FAHSS Awards
Fall 2024
Alix Cooper - History
Subvention for translation of Inventing the Indigenous into Russian
Ana Cortés Lagos - The Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Folk and Science. A qualitative study on clinical trial participants’ perceptions
and attitudes about vaccines, research, and vaccine safety
Angela Jones - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Book Incubation
April Masten - History
Diamond and Juba, Partners in Time
Benedict Robinson - English
The Fiction Lab
Brooke Belisle - Art
Rediscovering Early Astophotography
Christopher Sellers - History
What Does the Community of Port Arthur, Texas, Want?
Surveying People’s Priorities in a Sacrifice Zone
Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Renaissance Fiction and the Invention of Interdisciplinarity
Esteban Agosin - Art
AWA: Actions of Water Awareness
Fernando Loffredo - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Field and Archival Work in the Philippines (Manila and Luzon Island, June 2025)
Jason Jones - Sociology
Attitudes Toward Artificial Intelligence - Summarizing Current Understanding and Proposing
New Directions
Ken Weitzman - English
The Happiness Gym
Laura Thompson - Lichtenstein Center
ON CALL: June Jordan, Palestine and The Black Radical Tradition Now
Lena Burgos-Lafuuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
The Shape of the Caribbean to Come: Current Trends and Future Trajectories
Margaret Schedel - Music
Women’s Labor: Phase 3, Sidney Residency
Neisha Terry Young - English
Mapping Influence: Exploring the Role of Digital Literacy Platforms in the Amplification
and Dissemination of Immigrant Narratives
Robert Chase - History
Sheriffs and Carceral States of America: Right-Wing Law Enforcement,
Anti-Insurgent Policing, The Posse Comitatus Movement, and American
Rock Joeva - Anthropology
Africa’s Green Revolution and Expectations of Development
Rosabel Ansari - Philosophy
Avicenna's Treatise on Love
Sandra Kim - Asian and Asian American Studies
The Ante-Colonial Imagination: Korean Trans-Indigenous Relationality
Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong
Thomas Graf - Linguistics
Conference "Mathematics of Language (MOL) 2025"
Fall 2023
Andrew Engelhardt - Political Science
Explaining Whites’ Reactions to the “Racial Shift”
April Msten - History
Conference Travel and East Bay Soundscape Research
Aurelie Vialette - HLL
Disability in the nineteenth-century Spanish Colonial Law
Barbara Frank - Art
Mande Visual Resources Digital Sharing and Repatriation Project
Brian Guay - Political Science
Identifying the Causal Effects of Affective Polarization
Catherine Markham - Anthropology
Coastal adaptations in primates: Engaging children in science
Eric Zolov - History
The Bossa Nova Moment: Sonic Panamericanisms in the Era of the Cuban Revolution (1959-1963)
Fernando Loffredo - HLL
Field and Archival Work on the Andes (Cusco and Arequipa, Peru, June 2023)
Honaida Ahyad - Languages and Cultural Studies
The perception of pharyngeal [ħ] by learners of Arabic
Izumi Ashizawa - Art
Kurogo Me version1.x: A Sequel
Karen Lloyd - Art
Flesh and Bone: The Physiologies of Italian Baroque Sculpture
Kathleen Wilson - History
Hitchhiker's Companion to the Eighteenth Century British Empire
Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Subvention for Keywords/Images in Graphic Medicine
Lori Flores - History
Morphologies- Solo Exhibition at Gallery North
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Cesar Chavez's European Tour
Ricahrd Tomczak - DUE
Environmental Sculpture
Rita Nezami - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Workers of War & Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783
Ryan Vander Wielen - Political Science
The Rooftop: A Culture-Specific Feminine Space in Muslim Society
Salcedo-Watson - Art
Gender and Partisan Asymmetries in Accountability Engagement and Citizen Knowledge
Sam Dodd - Art
Subvention for Book Publication, All Eyes on Space: Television and the Architecture
of Distant Sight, University of Pittsburgh Press
Sandhya Sundaresan - Linguistics
Hosting conference ``Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages (FASAL)''
Victoriano Roncero-Lopez - HLL
Publication of El hombre pobre todo es trazas by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Spring 2023
Izumi Ashizawa - Art and Theater Art
Nammu and the Sea
Brooke Belisle - Art
Rebooting MACT
Robert Crease - Philosophy
“Dynamics of Relations Between Laboratories and Communities”
Andrew Delton - Political Science
Who Supports Political Violence and Why: The Roots of Violence in Psychology and Personality
Barbara Frank - Art
Endangered Sudanese Architecture and the Visual Archive: Engaging the Past to Reimagine
