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Outreach & Social Media

The Center for Clean Water Technology strives to educate the broad public on water pollution problems and available technological solutions being developed by the Center and other researchers. You can stay informed on the Center's activities by signing up for our listserv, following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, and visiting our YouTube Channel which has archives of prior seminars, symposiums, and press conferences.  


The Center for Clean Water Technology hosts a public, in-person Symposium,  an event designed to highlight global clean water problems and solutions as well as present an overview of the Center’s most recent research breakthroughs. Previous Symposia have been hosted at Stony Brook University and are attended by people representing a wide-range of stakeholders from industry to academia and environmental advocacy, as well as regulators and policy makers from every level of government.  

June 12, 2024

June 17, 2022

May 22, 2018

June 23, 2016