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FAHSS Awards

  Fall 2024
Spring 2023 Fall 2023
Spring 2022 Fall 2022
Spring 2021  
Spring 2020  
Spring 2019 Fall 2019
Spring 2018 Fall 2018
Spring 2017 Fall 2017
Spring 2016 Fall 2016
Spring 2015 Fall 2015
Spring/Summer 2014 Fall 2014
Spring/Summer 2013 Fall 2013
  Fall 2012

Fall 2024

Alix Cooper - History
Subvention for translation of Inventing the Indigenous into Russian

Ana Cortés Lagos - The Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Folk and Science. A qualitative study on clinical trial participants’ perceptions and attitudes about vaccines, research, and vaccine safety

Angela Jones - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 
Book Incubation 

April Masten - History
Diamond and Juba, Partners in Time

Benedict Robinson - English
The Fiction Lab

Brooke Belisle - Art
Rediscovering Early Astophotography

Christopher Sellers - History
What Does the Community of Port Arthur, Texas, Want?
Surveying People’s Priorities in a Sacrifice Zone

Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Renaissance Fiction and the Invention of Interdisciplinarity

Esteban Agosin - Art
AWA: Actions of Water Awareness

Fernando Loffredo - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Field and Archival Work in the Philippines (Manila and Luzon Island, June 2025)

Jason Jones - Sociology
Attitudes Toward Artificial Intelligence - Summarizing Current Understanding and Proposing New Directions

Ken Weitzman - English
The Happiness Gym

Laura Thompson - Lichtenstein Center
ON CALL: June Jordan, Palestine and The Black Radical Tradition Now

Lena Burgos-Lafuuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature 
The Shape of the Caribbean to Come: Current Trends and Future Trajectories

Margaret Schedel - Music 
Women’s Labor: Phase 3, Sidney Residency

Neisha Terry Young - English
Mapping Influence: Exploring the Role of Digital Literacy Platforms in the Amplification and Dissemination of Immigrant Narratives

Robert Chase - History 
Sheriffs and Carceral States of America: Right-Wing Law Enforcement,
Anti-Insurgent Policing, The Posse Comitatus Movement, and American

Rock Joeva - Anthropology
Africa’s Green Revolution and Expectations of Development

Rosabel Ansari - Philosophy
Avicenna's Treatise on Love

Sandra Kim - Asian and Asian American Studies
The Ante-Colonial Imagination: Korean Trans-Indigenous Relationality

Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong

Thomas Graf - Linguistics
Conference "Mathematics of Language (MOL) 2025"

Fall 2023

Andrew Engelhardt - Political Science
Explaining Whites’ Reactions to the “Racial Shift”

April Msten - History
Conference Travel and East Bay Soundscape Research

Aurelie Vialette - HLL
Disability in the nineteenth-century Spanish Colonial Law

Barbara Frank - Art
Mande Visual Resources Digital Sharing and Repatriation Project

Brian Guay - Political Science
Identifying the Causal Effects of Affective Polarization

Catherine Markham - Anthropology
Coastal adaptations in primates: Engaging children in science

Eric Zolov - History
The Bossa Nova Moment: Sonic Panamericanisms in the Era of the Cuban Revolution (1959-1963)

Fernando Loffredo - HLL
Field and Archival Work on the Andes (Cusco and Arequipa, Peru, June 2023)

Honaida Ahyad - Languages and Cultural Studies
The perception of pharyngeal [ħ] by learners of Arabic

Izumi Ashizawa - Art
Kurogo Me version1.x: A Sequel

Karen Lloyd - Art
Flesh and Bone: The Physiologies of Italian Baroque Sculpture

Kathleen Wilson - History
Hitchhiker's Companion to the Eighteenth Century British Empire

Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Subvention for Keywords/Images in Graphic Medicine

Lori Flores - History
Morphologies- Solo Exhibition at Gallery North

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Cesar Chavez's European Tour

Ricahrd Tomczak - DUE
Environmental Sculpture

Rita Nezami - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Workers of War & Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783

Ryan Vander Wielen - Political Science
The Rooftop: A Culture-Specific Feminine Space in Muslim Society

Salcedo-Watson - Art
Gender and Partisan Asymmetries in Accountability Engagement and Citizen Knowledge

Sam Dodd - Art
Subvention for Book Publication, All Eyes on Space: Television and the Architecture of Distant Sight, University of Pittsburgh Press

