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About the Hardship Fund
The Hardship Fund is a program available to assist eligible faculty and staff who are experiencing a personal financial emergency and who have exhausted all other avenues for obtaining assistance. The fund is not a loan. It is a grant of up to $599 designed to address an event or catastrophe that is non-recurring, sudden, unexpected, and critical, such as:
- Family crisis
- Acute illness
- Natural disaster
- Fire
- There must be a genuine emergency hardship.
- The event must have occurred during one's employment.
- All State, Research Foundation (RF), and Auxiliary Student Association (ASA) employees who have worked at Stony Brook University for at least six months
- Employees who work a minimum of 20 hours per week and have benefits, including teaching assistants, graduate assistants, and temporary employees.
- Employees who are on approved leave.
- Must be employed at least six months and currently in good standing.