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IRACDA Scholar: Nicholas Palmisano, Ph.D.


Nicholas Palmisano

PhD: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, The Graduate CVenter, City University of New York
NY-CAPS Placement:  Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Current Position: Lecturer of Biology  

Nicholas obtained his PhD at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, in the lab of Dr. Alicia Meléndez, at Queens College. During his graduate work, he studied endocytosis and autophagy using C. elegans as a model. His long-term goal is to become a faculty member at a primarily undergraduate institution, where he can continue to educate students of various ethnic backgrounds about biology, and conduct research on investigating the mechanisms of cancer invasion.

Why I chose to join IRACDA NY-CAPS: I chose to join the NY-CAPS post-doctoral program so that I could improve my teaching skills, and acquire new skills needed to pursue my career goals in teaching and research.

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