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Kathleen Mcgarry


N-607 Social and Behavioral Sciences Building





“Wealth Declines among U.S. Older Adults at Risk of Dementia” (with Jing Li et al.), 2023. Journal of the American Medical Association: Neurology. Published online September 18.

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“How Caregiving for Parents Reduces Women’s Employment: Patterns Across Sociodemographic Groups,”(with Sean Fahle), 2022. In America’s Aging Workforce and the Future of ‘Working Longer’, Lisa Berkman and Beth Truesdale, eds., Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

“Perceptions of Mortality: Individual Assessments of Longevity Risk,” 2021. In New Models for Managing Longevity Risk: Public/Private Partnerships, Olivia S. Mitchell, ed., Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System, (with Don Blazer II, et al.,) Washington D.C.: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020.

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“Residential Setting and the Cumulative Financial Burden of Dementia in the 7 Years Before Death,” (with Amy Kelley, et al.), 2020. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 (6): 1319-1324.

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“The Burden of Health Care Costs for Patients with Dementia in the Last 5 Years of Life,” (with Amy Kelley, et al.), 2019. Annals of Internal Medicine, 163(10): 729-736.

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“Women Working Longer: Labor Market Implications of Providing Family Care,” (with Sean Fahle), 2018. In Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages, Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, eds. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 157-184.

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“Parental Investments in College and Later Cash Transfers,” (with Steven Haider), 2018. Demography, 55 (5) : 1705-1725.
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“Three Generations of Changing Gender Patterns for Schooling in China,” (with Xiaoting Sun), 2018. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23 (4) : 584-605.
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“Measuring and Modeling Intergenerational Links in Relation to Long-Term Care,” (with Andrew Caplin and Mi Luo), 2018. Economic Inquiry, 56 (1) : 100-113.
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“Post-secondary Schooling and Parental Resources: Evidence from the PSID and HRS” (with Steven Haider), 2018. Education and Finance Policy, 13 (1) : 72-96.
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“Living Arrangements of Mothers and Their Adult Children over the Life Course” (with Emily Wiemers, V. Joseph Hotz, and Vladislav Slanchev), 2017. Research on Aging, 39 (1) : 111-134.
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“Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditures in the United States: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study” (with Sean Fahle and Jonathan Skinner), 2016. Fiscal Studies, 37 (3-4) : 785-819.
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“Dynamic Aspects of Family Transfers,” 2016. Journal of Public Economics, 137 : 1-13 (lead article).
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“Consumption and the Extended Family,” (with Hwajung Choi and Robert Schoeni), 2016. Economic Letters, 140 : 34-38.
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“Living Arrangements of Mothers and Their Adult Children over the Life Course,” (with Emily Wiemers, V. Joseph Hotz, and Vladislav Slanchev), forthcoming, Research on Aging.
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“Heterogeneity in State-Dependent Utility: Evidence from Strategic Surveys,” (with Jeffrey R. Brown and Gopi Shah Goda), 2016. Economic Inquiry, 54 (2) : 847-861.
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“The Burden of Health Care costs for Patients with Dementia in the Last 5 Years of Life,” (with Amy Kelley, Rebecca Gorges and Jonathan Skinner), 2015. The Annals of Internal Medicine, 163 (10): 729-736.
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“The Estate Tax and Inter vivos Transfers over Time,” 2013. The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 103 (3) : 478-483.
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“The Social Safety Net for the Elderly,” 2013. In The Legacy of the War on Poverty,Martha Bailey and Sheldon Danziger, eds. New York: Russell Sage,179-205.
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“Out-of-Pocket Spending in the Last Five Years of Life” (with Amy Kelley et al.), 2013. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28 (2) : 304-309. (Published online, September 2012.)
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“Long-Term Care Insurance Demand Limited By Beliefs About Needs, Concerns About Insurers, and Care Available From Family” (with Jeff Brown and Gopi Shah Goda), 2012. Health Affairs, 31 (6): 1294-1302.
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“State of the Science: Risk Factors and Therapeutic Interventions for Alzheimer’s Disease” (with Martha Daviglus et al.), 2011. Archives of Neurology, 68 (9): 1185-1190.
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“The Risk of Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditures at the End of Life” (with
Samuel Marshall and Jonathan S. Skinner), 2011. Explorations in the Economics
of Aging,
 David A. Wise, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 101-128.

“Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline” (with Martha Daviglus et al.),
2011. Annals of Internal Medicine, 154 (3): 176-181.
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“Preference Heterogeneity and Insurance Markets: Explaining the Puzzle of Insurance” (with David Cutler and Amy Finkelstein), 2008. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 98 (2): 157-162.
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“Intergenerational Ties: Theories Trends, and Challenges” (with Suzanne Bianchi, V. Joseph Hotz, and Judith Seltzer), 2008. In Intergenerational Caregiving, Alan Booth, Ann
Crouter, Suzanne Bianchi and Judith Seltzer eds. Washington DC: Urban Institute Press, 3-43.
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“Inheritance and Bequests,” 2008. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics,
Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume, eds. MacMillian, 1-11.
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“Recent Trends in Resource Sharing among the Poor” (with Steven Haider), 2006.
In Working and Poor, edited by Rebecca Blank, Sheldon Danziger, and Robert
Schoeni, New York: Russell Sage, 205-232
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“Multiple Dimensions of Private Information: Evidence from the long-term care insurance market” (with Amy Finkelstein), 2006. The American Economic Review,
96 (4): 938-958.
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“Dynamic Inefficiencies in Insurance Markets: Evidence from Long-Term Care Insurance” (with Amy Finkelstein and Amir Sufi), January 2005. The American
Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 
95 (2): 224-228.
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“Medicare Gaps and Widow Poverty” (with Robert Schoeni), 2005. The Social Security Bulletin, 66 (1): 58-74.
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“Widow(er) Poverty and Out of Pocket Medical Expenses Near End of Life” (with Robert Schoeni), 2005. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 60B (3): S160-S169.
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“Does Caregiving Affect Work? Evidence Based on Prior Labor Force Experience,” 2003. In Health Care Issues in the United States and Japan, David A. Wise and Naohiro Yashiro (Eds.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 209-228
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“Why Parents Play Favorites: Explanations for Unequal Bequests” (with Audrey
Light), 2004, The American Economic Review, 94 (5): 1669-1681.
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“Health and Retirement: Do Changes in Health Affect Retirement Expectations?”
2004. Journal of Human Resources, 39 (3): 624-648.
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“Estate and Gift Tax Incentives and Inter Vivos Giving” (with David Joulfaian), 2004.
National Tax Journal, LVII (2): 429-444.
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“Public Policy and the U.S. Health Insurance Market: Direct and Indirect Provision
of Insurance,” 2002. National Tax Journal, LV (4): 789-827.
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“The Predictive Validity of the Subjective Probabilities of Survival,” (with Michael
D. Hurd), 2002. Economic Journal, 112 (482): 966-985.
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“Guaranteed Income: SSI and the Well-Being of the Elderly Poor,” 2002. In The Distributional Aspects of Social Security and Social Security Reform, Martin Feldstein and Jeffrey Liebman eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 49-79.
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“The Cost of Equality: Unequal Bequests and Tax Avoidance,” 2001. Journal of
Public Economics,
 79 (1): 179-204.
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“Behavioral Responses to the Estate Tax: Inter Vivos Giving,” 2000. National Tax
 53 (4): 913-932.
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“Inter Vivos Transfers or Bequests? Estate Taxes and the Timing of Parental Giving,”
2001. Tax Policy and the Economy, 14: 93-121.
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“Social Security, Economic Growth, and the Rise in Elderly Widows’ Independence in the 20th Century,” (with Robert F. Schoeni), 2000, Demography, 37 (2): 221-236.
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“Inter vivos Transfers and Intended Bequests,” 1999. Journal of Public Economics,
73 (3): 321-351.
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“Job Change Patterns and the Wages of Young Men,” (with Audrey Light), 1998.
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 80 (2): 276-286.
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“Pensions and the Distribution of Wealth” (with Andrew Davenport), 1998. In Fron-
tiers in The Economics of Aging, David A.Wise ed., Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 463-486.
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“Caring for the Elderly: The Role of Adult Children,” 1998. In Inquiries in The
Economics of Aging,
 David A. Wise ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press:
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“Transfer Behavior Within the Family: Results from the Asset and Health Dynamics
Study,” (with Robert F. Schoeni), 1997. The Journals of Gerontology, 52B: 82-92.
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“Medical Insurance and the Use of Health Care Services by the Elderly,” (with Michael
D. Hurd), 1997. Journal of Health Economics, 16 (2): 129-154.
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“Factors Determining Participation of the Elderly in the Supplemental Security In-
come,” 1996. Journal of Human Resources, 30 (2): 331-358.
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“Evaluation of the Subjective Probabilities of Survival in the Health and Retirement
Study” (with Michael D. Hurd), 1995. Journal of Human Resources, 30: s268-
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“Transfer Behavior in the Health and Retirement Study:`Measurement and the Redis-
tribution of Resources within the Family,” (with Robert F. Schoeni), 1995. Journal of Human Resources, 30: s184-s226.
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“Measurement Error and Poverty Rates of Widows,” 1995. Journal of Human
 30 (1): 113-134.
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Submitted and Presented Papers:

“Understanding Participation in SSI,” (with Robert Schoeni), August 2014. Presented at the 2014 Retirement Research consortium annual Meeting, national Press Club, Washington, DC.

“State-Dependent Utility and Insurance Purchase Decisions,” (with Jeffrey R. Brown and Gopi Shah Goda), August 2013. Presented at the 2013 Retirement Research Consortium Annual Meeting, National Press Club, Washington DC.

“Parental Investments in Education and Later Cash Transfers,” (with Steven Haider) NBER Working Paper 18485, October 2012. Revised August 2014. Under review.
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“The Importance of Private and Government Safety Nets: A Comparison of Approved and Denied SSDI Applicants,” with Jonathan Skinner), presented at the Retirement Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2012.


Work in Progress:

“Gender Differences in Parental Investment and Intergenerational Transfers in China,” (with Xiaoyan Lei, Xiaoting Sun and Yaohui Zhao, July 2016).

“College Attendance and Parental Resources: Evidence frm the PSID and HRS,” (with Steven Haider), August 2014.
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