Sandhya Sundaresan - Linguistics
Hosting conference ``Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages (FASAL)''

Victoriano Roncero-Lopez - HLL
Publication of El hombre pobre todo es trazas by Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Spring 2023

Izumi Ashizawa - Art and Theater Art
Nammu and the Sea

Brooke Belisle - Art
Rebooting MACT

Robert Crease - Philosophy
“Dynamics of Relations Between Laboratories and Communities”

Andrew Delton - Political Science
Who Supports Political Violence and Why: The Roots of Violence in Psychology and Personality

Barbara Frank - Art
Endangered Sudanese Architecture and the Visual Archive: Engaging the Past to Reimagine a Sustainable Future

Leonie Huddy - Political Science
How Elites Manipulate Status Threats to Encourage Anti-Democratic Attitudes

Katherine Johnston - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Profiles and Plotlines: Data Surveillance in Twenty-First Century Literature

Reuben Kline - Political Science
Fractured Trust: Perceptions of Police Violence and Their Impact on Democratic Support in Latin America

Sohl Lee - Art
Democracy x Women's Liberation x Collectivism: Building a Feminist Art History in South Korea

Judith Lochhead - Music
Music's Sensorium: seeing with our ears

Janis Mimura - History
Eurasian Axis: Japan, Germany, and Italy and their Bid for World Domination

Chikako Nakamura - AAAS
Developing Language Diversity Awareness on Campus

Donna Rilling - History
Foreclosed: Race and Dispossession in the Nineteenth-Century North

Katherine Sawyer - Political Science
Explaining Partisan Sorting with Gender Identity

Oleg Smirnov - Political Science
Understanding Public Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Study of Political Ideology and Transhumanism

James Austin Smith - Music
Crossing Borders Past and Present: Stony Brook Oboes Workshop and Performance

Benjamin Tausig - Music
Thai-language translation of "Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint"

Ryan Vander Wielen - Political Science
Republican Women and Politics of Extreme Rhetoric

Fall 2022

Brooke Belisle - Art
Depth Effects: Photography, Computation, and Dimensional Aesthetics (book manuscript)

Isak Berbic - Art
Minerva Paradajz

Toby Buonagurio - Art
“Between a Rock and a Hard Place : A Whole New Meaning When it Applies to Layered Magnetic Components“ ( revised proposal )

Coleman Collins - Art
GuiltCoin Redux

Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Comics panels and file cabinets: Inside Alison Bechdel's queer archives

Stanley Feldman - Political Science
Threat Sensitivity, Political Cognition, and Candidate Choice

Crystal Fleming - Sociology and Africana Studies
Black Meditations

Giuseppe Gazzola - Languages and Cultures
Genoa in the Grand Tour

Reuben Kline - Political Science
(Bounded) Political Friendships? Tests of Panethnic Processes for Asians in the US

Gallya Lahav - Political Science
Gendered Pathways to Leadership in Far-Right and Far-Left Parties

Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong

Karen Lloyd - Art
A Collaboration Between Stony Brook University and the Prado Museum, Madrid: Baroque Painter Guido Reni and the Visual Culture of the Global Spanish Empire

Zabet Patterson - Art
The Cybernetic Cinema of the Whitneys

Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Renaissance Fiction and the Invention of Interdisciplinarity

Kristen Shorette - Sociology
The Constitutionalization of Global Human Rights, 1950 – 2013

Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
visiting archives in Madrid, Spain, to conduct archival research

Nicholas Wilson - Sociology
The Fall of Robert Clive: Corruption and Transformation in an Imperial Life

Spring 2022

Aurelie Vialette -- Hispanic Languages and Literature
North American Catalan Society Conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (April 2022)

Simone Brioni -- English
Italy, Elsewhere

Patricia Medved -- Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Investigating and Re-Energizing the Conversation Metaphor for More Creative Student Research and Writing

Paul Firbas -- Hispanic Languages and LIterature
Subvention for Book Publication

Izumi Ashizawa -- Art and Theater Art
Granny Seal: Inuit Conversation in the technological era

Leonie Huddy -- Political Science
Beyond Gender: The Political Effects of Gender-Linked Traits among Men and Women

Nobuho Nagasawa -- Art

Sophie Raynard-Leroy -- European Languages, Literature and Culture
Damsels in Charge: Empowering Fairy Tales from Classic France

Peggy Ann Spitzer -- GLI
Female Empowerment and Climate Change in the Global South: The Path Toward Environmental Social Justice