a Sustainable Future
Leonie Huddy - Political Science
How Elites Manipulate Status Threats to Encourage Anti-Democratic Attitudes
Katherine Johnston - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Profiles and Plotlines: Data Surveillance in Twenty-First Century Literature
Reuben Kline - Political Science
Fractured Trust: Perceptions of Police Violence and Their Impact on Democratic Support
in Latin America
Sohl Lee - Art
Democracy x Women's Liberation x Collectivism: Building a Feminist Art History in
South Korea
Judith Lochhead - Music
Music's Sensorium: seeing with our ears
Janis Mimura - History
Eurasian Axis: Japan, Germany, and Italy and their Bid for World Domination
Chikako Nakamura - AAAS
Developing Language Diversity Awareness on Campus
Donna Rilling - History
Foreclosed: Race and Dispossession in the Nineteenth-Century North
Katherine Sawyer - Political Science
Explaining Partisan Sorting with Gender Identity
Oleg Smirnov - Political Science
Understanding Public Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Study of Political
Ideology and Transhumanism
James Austin Smith - Music
Crossing Borders Past and Present: Stony Brook Oboes Workshop and Performance
Benjamin Tausig - Music
Thai-language translation of "Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint"
Ryan Vander Wielen - Political Science
Republican Women and Politics of Extreme Rhetoric
Fall 2022
Brooke Belisle - Art
Depth Effects: Photography, Computation, and Dimensional Aesthetics (book manuscript)
Isak Berbic - Art
Minerva Paradajz
Toby Buonagurio - Art
“Between a Rock and a Hard Place : A Whole New Meaning When it Applies to Layered
Magnetic Components“ ( revised proposal )
Coleman Collins - Art
GuiltCoin Redux
Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Comics panels and file cabinets: Inside Alison Bechdel's queer archives
Stanley Feldman - Political Science
Threat Sensitivity, Political Cognition, and Candidate Choice
Crystal Fleming - Sociology and Africana Studies
Black Meditations
Giuseppe Gazzola - Languages and Cultures
Genoa in the Grand Tour
Reuben Kline - Political Science
(Bounded) Political Friendships? Tests of Panethnic Processes for Asians in the US
Gallya Lahav - Political Science
Gendered Pathways to Leadership in Far-Right and Far-Left Parties
Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong
Karen Lloyd - Art
A Collaboration Between Stony Brook University and the Prado Museum, Madrid: Baroque
Painter Guido Reni and the Visual Culture of the Global Spanish Empire
Zabet Patterson - Art
The Cybernetic Cinema of the Whitneys
Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Renaissance Fiction and the Invention of Interdisciplinarity
Kristen Shorette - Sociology
The Constitutionalization of Global Human Rights, 1950 – 2013
Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
visiting archives in Madrid, Spain, to conduct archival research
Nicholas Wilson - Sociology
The Fall of Robert Clive: Corruption and Transformation in an Imperial Life
Spring 2022
Aurelie Vialette -- Hispanic Languages and Literature
North American Catalan Society Conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
(April 2022)
Simone Brioni -- English
Italy, Elsewhere
Patricia Medved -- Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Investigating and Re-Energizing the Conversation Metaphor for More Creative Student
Research and Writing
Paul Firbas -- Hispanic Languages and LIterature
Subvention for Book Publication
Izumi Ashizawa -- Art and Theater Art
Granny Seal: Inuit Conversation in the technological era
Leonie Huddy -- Political Science
Beyond Gender: The Political Effects of Gender-Linked Traits among Men and Women
Nobuho Nagasawa -- Art
Sophie Raynard-Leroy -- European Languages, Literature and Culture
Damsels in Charge: Empowering Fairy Tales from Classic France
Peggy Ann Spitzer -- GLI
Female Empowerment and Climate Change in the Global South: The Path Toward Environmental
Social Justice
Ryan Vander Wielen -- Political Science
He Did, She Did: The Gendered Implications of Obstruction
Yi Wang -- Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Navigating and Responding to Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Study Abroad Context
Agnes He -- Asian and Asian American Studies
Stony Brook Stories of Language and Life
Yongjun Zhang -- Sociology and Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Big Data for Political Good: New Voices in Interdisciplinary Research
Spring 2021
Andrew Delton - Political Science
Insuring Each Other: Prosocial Concerns and Preferences for Insurance
Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
“Race, Gender, and Penal Colonies in the Philippines: The Failed Rebirth of the Spanish
Empire (1850-1898).”
