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Academic Wellness

The Division of Undergraduate Education affirms that academic wellness includes engagement in your education, satisfaction in your major, performance in classes, relationships with instructors and peers, and degree progress. Your academic standing is one part of your academic wellness and can help you to determine if you are on or off track. Overall academic wellness derives from feeling challenged and excited to learn, asking for help, and maintaining a sense of joy and purpose as you work toward graduation.  When you get the elements of academic wellness on track, you begin a beautiful upward cycle of improved satisfaction and performance.

At Stony Brook, there are numerous resources and support for students. The Student Success website is a great place to get connected and below is a curated list of opportunities that can boost your academic recovery.

ADV 202, Academic Success Seminar
A credit-bearing course designed to maximize student skills.

Course Description: Designed to help students develop essential skills needed to become lifelong, self-regulated and self-motivated learners. Through guided journals and assignments, students will use self-reflection to identify possible self sabotaging thoughts and behaviors and discover what may be getting in the way of their academic and personal success. Students will discover how they learn and develop and strengthen their study skills. Topics to be covered include motivation, how memory works, metacognition, critical thinking, decision making, attention and concentration, goal setting, time management and other study skills strategies. 2 credits, ABC/U grading

Academic Success & Tutoring Center
FREE course-based and skills-based tutoring.

The Academic Success and Tutoring Center (ASTC) supports Stony Brook University’s mission of ensuring a comprehensive, high quality undergraduate education by providing services that complement classroom instruction and encourage student success. Through collaborative efforts with academic departments and student services, the ASTC enhances, promotes, and develops tutorial and academic success programs, and is committed to creating an inclusive, supportive, student-centered learning environment, which stimulates critical thinking and productive learning.

Click here to learn more.

Self-Regulated Learning Lab
An open, free resource for students to improve their academic skills.

Self-regulated learners strategically manage how they learn in order to meet their goals. The strategies reviewed in the Self-Regulated Learning Lab help students achieve more academically, study more efficiently, and have a more positive school experience.

Click here to learn more.


  • Choices of Successful Students

    Choices you make in college can affect every part of your life. The following list is from Skip Downing, author of On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life. Take a few moments to consider which characteristics you already have, and which you need to develop.  

    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .1. Accept self-responsibility, seeing themselves as the primary cause of their outcomes and experiences. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .1. See themselves as Victims, believing that what happens is determined by external forces such as fate, luck, and powerful others.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .2. Discover self-motivation, finding purpose in their lives by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .2. Have difficulty sustaining motivation, often feeling depressed, frustrated, and/or resentful about a lack of direction in their lives.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .3. Master self-management, consistently planning and taking purposeful actions in pursuit of their goals and dreams. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .3. Seldom identify specific actions needed to accomplish a desired outcome. And when they do, they tend to procrastinate.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .4. Employ interdependence, building mutually supportive relationships that help them achieve their goals and dreams. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .4. Are solitary, seldom requesting, even rejecting offers of assistance from those who could help.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .5. Gain self-awareness, consciously employing behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that keep them on course. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .5. Make important choices unconsciously, being directed by self-sabotaging habits and outdated life scripts.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .6. Adopt life-long learning, finding valuable lessons and wisdom in nearly every experience they have. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .6. Resist learning new ideas and skills, viewing learning as fearful or boring rather than as mental play.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .7. Develop emotional intelligence, effectively managing their emotions in support of their goals and dreams. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .7. Live at the mercy of strong emotions such as anger, depression, anxiety, or a need for instant gratification.
    SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. . .8. Believe in themselves, seeing themselves capable, lovable, and unconditionally worthy as human beings. STRUGGLING STUDENTS. . .8. Doubt their competence and personal value, feeling inadequate to create their desired outcomes and experiences.

    From On Course: Strategies for Success in College and in Life Fifth Edition by Skip Downing 

  • Stories of Resilience and Overcoming Academic Difficulties
    Stony Brook News: Overcoming Challenges, Achieving Success — and Always Learning
    (April 2021)