Ryan Vander Wielen -- Political Science
He Did, She Did: The Gendered Implications of Obstruction

Yi Wang -- Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
Navigating and Responding to Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Study Abroad Context

Agnes He -- Asian and Asian American Studies
Stony Brook Stories of Language and Life

Yongjun Zhang -- Sociology and Institute for Advanced Computational Science
Big Data for Political Good: New Voices in Interdisciplinary Research

Spring 2021

Andrew Delton - Political Science
Insuring Each Other: Prosocial Concerns and Preferences for Insurance

Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
“Race, Gender, and Penal Colonies in the Philippines: The Failed Rebirth of the Spanish Empire (1850-1898).”

Barbara Frank - Art
An Endangered Archive: Digitizing Visual Resources of the National Museum of Mali

Carrie Shandra - Sociology
The New Bottom Rung? Internships and Inequality in the College-Career Transition

Elena Davidiak - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Promoting Cultural Awareness in Pre-Med Students through Native Speaker Testimonials

Eric Zolov - History
The Walls of Santiago (Map & Transcriptions for Book Project)

James Austin Smith - Music
Resistance of the Avant-Garde: Contemporary Oboe Music in East Germany

Jason Jones - Sociology
Democratizing Survey Methodology with Citizen Science and Cost-Aware Evaluation

Joy Janzen - Linguistics
Language and Social Justice in Higher Education

Judith Lochhead - Music
Sofia Gubaidulina: the roles of color in her compositional aesthetic—1985-1999

Kathleen Fallon - Sociology
A Symposium on Land Acknowledgements, Native Studies and Community Relations

Nirmali Fenn - Music
immersive music composition for French horn and electronics

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Beyond Death: From Perishing to Flourishing Exhibition

Perry Goldstein - Music
Compact Disc recording of "Birding By Ear"

Peter DeScioli - Political Science
Do voters understand who benefits from taxes?

Rosabel Ansari - Asian and Asian-American Studies
Extending the 'Global' across Disciplines

Simone Brioni - English
Beyond the Frame: Photography and the Colonial Vision

Toby Buonagurio - Art
The Untold Story of Magnets and Magnetism in the Field of Art: A Personal Investigation

Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
Critical Race Studies Reading Group and Symposium

Vittorio Merola - Political Science
Interpersonal Political Communication in an Era of Polarization

Yanna Krupnikov - Political Science
How Personal Narratives Shape Political Beliefs

Zabet Patterson - Art
Who R U? and What’s Happening?: USCO’s Multimedia between Techno-utopia and Technocracy

Spring 2020

David Mather - Art
Chromatic Futurism

Elyse Graham - English
Citation work and lyric copyright for forthcoming books

Eric Zolov - History
"The Global Sixties in the Global South: An Interdisciplinary Conference"

Izumi Ashizawa - Art and Theater Art
Nalunaajaasuaraq (The Little Goddess): Intercultural theatrical collaboration between Greenlandic Inuit, Japanese native, and Estonian native presented at Greenland National Theatre, followed by performance tour to Inuit communities

Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Greater Left/Greater Caribbean: Undertheorized Radical Movements in the Archipelago

Leonie Huddy - Political Science
The Role of Anger in Political Polarization

Lori Repetti - Linguistics
Epenthesis Workshop

Reuben Kline - Political Science
Responses to Emerging Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation

Fall 2019

Mark Aronoff - Linguistics
The morphome: a target article for Theoretical Linguistics

Toby Buonagurio - Art

Mark Chambers - Africana Studies
Publication of book "Rivers of Gray Gold: Lead Mining and Its Impact on the Natural and Cultural Environment, 1723-1840."

Lisa Diedrich - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Drawing|Teaching|Healing: A Graphic Medicine Symposium

Paul Firbas - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th century): International Symposium

Barbara Frank - Art
Marks of Identity: Griot Potters of the Folona, Reconstructing the History of and African Ceramic Tradition

Kristina Lucenko - Writing and Rhetoric
Civil Resistance: Women’s Agency, Rhetoric, and Writing in Revolutionary England

Ryan Minor - Music
Berlin Operetta, Then and Now

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Treasure Hunt of the Minds

Rita Nezami - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
The Rooftop: A Culture-Specific Feminine Space

Adrián Pérez Melgosa - Humanities Institute at Stony Brook
Difficult Pasts Conference