Barbara Frank - Art
An Endangered Archive: Digitizing Visual Resources of the National Museum of Mali
Carrie Shandra - Sociology
The New Bottom Rung? Internships and Inequality in the College-Career Transition
Elena Davidiak - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Promoting Cultural Awareness in Pre-Med Students through Native Speaker Testimonials
Eric Zolov - History
The Walls of Santiago (Map & Transcriptions for Book Project)
James Austin Smith - Music
Resistance of the Avant-Garde: Contemporary Oboe Music in East Germany
Jason Jones - Sociology
Democratizing Survey Methodology with Citizen Science and Cost-Aware Evaluation
Joy Janzen - Linguistics
Language and Social Justice in Higher Education
Judith Lochhead - Music
Sofia Gubaidulina: the roles of color in her compositional aesthetic—1985-1999
Kathleen Fallon - Sociology
A Symposium on Land Acknowledgements, Native Studies and Community Relations
Nirmali Fenn - Music
immersive music composition for French horn and electronics
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Beyond Death: From Perishing to Flourishing Exhibition
Perry Goldstein - Music
Compact Disc recording of "Birding By Ear"
Peter DeScioli - Political Science
Do voters understand who benefits from taxes?
Rosabel Ansari - Asian and Asian-American Studies
Extending the 'Global' across Disciplines
Simone Brioni - English
Beyond the Frame: Photography and the Colonial Vision
Toby Buonagurio - Art
The Untold Story of Magnets and Magnetism in the Field of Art: A Personal Investigation
Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
Critical Race Studies Reading Group and Symposium
Vittorio Merola - Political Science
Interpersonal Political Communication in an Era of Polarization
Yanna Krupnikov - Political Science
How Personal Narratives Shape Political Beliefs
Zabet Patterson - Art
Who R U? and What’s Happening?: USCO’s Multimedia between Techno-utopia and Technocracy
Spring 2020
David Mather - Art
Chromatic Futurism
Elyse Graham - English
Citation work and lyric copyright for forthcoming books
Eric Zolov - History
"The Global Sixties in the Global South: An Interdisciplinary Conference"
Izumi Ashizawa - Art and Theater Art
Nalunaajaasuaraq (The Little Goddess): Intercultural theatrical collaboration between
Greenlandic Inuit, Japanese native, and Estonian native presented at Greenland National
Theatre, followed by performance tour to Inuit communities
Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Greater Left/Greater Caribbean: Undertheorized Radical Movements in the Archipelago
Leonie Huddy - Political Science
The Role of Anger in Political Polarization
Lori Repetti - Linguistics
Epenthesis Workshop
Reuben Kline - Political Science
Responses to Emerging Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation
Fall 2019
Mark Aronoff - Linguistics
The morphome: a target article for Theoretical Linguistics
Toby Buonagurio - Art
Mark Chambers - Africana Studies
Publication of book "Rivers of Gray Gold: Lead Mining and Its Impact on the Natural
and Cultural Environment, 1723-1840."
Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Drawing|Teaching|Healing: A Graphic Medicine Symposium
Paul Firbas - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th century): International
Barbara Frank - Art
Marks of Identity: Griot Potters of the Folona, Reconstructing the History of and
African Ceramic Tradition
Kristina Lucenko - Writing and Rhetoric
Civil Resistance: Women’s Agency, Rhetoric, and Writing in Revolutionary England
Ryan Minor - Music
Berlin Operetta, Then and Now
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Treasure Hunt of the Minds
Rita Nezami - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
The Rooftop: A Culture-Specific Feminine Space
Adrián Pérez Melgosa - Humanities Institute at Stony Brook
Difficult Pasts Conference
Sophie Raynard-Leroy - Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
Damsels in Charge: Empowering Fairy Tales from Classic France
Victoriano Roncero-Lopez - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Entremeses y Mojigangas para sus autos sacramentales
Jeffrey Santa Ana - English
Empire and Environment: Confronting Ecological Ruin in Asia, the Pacific, and the
Shobana Shankar - History
India in the Black Atlantic: Racial Reckoning in Postcolonial Africa
Stephen Smith - Music
Sound and Affect: Voice, Music, World
Andrew Uroskie - Art
Book Translation
Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
No Place Like Home:
Eric Zolov - History
Indexing of Monograph (The Last Good Neighbor)
Spring 2019
Izumi Ashizawa - Theater Arts and Art
The Bacchae Project at the ancient Greek open-air theatre in Cyprus
Michael Becker - Linguistics
The 7th Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 11-13, 2019
Simone Brioni - English
Writing about Islam-Narrating Diaspora
Peggy Christoff - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Meeting the Farmers: How the Bhungroo Irrigation Technology Empowers Women and Addresses
Climate Change in Three Gujarat Villages
Cynthia Davidson - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Educational Exchanges in South Asia
MaryAnn Duffy - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Educational Exchanges in South Asia
Daniela Flesler - Hispanic Languages and Literature
The Memory Work of Jewish Spain -Indexing of Book Manuscript
Lori Flores - History
Latino Food Workers and Their Struggles for Justice in the U.S. Northeast, 1940 to
the Present
Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong: Performing the Moder Publication Costsn
John Lutterbie - Theater Arts
Introduction to Theatre, Performance, and Cognitive Science
David Mather - Art
Afrofuturist Imagination
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
"Bright Shining Light: The Tale of Kayuga"
H. Hannah Nam - Political Science
Understanding complex attitudes toward the rich and implications for economic inequality
Margaret Schedel - Music
Harmonices Mundi @400
Michael Tondre - English
Refinement: Oil, Aestheticism, and the British Atlantic World, 1850-1920
Javier Uriarte - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Water and Infrastructure in the Americas: A one-day interdisciplinary symposium
Kathleen Vernon - Hispanic Languages and Literature
"Hearing Film: The Culture of Dubbing in Spain," Part III of my book manuscript,
Listening to Spanish Cinema.
Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
On Archival Truths: Exploring the Interstices of Affect, Gender and Ways of Knowing
in the Archives
Julian Wamble - Political Science
From Social Group Identity to Partisanship: The Role of the Information Environment
Jiwon Yun - Linguistics
Negative sentences and illusion of grammaticality
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Mark Aronoff - Linguistics
The 4th American International Morphology Meeting, May 3-5, 2019
Peter Carravetta - Philosophy
Peg Christoff - Writing and Rhetoric
Asian Women and Political Participation in Climate Change Adaptation: Implementation
of a Questionnaire in Gujarat, India
Robert Crease - Philosophy
Phenomenology and Physics: Quantum Mechanics, Human Experience, and the Pursuit of
Foundational Knowledge
Kathleen Fallon - Sociology
Domestic and International Approaches to Gender and Development
Paul Firbas - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Digital Humanities and Networks: Early Modern Journalism in Spain and Peru (1600 to
Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
Urbanizing a Nation Modernizing a City: Addis Ababa 1941-1975
Nancy Hiemstra - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Investigating shifting immigration enforcement policies and patterns in Ecuador
