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Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness supports the University’s efforts in monitoring progress on the Strategic Plan by developing, maintaining, and communicating key metrics. In addition, the office contributes to efforts to improve the effectiveness of all areas of the university by supporting quality improvement efforts through articulation of outcomes, collection and analysis of data, and use of results for improvement.

Administrative Unit Annual Reports

On an annual basis, each administrative unit provides a brief but meaningful report covering the period from July 1 to June 30 that summarizes what the unit does, important data about effectiveness, major accomplishments, and plans for improvement. Reports are due to the Vice President overseeing the unit on August 1 each year, and by September 1, Vice Presidents provide all reports in their area to the Office of Institutional Research Planning & Effectiveness and the Office of Educational Effectiveness for review. Those Offices will review the reports, provide feedback, and make recommendations to improve and systematize this process.

Resources :

(Log in with credentials to access these materials)

Annual Report Template

Example high quality report

Sample metrics


Five Key Questions for Promoting Effectiveness

  1. What are we doing?
  2. Why are we doing it?
  3. How well are we doing it?
  4. How do we know?
  5. How do we use results to improve?