Sophie Raynard-Leroy - Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
Damsels in Charge: Empowering Fairy Tales from Classic France

Victoriano Roncero-Lopez - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Entremeses y Mojigangas para sus autos sacramentales

Jeffrey Santa Ana - English
Empire and Environment: Confronting Ecological Ruin in Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas

Shobana Shankar - History
India in the Black Atlantic: Racial Reckoning in Postcolonial Africa

Stephen Smith - Music
Sound and Affect: Voice, Music, World

Andrew Uroskie - Art
Book Translation

Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
No Place Like Home:

Eric Zolov - History
Indexing of Monograph (The Last Good Neighbor)

Spring 2019

Izumi Ashizawa - Theater Arts and Art
The Bacchae Project at the ancient Greek open-air theatre in Cyprus

Michael Becker - Linguistics
The 7th Annual Meeting on Phonology, October 11-13, 2019

Simone Brioni - English
Writing about Islam-Narrating Diaspora

Peggy Christoff - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Meeting the Farmers: How the Bhungroo Irrigation Technology Empowers Women and Addresses Climate Change in Three Gujarat Villages

Cynthia Davidson - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Educational Exchanges in South Asia

MaryAnn Duffy - Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Educational Exchanges in South Asia

Daniela Flesler - Hispanic Languages and Literature
The Memory Work of Jewish Spain -Indexing of Book Manuscript

Lori Flores - History
Latino Food Workers and Their Struggles for Justice in the U.S. Northeast, 1940 to the Present

Shirley Lim - History
Anna May Wong: Performing the Moder Publication Costsn

John Lutterbie - Theater Arts
Introduction to Theatre, Performance, and Cognitive Science

David Mather - Art
Afrofuturist Imagination

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
"Bright Shining Light: The Tale of Kayuga"

H. Hannah Nam - Political Science
Understanding complex attitudes toward the rich and implications for economic inequality

Margaret Schedel - Music
Harmonices Mundi @400

Michael Tondre - English
Refinement: Oil, Aestheticism, and the British Atlantic World, 1850-1920

Javier Uriarte - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Water and Infrastructure in the Americas: A one-day interdisciplinary symposium

Kathleen Vernon - Hispanic Languages and Literature
"Hearing Film: The Culture of Dubbing in Spain," Part III of my book manuscript, Listening to Spanish Cinema.

Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
On Archival Truths: Exploring the Interstices of Affect, Gender and Ways of Knowing in the Archives

Julian Wamble - Political Science
From Social Group Identity to Partisanship: The Role of the Information Environment

Jiwon Yun - Linguistics
Negative sentences and illusion of grammaticality

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Mark Aronoff - Linguistics
The 4th American International Morphology Meeting, May 3-5, 2019

Peter Carravetta - Philosophy

Peg Christoff - Writing and Rhetoric
Asian Women and Political Participation in Climate Change Adaptation: Implementation of a Questionnaire in Gujarat, India

Robert Crease - Philosophy
Phenomenology and Physics: Quantum Mechanics, Human Experience, and the Pursuit of Foundational Knowledge

Kathleen Fallon - Sociology
Domestic and International Approaches to Gender and Development

Paul Firbas - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Digital Humanities and Networks: Early Modern Journalism in Spain and Peru (1600 to 1750)

Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
Urbanizing a Nation Modernizing a City: Addis Ababa 1941-1975

Nancy Hiemstra - Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Investigating shifting immigration enforcement policies and patterns in Ecuador

David Mather - Art
Futurist Conditions

Kristen Nyitray - Libraries
Celebrating Long Island’s Poet: Walt Whitman at 200

Joseph Pierce - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Argentine Intimacies: Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890-1910

Lori Repetti - Linguistics
Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) at Stony Brook, May 3-5, 2019: Conference Proposal

Shobana Shankar - History
Ghanaian Hinduism: A Religious Economy between West Africa and India

Javier Uriarte - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Indexing for forthcoming first book

Nicholas Wilson - Sociology
The Rise and Diffusion of Intellectual Movements: Postcolonial Theory and Straussian Political Philosophy Viewed Through Acknowledgment And Career Data

Spring 2018

Matthew Barnson - Music
Performances & Recording of String Quartet No.5

Isak Berbic - Art
Modern City Steel: Artist Residency at SOMA, Mexico City

Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Counter Casting on the Contemporary Stage

Andrew Delton - Political Science
Institutions and Incentives to Mitigate Climate Change