David Mather - Art
Futurist Conditions
Kristen Nyitray - Libraries
Celebrating Long Island’s Poet: Walt Whitman at 200
Joseph Pierce - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Argentine Intimacies: Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890-1910
Lori Repetti - Linguistics
Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) at Stony Brook, May 3-5, 2019: Conference
Shobana Shankar - History
Ghanaian Hinduism: A Religious Economy between West Africa and India
Javier Uriarte - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Indexing for forthcoming first book
Nicholas Wilson - Sociology
The Rise and Diffusion of Intellectual Movements: Postcolonial Theory and Straussian
Political Philosophy Viewed Through Acknowledgment And Career Data
Spring 2018
Matthew Barnson - Music
Performances & Recording of String Quartet No.5
Isak Berbic - Art
Modern City Steel: Artist Residency at SOMA, Mexico City
Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Counter Casting on the Contemporary Stage
Andrew Delton - Political Science
Institutions and Incentives to Mitigate Climate Change
Larry Frohman - History
Surveillance, Privacy and the Politics of Personal Information
David Hicks - Anthropology
The Occupation and Liberation of East Timor (1975-1999)
Sohl Lee - Art
From North Korea to the World: Another Genealogy of Global Connections and Postwar
Zebulon Miletsky - Africana Studies
Before Busing: The Long Freedom Struggle in Boston
Elizabeth Newman - History
Landscapes of Labor
Gabrielle Russo - Anthropology
Paleoanthropological research at Napudet, South Turkwel, Lake Turkana, Kenya
Carrie Shandra - Sociology
The New Bottom Rung? Employer Perspectives on Internship Hiring
August Sheehy - Music
Sound and Secularity
Francesca Spedalieri - English/Gender Studies
Dismantling the Canon: Emma Dante's Plays in Translation
Benjamin Tausig - Music
A Freely Available Audio Version of Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint
(2018, Oxford University Press)
Michael Tondre - English
The Future of Victorian Studies: A Conference in Honor of Adrienne Munich
Kathleen Vernon - Hispanic Languages & Literature
“Breaking the Sound Barrier: Accent, Identity and “Neutral” Spanish in the Early Years
of Televisión Española”
Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
"Dissonance of Modernity"
Adryan Wallace - Africana Studies
Gender and Substantive Political Representation in Nigeria & Ghana
Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
Inserting Domestics and Service Workers into the #MeToo / TimesUp Agenda
Fall 2017
Matthew Barnson - Music
Vera: Funds for an Opera Workshop
Barbara Frank - Art
Society of Africanist Archaeologists Biannual Meeting: Building Bridges to the African
Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
A la escucha del destiempo: Poéticas de la posguerra en el Caribe transatlántico [Listening
and Untimeliness: The Postwar Poetics of the Atlantic Caribbean]
Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
The Horn of Africa and Italy: Colonial, Postcolonial and Transnational Cultural Encounters
Dawn Harris - Africana Studies
In Defiance of the Authorities: Barbadian Migrant Labourers, Carceral Landscapes,
and the 1836 Emigration Act
Heidi Hutner - English and Sustainability Studies
Accidents Can Happen: Gender and Nuclear Stories from the Field
Jason Jones - Sociology
Technology for Social Change: Empathy and the Gendered Global Water Crisis
Ned Landsman - History
Under English Crown of British Crown? Anglo-Scottish Union and the Crisis of British
Shirley Lim - History
Art for the People
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Inventing the Future of Textiles
Andrew Newman - English
Captive Readers: Literacy and Allegory in Colonial Encounters
Ian Paul - Art
“Los Fantasmas del Franquismo (The Ghosts of Francoism)”
Margaret Schedel - Music / cDact
Signal Through the Flames: a CD
John Shandra - Sociology
The World Bank and Organized Hypocrisy: Understanding How and Why Using Archival Data
Joshua Teplitsky - History
The Fabric of Their Lives: Jews, Christians, and Material Culture in Early Modern
Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Archiva research for “The Colonial Carceral Archipelago: Penitentiary Colonization
and the Failed Rebirth of the Spanish Empire”
Spring 2017
John Bailyn - Linguistics
Language & Media in Nationalist Myth Making
Matthew Barnson - Music
Premiere Performances of Ars moriendi, Guggenheim-commissioned work for Cello and
Marimba in NYC, Stony Brook, and Kansas.
