Use Academic-Industry platform to accelerate deployment of advanced energy technologies
and infrastructure for gas to provide community residents and businesses with value-added
services accomplished through innovative energy research, analysis, and education.
Spellman High Voltage Power Electronics Laboratory
Utilize the advances in Wide Bandgap semiconductors to enable efficient and compact
high power density electronics for automotive, grid and aerospace applications. The
Spellmann Lab and CIEES are setting up a test microgrid at the Advanced Energy Center.
Advanced Combustion and Alternative Fuels Laboratory
Development of power generation and propulsion systems with an emphasis on advanced
combustion modes and alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. CIEES team
works with the Advanced Combustion and Alternative Fuels Laboratory on development
of alternative carbon-neutral fuels for retrofit of existing internal combustion engines.
Solid-State and Opto-Electronics Laboratory specializes in growth, fabrication and
advanced characterization of optoelectronic devices including semiconductor lasers.
We specialize in narrow-band semiconductors, such as LED’s, lasers and receivers.