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IRACDA Scholar: Zhijuan Qiu, Ph.D.


Zhijuan Qiu                                                             

PhD: Biomedical Sciences, University of Connecticut Health Center
NY-CAPS Placement: Department of 
Molecular Genetics and Microbiolog

Zhijuan Qiu received a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from University of Science & Technology of China, a M.S. degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Sciences from University of Connecticut Health Center. Her Ph.D. research focused on the development of T cell-based cancer vaccines using cytomegalovirus as a vaccine vector and the function of nuclear pregnane X receptor in innate immune responses to bacterial infections. She is currently pursuing postdoctoral training in Dr. Brian Sheridan’s laboratory at Stony Brook University with a primary research interest in developing Listeria-based therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancers in the gastrointestinal tract. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated passion for teaching and promoting science. She is fully committed to conducting high impact research and engaging with the next generation of scientists through education.

 Why I chose to join IRACDA NY-CAPS: IRACDA NY-CAPS program provides extraordinary opportunities for me to conduct high impact research while developing important teaching skillsets through pedagogical training and mentored teaching at partner institutions.  Moreover, IRACDA NY-CAPS program emphasizes the importance of diversity in science and promotes the education of underrepresented students. Diversity brings varied experiences, perspectives and ideas to scientific challenges that help drive critical advances. IRACDA NY-CAPS program gives me an excellent opportunity to reach out to underrepresented students and share my passion for science and education with them.

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