Enrollment statistics in higher education generally fall into three categories: semester-based headcount enrollment -- usually based on the fall term, full-time equivalent enrollment, and unduplicated 12-month enrollment. Each measure is used for different purposes. In general, the default measure is fall headcount enrollment, but check with the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness if you are not sure which measure to use.
Headcount Enrollment
Fall Historical Enrollment Trend | Fall College/School Enrollment |
1957 - Present | Excel | College/School | Excel |
1957 - Present by Level | Excel | College/School and Level | Excel |
College/School, Level and Major | Excel | |
Fall Detail Trends | College/School, Level and Major (Detail) | Excel |
Academic Level Group | Excel | Undergraduate Minor | Excel |
Age and Tuition Residency | Excel | |
Campus Enrollment Category | Excel | Spring College/School Enrollment |
Campus Residents and Non-Residents | Excel | College/School | Excel |
Freshmen Demographics | Excel | College/School and Level | Excel |
Freshmen by High School | Excel | College/School, Level and Major | Excel |
Gender | Excel | College/School, Level and Major (Detail) | Excel |
Geographic Details | Excel | |
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity | Excel | Summer and Winter |
Multi Race/Ethnicity | Excel | Summer Enrollment by Level | Excel |
Freshman Multi Race/Ethnicity | Excel | Winter Enrollment by Level | Excel |
Transfer Multi Race/Ethnicity | Excel | |
New Transfer Demographics | Excel |
For information about how enrollment statistics are represented in these tables, see National Center for Education Statistics (July 2017) IPEDS Enrollment Brochure. Publication No. 2017137.
Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment
Several accepted methods exist to calculate full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment; these figures represent conversions of part-time enrolled students or instructional activity (credit hours) to transform statistics into a unit of "full-time enrollment," and as such, they are always estimates of activity. If you are not sure which conversion method to use, please contact the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness.
FTE Enrollment based on instructional activity | Excel |
FTE Enrollment based on fall headcount | Excel |
Unduplicated 12-Month Headcount Enrollment
Unduplicated 12-Month Headcount Enrollment | Excel |