Larry Frohman - History
Surveillance, Privacy and the Politics of Personal Information

David Hicks - Anthropology
The Occupation and Liberation of East Timor (1975-1999)

Sohl Lee - Art
From North Korea to the World: Another Genealogy of Global Connections and Postwar Art

Zebulon Miletsky - Africana Studies
Before Busing: The Long Freedom Struggle in Boston

Elizabeth Newman - History
Landscapes of Labor

Gabrielle Russo - Anthropology
Paleoanthropological research at Napudet, South Turkwel, Lake Turkana, Kenya

Carrie Shandra - Sociology
The New Bottom Rung? Employer Perspectives on Internship Hiring

August Sheehy - Music
Sound and Secularity

Francesca Spedalieri - English/Gender Studies
Dismantling the Canon: Emma Dante's Plays in Translation

Benjamin Tausig - Music
A Freely Available Audio Version of Bangkok Is Ringing: Sound, Protest, and Constraint (2018, Oxford University Press)

Michael Tondre - English
The Future of Victorian Studies: A Conference in Honor of Adrienne Munich

Kathleen Vernon - Hispanic Languages & Literature
“Breaking the Sound Barrier: Accent, Identity and “Neutral” Spanish in the Early Years of Televisión Española”

Aurélie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
"Dissonance of Modernity"

Adryan Wallace - Africana Studies
Gender and Substantive Political Representation in Nigeria & Ghana

Tracey Walters - Africana Studies
Inserting Domestics and Service Workers into the #MeToo / TimesUp Agenda

Fall 2017

Matthew Barnson - Music
Vera: Funds for an Opera Workshop

Barbara Frank - Art
Society of Africanist Archaeologists Biannual Meeting: Building Bridges to the African Past

Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
A la escucha del destiempo: Poéticas de la posguerra en el Caribe transatlántico [Listening and Untimeliness: The Postwar Poetics of the Atlantic Caribbean]

Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
The Horn of Africa and Italy: Colonial, Postcolonial and Transnational Cultural Encounters

Dawn Harris - Africana Studies
In Defiance of the Authorities: Barbadian Migrant Labourers, Carceral Landscapes, and the 1836 Emigration Act

Heidi Hutner - English and Sustainability Studies
Accidents Can Happen: Gender and Nuclear Stories from the Field

Jason Jones - Sociology
Technology for Social Change: Empathy and the Gendered Global Water Crisis

Ned Landsman - History
Under English Crown of British Crown? Anglo-Scottish Union and the Crisis of British America.

Shirley Lim - History
Art for the People

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Inventing the Future of Textiles

Andrew Newman - English
Captive Readers: Literacy and Allegory in Colonial Encounters

Ian Paul - Art
“Los Fantasmas del Franquismo (The Ghosts of Francoism)”

Margaret Schedel - Music / cDact
Signal Through the Flames: a CD

John Shandra - Sociology
The World Bank and Organized Hypocrisy: Understanding How and Why Using Archival Data

Joshua Teplitsky - History
The Fabric of Their Lives: Jews, Christians, and Material Culture in Early Modern Prague

Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Archiva research for “The Colonial Carceral Archipelago: Penitentiary Colonization and the Failed Rebirth of the Spanish Empire”

Spring 2017

John Bailyn - Linguistics
Language & Media in Nationalist Myth Making

Matthew Barnson - Music
Premiere Performances of Ars moriendi, Guggenheim-commissioned work for Cello and Marimba in NYC, Stony Brook, and Kansas.

Toby Buonagurio - Art
Magnetic Attraction; Anti-Gravitional Suspension

Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Casting: the art and science of building character

Jose Elias-Ulloa - Linguistics
Documentation of Carijona

Crystal Fleming - Sociology
Publication Costs for Resurrecting Slavery: Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in France

Perry Goldstein - Music
CD Recording Project

Tiffany Joseph - Sociology
Race, Ethnicity, and Documentation Status and Healthcare under Health Reform

Sarah Jourdain - European Languages
Latin and Linguistics Workshop

Peter Khost - Writing and Rhetoric
Understanding and Improving Habits-of-Mind Self-Efficacy in First-Year Writing Students

Amy Lu - Anthropology
Surveying Potential Field Sites for Studying the Behavioral Ecology of Gray Langurs

Ann Catherine Markham - Anthropology
Shutterbug Science: Engaging 7th grade students in SBU wildlife research

