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Enrollment statistics in higher education generally fall into three categories: semester-based headcount enrollment -- usually based on the fall term, full-time equivalent enrollment, and unduplicated 12-month enrollment. Each measure is used for different purposes. In general, the default measure is fall headcount enrollment, but check with the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness if you are not sure which measure to use.

Headcount Enrollment

Fall Historical Enrollment Trend Fall College/School Enrollment
1957 - Present  |  Excel College/School  |  Excel
1957 - Present by Level  |  Excel College/School and Level  |  Excel
  College/School, Level and Major  |  Excel
Fall Detail Trends College/School, Level and Major (Detail)  |  Excel
Academic Level Group  |  Excel Undergraduate Minor  |  Excel
Age and Tuition Residency  |  Excel  
Campus Enrollment Category  |  Excel Spring College/School Enrollment
Campus Residents and Non-Residents | Excel College/School  |  Excel
Freshmen Demographics  |  Excel College/School and Level  |  Excel
Freshmen by High School  |  Excel College/School, Level and Major  |  Excel
Gender  |  Excel College/School, Level and Major (Detail)  |  Excel
Geographic Details  |  Excel  
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity  |  Excel Summer and Winter
Multi Race/Ethnicity  |  Excel Summer Enrollment by Level  |  Excel
Freshman Multi Race/Ethnicity  |  Excel Winter Enrollment by Level  |  Excel
Transfer Multi Race/Ethnicity  |  Excel  
New Transfer Demographics  |  Excel  
* Profiles include reports on Level, Gender, Ethnicity, Full-Time/Part-Time Status, Campus Enrolled, Enrollment Category, Academic Level Group, Age, and Tuition Residency.

For information about how enrollment statistics are represented in these tables, see National Center for Education Statistics (July 2017) IPEDS Enrollment Brochure. Publication No. 2017137

Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment

Several accepted methods exist to calculate full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment; these figures represent conversions of part-time enrolled students or instructional activity (credit hours) to transform statistics into a unit of "full-time enrollment," and as such, they are always estimates of activity. If you are not sure which conversion method to use, please contact the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness.

FTE Enrollment based on instructional activity | Excel
FTE Enrollment based on fall headcount | Excel


Unduplicated 12-Month Headcount Enrollment

Unduplicated 12-Month Headcount Enrollment | Excel