolio Theory

Schmielewski, F., & Stoyanov, S. (2017). Defensive Portfolio Construction Based on Extreme Value at Risk. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 43(3), 42-50.

Biglova, A., Ortobelli, S., Rachev, S. T., & Stoyanov, S. (2004). Different approaches to risk estimation in portfolio theory. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 31(1), 103-112.

Real Estate Economics

Fabozzi, F. J., & Xiao, K. (2019). The timeline estimation of bubbles: The case of real estate. Real Estate Economics, 47(2), 564-594.

Fabozzi, F. J., & Xiao, K. (2017). Explosive rents: The real estate market dynamics in exuberance. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 66, 100-107.