Anne O'Byrne - Philosophy
Logics of Genocide (Edited Volume)

Nikolaos Panou - Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
Summer Research in Greece

Adrian Perez Melgosa - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Traces of Vlasta Lah: Engendering the New Latin American Cinema

Fall 2016

Christina Bethin - Linguistics
Language Variation and Change in Belarusian Verbs

Eric Beverley - History
Halcyon Worlds: Regimes of Difference in Early Modern Indian Ocean Cities

Lena Burgos-Lafuente - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity

Mallory Catlett - Theatre Arts
Dead Time of Plenty

Michael Kimmel - Sociology
Entry and EXIT: How Young Men Get into - and out of - Extremist Groups

Reuben Kline - Political Science
Risk Pooling and Climate Change Innovation

Karen Lloyd - Art
The Art of Nepotism in Early Modern Rome, 1580-1700

John Lutterbie - Theatre Arts
Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities: Mind Fields of Language

Janis Mimura - History
Axis Pact: Fascist Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan

Eriko Sato - Asian and Asian American Studies
Translanguaging and/in Translation

Susan Scheckel - English
Acts of Race and Justice

Aurelie Vialette - Hispanic Languages and Literature
Publication subsidy for my first book "Intellectual Philanthropy: the Seduction of the Masses."

Kathleen Wilson - History/HISB
Shakespeare's Futures: On the Arts and Sciences of Looking Ahead

Spring 2016

Timothy August - Cultural Analysis and Theory
The Refugee Aesthetic: Relocating Southeast Asian American Literature

Peggy Christoff - Asian and Asian American Studies
Asian Women in Disaster Relief Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Jennifer Heerwig - Sociology
Buying a Voice: The Gender Gap in Political Influence

Izabela Kalinowska Blackwood - Cultural Analysis and Theory
Documenting Ukraine in Visual Media

Sohl Lee - Art
Gwangju 1980, South Korea: Agitprop Artists and New Surfaces for Democracy

David Mather - Art
Research for Modern Color Theories and Practices

Elizabeth Terese Newman - History
Mexican Haciendas and Labor Control

Jeffrey Santa Ana - English
Postcolonial Environmental Memory: Remembering Place and the Natural World in the Asian-Pacific Diaspora

Margaret Schedel - Music / cDACT
Fifty Years of Experiments in Art and Technology (FEAT)

Shobana Shankar - History
Africans in India

E. K. Tan - Cultural Analysis and Theory
#DigitalAsia: The Digital Humanities in Asian and Asian American Studies

Michael Tondre - English
Literature and Science Studies

Fall 2015

Isak Berbic - Art
Fossil Rock: The Baynouna River Bank

Rebekah Burroway - Sociology
Women's Land Rights and Child Health in Developing Countries

Peter Carravetta - European Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Dante Worlds

Amy Cook - Theatre Arts and English
Communicating Interdisciplinarity: Cognitive Approaches to the Arts and Humanities

Andrew W. Delton - Political Science
The politics of moral conviction

Peter DeScioli - Political Science
Online experiments in behavioral political economy

Daniela Flesler - Hispanic Languages and Literature
The Memory Work of Sepharad: New Inheritances for Twenty-First Century Spain

Giuseppe Gazzola - European Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Montale, the Modernist

Perry Goldstein - Music
CD Recording Project

Elisabeth Hildebrand - Anthropology
Living on the Edge: Cultural & economic frontiers between highland farmers and lowland herders in prehistoric SW Ethiopia

Marie Huffman - Linguistics
Acoustic investigation of L2 learning and L1 drift in English-speaking students of Japanese

Richard K. Larson - Linguistics
The First North American Conference in Iranian Linguistics

Shirley Lim - History
Memorializing the Peranakan

Nobuho Nagasawa - Art
Synaesthesia Projects, Collaboration of visual art, sound, movement and technology

Michael Rubenstein - English

Gregory Ruf - Cultural Analysis & Theory
Barking at the Sun

Gabrielle Russo - Anthropology
Functional anatomy of the spine: insights from living and extinct strepsirrhine primates

Susan Scheckel - English
"American Narratives of Race and Justice"

Carrie Shandra - Sociology
Hiring Criteria for Internship and Entry-Level Job Vacancies: An Experimental Test of Overcredentialing

Benjamin Tausig - Music
Periods and Waves: A Conference on Sound and History

Spring 2015

John Bailyn - Linguistics
The Post-Socialism Research Institute: Curricular and Research Initiatives

