Undergraduate: Which Courses Should I Take?
First two years of chemistry lecture and lab for students starting Fall 2021 or later.
Molecular Sciences Students:
Fall Year 1 | Spring Year 1 | Fall Year 2 | Spring Year 2 |
Fall Year 1152/154 (lab must be taken concurrently to be ensured a seat) |
Spring Year 1331/3831,2 (lab must be taken concurrently to be ensured a seat; recommended) OR 331/3271 (not recommended) OR 331 with no lab (not recommended) |
Fall Year 2332/3843 (lab must be taken concurrently to be ensured a seat; recommended) OR 332/3271 (if no lab taken Spring Year 1) |
Spring Year 23854 (save lab reports from 384) 3283 (if not taken Fall Year 2) |
General Chemistry Sequence Students:
Fall Year 1 | Spring Year 1 | Fall Year 2 | Spring Year 2 |
Fall Year 1131/133 (should be taken concurrently) |
Spring Year 1132/134 (should be taken concurrently) |
Fall Year 2321/3271 (should be taken concurrently) |
Spring Year 2322/3283 (should be taken concurrently) 3854 |
** Note that 383 is not an option for this sequence.
1 327 or 383 is not required for all majors. Majors that currently require one of these courses are Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, and Chemical Engineering. 327 or 383 is also required for pre-medical students.
2 Students who take 331 without taking 383 may take 383 during a following semester pending seat availability.
3 If required for the major. Majors that currently require 328 are Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
4 Only required for the Chemistry major.
Last revised: 28 October 2021 (EVP)