Toby Buonagurio - Art
Magnetic Attraction; Anti-Gravitional Suspension
Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Casting: the art and science of building character
Jose Elias-Ulloa - Linguistics
Documentation of Carijona
Crystal Fleming - Sociology
Publication Costs for Resurrecting Slavery: Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in
Perry Goldstein - Music
CD Recording Project
Tiffany Joseph - Sociology
Race, Ethnicity, and Documentation Status and Healthcare under Health Reform
Sarah Jourdain - European Languages
Latin and Linguistics Workshop
Peter Khost - Writing and Rhetoric
Understanding and Improving Habits-of-Mind Self-Efficacy in First-Year Writing Students
Amy Lu - Anthropology
Surveying Potential Field Sites for Studying the Behavioral Ecology of Gray Langurs
Ann Catherine Markham - Anthropology
Shutterbug Science: Engaging 7th grade students in SBU wildlife research
Anne O'Byrne - Philosophy
Logics of Genocide (Edited Volume)
Nikolaos Panou - Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
Summer Research in Greece
Adrian Perez Melgosa - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Traces of Vlasta Lah: Engendering the New Latin American Cinema
Fall 2016
Christina Bethin - Linguistics
Language Variation and Change in Belarusian Verbs
Eric Beverley - History
Halcyon Worlds: Regimes of Difference in Early Modern Indian Ocean Cities
Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity
Mallory Catlett - Theatre Arts
Dead Time of Plenty
Michael Kimmel - Sociology
Entry and EXIT: How Young Men Get into - and out of - Extremist Groups
Reuben Kline - Political Science
Risk Pooling and Climate Change Innovation
Karen Lloyd - Art
The Art of Nepotism in Early Modern Rome, 1580-1700
John Lutterbie - Theatre Arts
Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities: Mind Fields of Language
Janis Mimura - History
Axis Pact: Fascist Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan
Eriko Sato - Asian and Asian American Studies
Translanguaging and/in Translation
Susan Scheckel - English
Acts of Race and Justice
Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Publication subsidy for my first book "Intellectual Philanthropy: the Seduction of
the Masses."
Kathleen Wilson - History/HISB
Shakespeare's Futures: On the Arts and Sciences of Looking Ahead
Spring 2016
Timothy August - Cultural Analysis and Theory
The Refugee Aesthetic: Relocating Southeast Asian American Literature
Peggy Christoff - Asian and Asian American Studies
Asian Women in Disaster Relief Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Jennifer Heerwig - Sociology
Buying a Voice: The Gender Gap in Political Influence
Izabela Kalinowska Blackwood - Cultural Analysis and Theory
Documenting Ukraine in Visual Media
Sohl Lee - Art
Gwangju 1980, South Korea: Agitprop Artists and New Surfaces for Democracy
David Mather - Art
Research for Modern Color Theories and Practices
Elizabeth Terese Newman - History
Mexican Haciendas and Labor Control
Jeffrey Santa Ana - English
Postcolonial Environmental Memory: Remembering Place and the Natural World in the
Asian-Pacific Diaspora
Margaret Schedel - Music / cDACT
Fifty Years of Experiments in Art and Technology (FEAT)
Shobana Shankar - History
Africans in India
E. K. Tan - Cultural Analysis and Theory
#DigitalAsia: The Digital Humanities in Asian and Asian American Studies
Michael Tondre - English
Literature and Science Studies
Fall 2015
Isak Berbic - Art
Fossil Rock: The Baynouna River Bank
Rebekah Burroway - Sociology
Women's Land Rights and Child Health in Developing Countries
Peter Carravetta - European Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Dante Worlds
Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Communicating Interdisciplinarity: Cognitive Approaches to the Arts and Humanities
Andrew W. Delton - Political Science
The politics of moral conviction
Peter DeScioli - Political Science
Online experiments in behavioral political economy
Daniela Flesler - Hispanic Languages and Literature
The Memory Work of Sepharad: New Inheritances for Twenty-First Century Spain
Giuseppe Gazzola - European Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Montale, the Modernist
Perry Goldstein - Music
CD Recording Project
Elisabeth Hildebrand - Anthropology
Living on the Edge: Cultural & economic frontiers between highland farmers and lowland
herders in prehistoric SW Ethiopia
Marie Huffman - Linguistics
Acoustic investigation of L2 learning and L1 drift in English-speaking students of
Richard K. Larson - Linguistics
The First North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics
Shirley Lim - History
Memorializing the Peranakan
Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Synaesthesia Projects, Collaboration of visual art, sound, movement and technology
Michael Rubenstein - English
Gregory Ruf - Cultural Analysis & Theory
Barking at the Sun
Gabrielle Russo - Anthropology
Functional anatomy of the spine: insights from living and extinct strepsirrhine primates
Susan Scheckel - English
"American Narratives of Race and Justice"
Carrie Shandra - Sociology
Hiring Criteria for Internship and Entry-Level Job Vacancies: An Experimental Test
of Overcredentialing
Benjamin Tausig - Music
Periods and Waves: A Conference on Sound and History
Spring 2015
John Bailyn - Linguistics
The Post-Socialism Research Institute: Curricular and Research Initiatives
Nerissa Balce - Asian and Asian American Studies
Fascinating Fascism: A Digital Archive of Contemporary Filipino Literature and Propaganda
during the Marcos Regime
Catherine Bradley - Music
Song Sounding and Written: English Medieval Music Books as Material Objects
Simone Brioni - European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Colonial and Post-Colonial Encounters: East Africa and Italy
Toby Buonagurio - Art
Neon Auroras
Robert Chase - History
Civil Rights on the Cell Block: The Prisoners' Rights Movement and the Construction
of the Carceral State
Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
Environment, Development, and the Politics of Human Rights in Africa
David Hicks - Anthropology
The Santa Cruz Massacre
Susan Hinely - History
Transnational Identities: Links between Suffragist and Anti-imperial Activism, 1905-1914.
Judith Lochhead - Music
The Sonic Phoenix:classical music in the digital era
Ryan Minor - Music
German Opera and its Publics, from Mozart to Weill
Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Material Style: Renaissance Readers and Their Marks
Lori Repetti - Linguistics
46th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
Michael Rubenstein - English
Unaccountable Growth: Literary Character, Economic Development, and the Anthropocene
in Fictions of the Global South
E.K. Tan - Cultural Analysis and Theory
Rojak Culture: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Singapore Literature and the Arts
Joshua Teplitsky - History
Footprints: Tracking Jewish Books through Time and Place
Kathleen Wilson - History/HISB
Stuart Hall's Americas: Policing the Crises
Fall 2014
Simone Brioni – European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The Somali Within: Language, Race and Belonging in ‘Minor’ Italian Literature
Mallory Catlett – Theatre Arts
Decoder 2017
Thomas Graf – Linguistics
Human Sentence Processing as a Window into Efficient Structure Inference
Robert Hoberman – Linguistics
Symposium on Arabic Linguistics
Jennifer Jerit – Political Science
Disgust and the Ebola Virus: Emotional Triggers in Media Coverage and their Effect
on Public Opinion
Tiffany Joseph – Sociology
Expenses for Book Manuscript Completion and Startup Expenses for New Project
Peter Khost, Robert Kaplan – Writing and Rhetoric
Study of Writing Transfer in Stony Brook University’s College of Arts and Sciences
Liz Montegary – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Mobile Desires: The Erotics and Politics of Mobility Justice
Elizabeth Newman – History
From Country to Kitchen: Material Culture in Mexico
Anne O'Byrne– Philosophy
Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe
Margaret Schedel – Music/cDACT
The Texture of Unmeasured Times
Joshua Teplitsky – History
Colloquium on the Study of the Book: Cultures, Practices, Technologies
Eric Zolov – History
Archival Research in Mexico City
Spring/Summer 2014
Mark Aronoff, Matthew Lerner – Linguistics/Psychology
Building a bridge between research communities: a conversation on autistic communication,
sign language, and implications for social interaction
Abena Asare – Africana Studies
The Peculiar Beginnings of Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Phenomenon
Izumi Ashizawa – Theatre Arts
Mysterious Lake
Michael Becker – Linguistics
A legit study of English iambic truncation
Lisa Diedrich – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Racial and Sexual Politics of Health
Agnes He – Asian and Asian American Studies
Distinguished Lecture Series on Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Gallya Lahav – Political Science
How does Immigration Discourse Matter, or Does it? The Effects of Threat Frames on
Public Opinion
John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Autism and Empathy: Making Connections
Janis Mimura – History
Axis Pact, Propaganda, and Culture in Wartime Japan
Donna Rilling – History
Mapping Long Island
Jeffrey Santa Ana – English
Racial Feelings: Asian America in a Capitalist Culture of Emotion
Christopher Sellers – History
Website: Stories of Environmental Danger and Disaster
Katheryn Twiss – Anthropology
Bringing home the beef: religion, labor, and the origins of Central Anatolian cattle
Kathleen Vernon – Hispanic Languages & Literature
Contemporary Women's Cinema: Global Scenarios and Transnational Contexts
Don Welton – Philosophy
A New Model of the Living-Moving Body for The Understanding of Theatrical Performance
and of Certain Aspects of Autism and Parkinson’s Disease
Fall 2013
Margarethe Adams – Music
Music and Muslim Shrine Pilgrimage in Kazakhstan
Jennifer Anderson – History
New York-Caribbean Connections in the 18th Century
Ray Anderson – Music
Premier of New Compositions
Mallory Catlett – Theatre Arts
This Was The End
Stephen Decatur-Smith – Music
Natural History in Theodor Adorno's Musical Thought
Crystal Fleming – Sociology
Stigma, Slavery and Anti-blackness in the French Caribbean
Lori Flores – History
Golden Brown City: Latinos and the Making of San Francisco
Raiford Guins – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Tennis For Two, Or the Love of Analog Technology & Curious Cabinets
John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Creativity and Reception: The Mirroring System
Eduardo Mendieta – Philosophy
Sound and Affect: Voice, Music, World
Zebulon Miletsky – Africana Studies
Beyond Busing: Oral-History Project on Long Freedom Movement in Boston
Shankar Shobana – History
Indian Religious Dissenters and the Search for Asylum in West Africa, 1915-2010
Tracey Walters – Africana Studies
Beyond The Apron: Representing the Lives of Domestic Workers in Black Art, Literature,
and Film
Jiwon Yun – Linguistics
The role of prosody in sentence comprehension
Spring / Summer 2013
Narissa S. Balce – Asian and Asian American Studies
The Bones of Empire: The Filmic Afterlives of the Philippine-American War
Michele Bogart – Art
The Real Downton Abbeys: Circuitries of Art Patronage, Tourism, and Historic Preservation
in the Great Houses of England
Mary Jo Bono – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Archiving Ethnicity and the Tina De Rosa Papers
Toby Buonagurio – Art
"Tableaux Digital Photography: Altered Personas"
Stephen Decatur-Smith – Music
Theodor Adorno, Natural History, and Musical Modernism
Lisa Diedrich – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Thinking Ecologically: Rachel Carson as relay figure between environmentalism, feminism,
and AIDS activism
Chrystal Fleming – Sociology
The Rising Tide: Colonial Legacies and Black Politics in Contemporary France
Takafuni Ide – Art
ambiguous moment
E. Ann Kaplan – Humanities
Humanities for the Environment: Politics, Science and the Ecologies of Value
Peter Khost – Writing and Rhetoric
Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Composition Research, An Inquiry into the Potential Effects
of Self-Reflection Techniques on the Habits of Mind of First-Year Writing Students
Michael Kimmel – Sociology
Masculinity Studies Colloquium Series
Eduardo Mendieta – Philosophy
Capital of the Cold War: La Havana after the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Ryan Minor – Music
German Opera and its Publics, from Mozart to Weill
Patrice Nganang – Cultural Analysis and Theory
pulsations - No 3
Margaret Schedel – Music
Devotion Gallery: A case Study in HCI and Digital Arts Practice at the Human Computer
Jeanette Yew – Art
Are They Edible
Amy Yopp-Sullivan – Center for Dance and Movement
Critical Movement and the Babel Technique
Fall 2012
Izumi Ashizawa – Theatre Arts
The Kojiki Project
Benedict Robinson – English
Feeling Words: An Early Modern Philology of the Affections
Elisabeth Hildebrand – Anthropology
The Origins of Coffee
Elizabeth Newman – History
Transforming Labor: Work and Family in the 19th Century Kural Mexico
Giuseppe Gazzola – European Languages
England and Italy: Poetry and Poetic Influence in the Nineteenth Century
Jamuna Samuel – Music
Research in the Archives of Composers Luigi Nono and Bruno Maderna
Jared Farmer – History
Mormons in the Media, 1830-2012
Javier Uriarte – Hispanic Languages and Literature
Brazil and / in The Americas: New Perspectives On An Ongoing Dialogue
John Drury – Linguistics
Language, Music and Emotion Research Group
John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Environmental Project
Liz Montegary – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Sporting Matters: Sexualities, Gender, and Race in the 21st Century
Melissa Forbis – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Guerella Movements and Gender: A Comparative Study of the EZLN and Naxal Movements
Michael Zweig – Economics
Class Dimensions of Poverty in the United States
Nancy Hiemstra – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Examining the Internal Economics of Migrant Detention Facilities: A Pilot Study
Tracey Walters – Africana Studies
Race and Representation: The Black in Literature, Media and the Arts