Nerissa Balce - Asian and Asian American Studies
Fascinating Fascism: A Digital Archive of Contemporary Filipino Literature and Propaganda during the Marcos Regime

Catherine Bradley - Music
Song Sounding and Written: English Medieval Music Books as Material Objects

Simone Brioni - European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Colonial and Post-Colonial Encounters: East Africa and Italy

Toby Buonagurio - Art
Neon Auroras

Robert Chase - History
Civil Rights on the Cell Block: The Prisoners' Rights Movement and the Construction of the Carceral State

Shimelis Gulema - Africana Studies
Environment, Development, and the Politics of Human Rights in Africa

David Hicks - Anthropology
The Santa Cruz Massacre

Susan Hinely - History
Transnational Identities: Links between Suffragist and Anti-imperial Activism, 1905-1914.

Judith Lochhead - Music
The Sonic Phoenix:classical music in the digital era

Ryan Minor - Music
German Opera and its Publics, from Mozart to Weill

Douglas Pfeiffer - English
Material Style: Renaissance Readers and Their Marks

Lori Repetti - Linguistics
46th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages

Michael Rubenstein - English
Unaccountable Growth: Literary Character, Economic Development, and the Anthropocene in Fictions of the Global South

E.K. Tan - Cultural Analysis and Theory
Rojak Culture: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Singapore Literature and the Arts

Joshua Teplitsky - History
Footprints: Tracking Jewish Books through Time and Place

Kathleen Wilson - History/HISB
Stuart Hall's Americas: Policing the Crises

Fall 2014

Simone Brioni – European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The Somali Within: Language, Race and Belonging in ‘Minor’ Italian Literature

Mallory Catlett – Theatre Arts
Decoder 2017

Thomas Graf – Linguistics
Human Sentence Processing as a Window into Efficient Structure Inference

Robert Hoberman – Linguistics
Symposium on Arabic Linguistics

Jennifer Jerit – Political Science
Disgust and the Ebola Virus: Emotional Triggers in Media Coverage and their Effect on Public Opinion

Tiffany Joseph – Sociology
Expenses for Book Manuscript Completion and Startup Expenses for New Project

Peter Khost, Robert Kaplan – Writing and Rhetoric
Study of Writing Transfer in Stony Brook University’s College of Arts and Sciences

Liz Montegary – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Mobile Desires: The Erotics and Politics of Mobility Justice

Elizabeth Newman – History
From Country to Kitchen: Material Culture in Mexico

Anne O'Byrne– Philosophy
Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe

Margaret Schedel – Music/cDACT
The Texture of Unmeasured Times

Joshua Teplitsky – History
Colloquium on the Study of the Book: Cultures, Practices, Technologies

Eric Zolov – History
Archival Research in Mexico City

Spring/Summer 2014

Mark Aronoff, Matthew Lerner – Linguistics/Psychology
Building a bridge between research communities: a conversation on autistic communication, sign language, and implications for social interaction

Abena Asare – Africana Studies
The Peculiar Beginnings of Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Phenomenon

Izumi Ashizawa – Theatre Arts
Mysterious Lake

Michael Becker – Linguistics
A legit study of English iambic truncation

Lisa Diedrich – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Racial and Sexual Politics of Health

Agnes He – Asian and Asian American Studies
Distinguished Lecture Series on Multilingual and Intercultural Communication

Gallya Lahav – Political Science
How does Immigration Discourse Matter, or Does it? The Effects of Threat Frames on Public Opinion

John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Autism and Empathy: Making Connections

Janis Mimura – History
Axis Pact, Propaganda, and Culture in Wartime Japan

Donna Rilling – History
Mapping Long Island

Jeffrey Santa Ana – English
Racial Feelings: Asian America in a Capitalist Culture of Emotion

Christopher Sellers – History
Website: Stories of Environmental Danger and Disaster

Katheryn Twiss – Anthropology
Bringing home the beef: religion, labor, and the origins of Central Anatolian cattle herding

Kathleen Vernon – Hispanic Languages & Literature
Contemporary Women's Cinema: Global Scenarios and Transnational Contexts

Don Welton – Philosophy
A New Model of the Living-Moving Body for The Understanding of Theatrical Performance and of Certain Aspects of Autism and Parkinson’s Disease

