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Participating Faculty

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. If you are interested in working with a faculty member not listed here, we would be happy to confirm their participation prior to submitting your application.

Faculty Name Department Research Topic
Faculty NameMichael Bell DepartmentEcology and Evolution Research TopicCauses of temporal and spatial variation using the threespine stickleback fish
Faculty NameJian Cao DepartmentMedicine Research TopicBiology and prevention of cancer metastasis
Faculty NameHolly Colognato DepartmentPharmacological Sciences Research TopicExtracellular matrix in the brain: roles during development and during neurodegeneration
Faculty NameCarlos de los Santos DepartmentPharmacological Sciences Research TopicNMR Solution Structure of Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Faculty NameDale Deutsch DepartmentBiochemistry and Cell Biology Research TopicMetabolism of the endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG
Faculty NameDale Drueckhammer DepartmentChemistry Research TopicDesign, synthesis, and study of new organic molecules
Faculty NameWalter Eanes DepartmentEcology and Evolution Research TopicMolecular evolution, phylogenetic analysis, population genetics
Faculty NameMichael Frohman DepartmentPharmacological Sciences Research TopicRegulation of exocytosis, cell shape, and mitochondrial fusion by lipid signaling pathways
Faculty NameJessica Gurevitch DepartmentEcology and Evolution Research TopicExperimental investigation of fundamental ecological questions of plant populations
Faculty NameRobert Haltiwanger DepartmentBiochemistry and Cell Biology Research TopicRole of protein glycosylation in signal transduction and quality control 
Faculty NamePatrick Hearing DepartmentBiochemistry and Cell Biology Research TopicAdenovirus-host cell interactions; viral vectors for human gene therapy
Faculty NameNancy Hollingsworth DepartmentBiochemistry and Cell Biology Research TopicChromosome behavior in yeast meiosis 
Faculty NameStefan Judex DepartmentBiomedical Engineering Research TopicBone regulation
Faculty NameRichard Kew DepartmentPathology Research TopicLeukocyte chemotaxis; inflammation; pulmonary immunopathology
Faculty NameJames Konopka DepartmentMicrobiology & Immunology Research TopicSignal transduction, morphogenesis and genetics of pathogenic fungi
Faculty NameMary Kritzer DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicSex differences in cortical microcircuitry 
Faculty NameJoel M.  Levine DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicMolecular biology of nerve regeneration; nerve-glia interactions 
Faculty NameErwin London DepartmentBiochemistry and Cell Biology Research TopicMembrane protein structure/translocation/folding 
Faculty NameLorne Mendell DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicFunctional effects of neurotrophins in neonatal and adult mammals
Faculty NameIwao Ojima DepartmentChemistry Research TopicDesign, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of medicinally-active compounds
Faculty NameNancy Reich  DepartmentMicrobiology & Immunology Research TopicCytokines and Viral Defense
Faculty NameBasil Rigas DepartmentMedicine Research TopicCancer prevention
Faculty NameRobert Rizzo DepartmentApplied Math and Statistics Research TopicComputational structural biology; HIV/AIDS, cancer, and influenza
Faculty NameLorna Role DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicCholinergic signalling in circuits and behaviors related to emotional salience in learning and memory
Faculty NameClint Rubin DepartmentBiomedical Engineering Research TopicCellular mechanisms responsible for the growth, healing, and homeostasis of bone
Faculty NameNicole Sampson DepartmentChemistry Research TopicSteroid degradation pathways in M. tuberculosis
Faculty NameHoward Sirotkin DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicMolecular genetics of vertebrate neural patterning 
Faculty NameHelmut Strey DepartmentBiomedical Engineering Research TopicDrug delivery, nanostructures
Faculty NameKen-Ichi Takemaru DepartmentPharmacological Sciences Research TopicWnt Signaling in Development and Disease
Faculty NameStyliani-Anna Tsirka DepartmentPharmacological Sciences Research TopicNeuro-immune interactions in physiology and pathology of central nervous system
Faculty NameLonnie Wollmuth DepartmentNeurobiology and Behavior Research TopicMolecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission