BSEE Online Course Schedule
Link to past course schedules .
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Online: Fall 2017
Course number | Course Name | Credits | Instructor name, email and phone number |
Weekly online office hours (EST) and venues |
EEO 124 prerequisite |
C Programming for Electrical Engineers (extended session) |
3 | Dr. Vibha Mane (631) 682-1710 |
Mon., 11:00 AM-1:00 PM phone, email |
EEO 218 core * |
Digital Logic Design | 3 | Prof. Dmitri Donetski (631) 632-8411 |
Tue., 3:00-4:00 PM phone |
EEO 219 core* | Digital Logic Design Lab | 3 | Prof. Dmitri Donetski (631) 632-8411 |
Tue., 3:00-4:00 PM phone |
EEO 301 core |
Signals and Systems | 4 | Prof. Mark Fowler (607) 777-6973 |
Please email Prof. Fowler for an appointment for synchronous phone or skype sessions. |
EEO 315 core |
Electronics I | 3 | Prof. Ridha Kamoua (631) 632-8406 |
Mon., 12:00-1:00 PM phone |
EEO 316 tech. elective |
Integrated Electronic Devices and Circuits |
3 | Prof. Milutin Stanacevic (631) 632-1147 |
Tue., 3:00-4:00 PM phone |
EEO 323 core |
Electromagnetics | 3 | Prof. Charles Westgate (607) 777-6598 |
Sun., 8:00-9:00 PM Adobe Connect Room on BB |
EEO 346 tech. elective |
Computer Communications | 3 | Prof. Thomas Robertazzi (631) 632-8412 |
Mon., 1:00-2:00 PM phone |
EEO 352 core |
Electronics Lab I | 3 | Prof. Pao-lo Liu (716) 645-1021 |
Sat., 8:30-9:30 PM |
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Online: Spring 2018
Course number |
Course Name |
Credits |
Instructor name, email |
Weekly online office |
EEO 219 |
Digital Logic Design Lab |
1 |
Prof. Dmitry Donetski |
Tue., 3:00-4:00 PM |
EEO 224 |
Object Oriented Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers |
3 |
Prof. Alex Doboli |
Wed., 10:00-12:00 AM |
EEO 271 |
Electric Circuit Analysis |
4 |
Dr. Thomas Robertazzi |
Mon., 1:00-2:00 PM |
EEO 300 |
Technical Communications for |
3 |
Prof. Ronald Marge |
Tue., 8:00-9:00 PM |
EEO 304 |
Electronic Instrumentation and Operational Amplifiers |
3 |
Prof. Michael Gouzman |
Mon., 4:00-5:00 PM |
EEO 306 |
Random Signals and Systems |
3 |
Prof. Petar Djuric |
Wed., 3:00-4:00 PM |
EEO 311 |
Electronics II |
3 |
Prof. Dmitri Donetski |
Tue., 3:00-4:00 PM |
EEO 331 |
Semiconductor Devices |
3 |
Prof. Ridha Kamoua |
Mon., 12:00-1:00 PM |
EEO 353 |
Electronics Lab II |
3 |
Prof. Pao-Lo Liu |
Sat., 8:30-9:30 PM |
EEO 470 |
Renewable Distributed |
3 |
Prof. Jennifer Zirnheld |
Mon., 4:00-5:00 PM |
* Note: EEO 218 and EEO 219 can be taken concurrently as one course, or separately. EEO 219 will also be offered in the Spring.
*Course offerings are subject to sufficient enrollment.