Fall 2013

Margarethe Adams – Music
Music and Muslim Shrine Pilgrimage in Kazakhstan

Jennifer Anderson – History
New York-Caribbean Connections in the 18th Century

Ray Anderson – Music
Premier of New Compositions

Mallory Catlett – Theatre Arts
This Was The End

Stephen Decatur-Smith – Music
Natural History in Theodor Adorno's Musical Thought

Crystal Fleming – Sociology
Stigma, Slavery and Anti-blackness in the French Caribbean

Lori Flores – History
Golden Brown City: Latinos and the Making of San Francisco

Raiford Guins – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Tennis For Two, Or the Love of Analog Technology & Curious Cabinets

John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Creativity and Reception: The Mirroring System

Eduardo Mendieta – Philosophy
Sound and Affect: Voice, Music, World

Zebulon Miletsky – Africana Studies
Beyond Busing: Oral-History Project on Long Freedom Movement in Boston

Shankar Shobana – History
Indian Religious Dissenters and the Search for Asylum in West Africa, 1915-2010

Tracey Walters – Africana Studies
Beyond The Apron: Representing the Lives of Domestic Workers in Black Art, Literature, and Film

Jiwon Yun – Linguistics
The role of prosody in sentence comprehension

Spring / Summer 2013

Narissa S. Balce – Asian and Asian American Studies
The Bones of Empire: The Filmic Afterlives of the Philippine-American War

Michele Bogart – Art
The Real Downton Abbeys: Circuitries of Art Patronage, Tourism, and Historic Preservation in the Great Houses of England

Mary Jo Bono – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Archiving Ethnicity and the Tina De Rosa Papers

Toby Buonagurio – Art
"Tableaux Digital Photography: Altered Personas"

Stephen Decatur-Smith – Music
Theodor Adorno, Natural History, and Musical Modernism

Lisa Diedrich – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Thinking Ecologically: Rachel Carson as relay figure between environmentalism, feminism, and AIDS activism

Chrystal Fleming – Sociology
The Rising Tide: Colonial Legacies and Black Politics in Contemporary France

Takafuni Ide – Art
ambiguous moment

E. Ann Kaplan – Humanities
Humanities for the Environment: Politics, Science and the Ecologies of Value

Peter Khost – Writing and Rhetoric
Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Composition Research, An Inquiry into the Potential Effects of Self-Reflection Techniques on the Habits of Mind of First-Year Writing Students

Michael Kimmel – Sociology
Masculinity Studies Colloquium Series

Eduardo Mendieta – Philosophy
Capital of the Cold War: La Havana after the Collapse of the Soviet Union

Ryan Minor – Music
German Opera and its Publics, from Mozart to Weill

Patrice Nganang – Cultural Analysis and Theory
pulsations - No 3

Margaret Schedel – Music
Devotion Gallery: A case Study in HCI and Digital Arts Practice at the Human Computer Interaction

Jeanette Yew – Art
Are They Edible

Amy Yopp-Sullivan – Center for Dance and Movement
Critical Movement and the Babel Technique

Fall 2012

Izumi Ashizawa – Theatre Arts
The Kojiki Project

Benedict Robinson – English
Feeling Words: An Early Modern Philology of the Affections

Elisabeth Hildebrand – Anthropology
The Origins of Coffee

Elizabeth Newman – History
Transforming Labor: Work and Family in the 19th Century Kural Mexico

Giuseppe Gazzola – European Languages
England and Italy: Poetry and Poetic Influence in the Nineteenth Century

Jamuna Samuel – Music
Research in the Archives of Composers Luigi Nono and Bruno Maderna

Jared Farmer – History
Mormons in the Media, 1830-2012

Javier Uriarte – Hispanic Languages and Literature
Brazil and / in The Americas: New Perspectives On An Ongoing Dialogue

John Drury – Linguistics
Language, Music and Emotion Research Group

John Lutterbie – Theatre Arts
Environmental Project

Liz Montegary – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Sporting Matters: Sexualities, Gender, and Race in the 21st Century

Melissa Forbis – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Guerella Movements and Gender: A Comparative Study of the EZLN and Naxal Movements

Michael Zweig – Economics
Class Dimensions of Poverty in the United States

Nancy Hiemstra – Cultural Analysis and Theory
Examining the Internal Economics of Migrant Detention Facilities: A Pilot Study

Tracey Walters – Africana Studies
Race and Representation: The Black in Literature, Media and the Arts