Welcome Message from the Chair
Rigoberto Burgueño, PhD Professor and Chair rigoberto.burgueno@stonybrook.edu |
Welcome to Civil Engineering at Stony Brook!
We are the youngest department in one of the flagship academic institutions of the New York State University System. As an emergent department, our growth is guided by the opportunity to be progressive and forward thinking as we train the next generation of civil engineers. By going beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries, our goal is to become a leading academic department and help define the future of civil engineering. During the past year we welcomed Drs. McDonough, Celli, Moutsanidis, Qin and Xu to our department, who brought expertise in environmental chemistry, experimental and computational mechanics, systems engineering, and advanced infrastructure systems. We are very excited about the synergy and growth that these outstanding new faculty bring to our department as they complement and strengthen our program, while also adding new dimensions to our research and teaching missions.
In spite of the challenging circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we have continued the strengthening of our educational and research activities thanks to the resiliency of our students and the dedication of our faculty and staff. As an ABET accredited civil engineering program, our undergraduates receive broad disciplinary education in the areas of environmental, geotechnical, hydraulic, structural, and transportation engineering. Our graduates are successfully joining the workforce in diverse settings and an increasing number of them are continuing onto graduate education. The graduate program is growing robustly in size, quality, and achievements. This past year we proudly had our first group of PhD graduates and this fall semester we welcomed our largest cohort of new graduate students. This progress is anchored in our faculty’s achievements on the research front, with notable activities in water quality improvement and advanced computational tools to design offshore wind energy farms.
We are enthusiastic about our future outlook and energized to continue our path to strengthen the position of our program. We invite you to browse through our website to learn more about our department and to join us in our quest to reach new heights.
Go Seawolves!