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Servicing Stony Brook University's Fleet of Vehicles


SBU VEHICLES: Our on-campus facility is staffed and equipped to perform the following range of vehicle services for SBU vehicles only:
- Preventative maintenance
- NYS emissions and safety inspections
- Towing
- Vehicle repairs
- Receiving, preparing and delivering of all new vehicles purchase for use at SBU
- Surplus and disposition of vehicles
- Safeguarding of all vehicle titles, registrations, and equipment/maintenance/repair records

SQUAWK SHEET: Users of a Stony Brook University-owned vehicle may request maintenance/repair services by completing a Squawk Sheet and then submitting this sheet to, faxing (631) 632-4615 or delivering the form in person to the Automotive Repair Facility

WHERE TO FIND US: We are located at the West Campus Operations Service Compound. Please call (631) 632-6422 for assistance.



 Additional Services Provided by Mobility & Parking


FUEL SERVICES: The West Campus Lot 40 Fueling Station, located in the Stony Brook University Bus Facility, is a fully-computerized gasoline dispensing station with two gasoline pumps and one diesel pump which dispense gasoline Monday through Saturday from 7am-7pm. Only University-owned vehicles are permitted to access fuel, and each vehicle must be equipped with a unique identification chip that will allow fuel to be dispensed. Departments are encouraged to oversee their monthly fueling expenditures to ensure efficient usage. 

FUELING SYSTEM OPERATING PROCEDURES: Fuel will not be dispensed without swiping a valid SBU ID card. If you have a vehicle that has not been fitted with a fuel system recognition device, please visit the Automotive Garage prior to fueling in order to have the necessary equipment installed, or call (631) 632-6219. 

INSPECTION SERVICES: Our preventative maintenance scheduling is designed to provide University-owned vehicles with a periodic safety and operational inspection, as well as ensure adherence to industry-standard regiments of servicing. Scheduling frequency may vary according to the projected use of the vehicle, but is typically performed on a six month rotation, coinciding with an annual New York State Inspection, and the six month anniversary in between. Notification of impending preventative maintenance and/or State Inspection dates are sent out to each department accordingly.

Inspection services includes:
- Oil and filter change
- Service all other fluids as appropriate and check for abnormal appearances (color) of antifreeze, transmission fluid, brake fluid, etc. 
- Complete lubrication as per the manufacturer's specifications
- Inspection of electrical system including battery testing, connections, wiring conditions, lighting, instrument panel, etc.
- Inspection of windshield wipers, all glass, brake system and components, exhaust system, vehicle flooring integrity and all under vehicle components such as the transmission, differential, transfer cases, etc. 
- Review front end, steering, suspension system, cooling system, and all engine compartment components such as belts, hoses, wiring, lines, sensors, etc. 
- Check tires, adjust inflation, determine alignment quality
- Perform a road test to assess general vehicle operation

NEW YORK STATE EMISSIONS AND SAFETY INSPECTIONS: The Automotive Repair Facility is a fully-authorized Enhanced State Emissions and Safety Inspection Station under the aegis of the applicable laws of the State of New York and under the direction of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. All automotive repair personnel are certified New York State Motor Vehicle Inspectors.

MAINTENANCE SERVICES: The Automotive Repair Facility is open Monday through Friday from 7am-3:30pm, and is closed for business during New York State holidays. Vehicle maintenance/repair services may be requested by users of Stony Brook University-owned vehicles by completing and submitting a "Squawk Sheet". Once maintenance/repairs are complete, the user will be contacted to come pick up the vehicle and sign the work request (a copy of the work request detailing all work performed and parts used will be forwarded to the appropriate Department for payment processing). 

Vehicles may be dropped off to the Facility after hours, by placing the vehicle keys, and a completed Squawk Sheet in the mail slot located at the front entrance to the facility. 

VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SERVICE EXPENSES: University Departments are required to cover expenses associated with vehicle/equipment procurement, maintenance, repair and fuel. Estimates for vehicle/equipment maintenance/repair will be given to departments for approval when vehicle work is performed by an outside vendor. No estimates will be given by work done by the SBU Automotive Repair Facility. 

Automotive Repair Facility staff reserves the right to make a determination whether the cost of maintenance/repair is appropriate with respect to the present value of the vehicle or piece of equipment. In addition, Facility staff reserve the right to hold and/or remove from service any vehicle or piece of equipment which may have unresolved safety related issues.

MAINTENANCE WARRANTIES: All maintenance/repairs that are covered under the manufacturer's warranty must be scheduled by the Automotive Repair Facility to be addressed by the appropriate vendor. In the event that the Facility has utilized components either new or remanufactured in the repair of vehicles, all warranty rights will be pursued in cases of failure or unacceptable performance.



- Departments are responsible for ensuring that the SBU employees and/or assigned vehicle/equipment operators are properly licensed and qualified according to the type of vehicle/equipment they are operating. The SBU Department is also required to maintain all such related documentation as required for operations.
- The Department of Mobility & Parking Services is responsible for issuing vehicle/equipment and employee fuel access, managing the SBU Fuel Station on SBU West Campus.
- Stony Brook University Departments are responsible for managing their assigned vehicle/equipment and ensuring that employee’s fill out the SBU Fuel Access form and return it to the Automotive Repair Facility, funding accounts and vehicles/equipment at all times. SBU Departments are also required to ensure that their assigned personnel have signed for and are complying with the SBU Fuel Station Requirements and Instructions at all times.
- Stony Brook University Departments are responsible for the timely delivery of vehicle/equipment to the SBU Automotive Repair Facility for  Preventative Maintenance Inspections and New York State Inspections. The SBU Automotive Repair Facility is located on the West Campus of Stony Brook University, next to Campus Operations & Maintenance on Circle Road and its hours of operation are Monday through Fridays from 7am-3:30pm.
- Stony Brook University Departments are responsible for monitoring vehicle/equipment usage, condition, cleanliness and signs of abuse.

- SBU Department vehicles/equipment have properly maintained fluid levels, tire pressure and fuel quantity in order to remain in working condition.
- SBU Departments will make sure they inform the Automotive Repair Facility when employees no longer need fuel access (I.E. no longer need access, retire or switch departments). 
- All vehicles/equipment brought to the SBU Automotive Repair Facility must have at least 1/2 of a tank of fuel.
- SBU Departments are also required to report anything unusual about the operation of their vehicles/equipment to the SBU Automotive Repair Facility.
- The Stony Brook University vehicle/equipment operator is responsible for reporting any accidents, safety issues and/or damages to their assigned vehicle/equipment to University Police, the SBU Automotive Repair Facility and their respective Department immediately.
- All Stony Brook University vehicle/equipment purchases, registering (for license plates), repairs and/or modifications must be coordinated through the SBU Automotive Repair Facility.
- Stony Brook University Departments are required to designate a "vehicle/equipment coordinator" for each vehicle/equipment they operate. The vehicle/equipment coordinator is selected by each SBU Department and should be a Stony Brook University employee who is familiar with the Departments' vehicle/equipment needs.
- Stony Brook University departments are required to ensure that their vehicles/equipment are properly assigned to personnel and funding accounts at all times.

SURPLUS OR TRANSFERRING A VEHICLE: Should an SBU Department desire to submit any updates pertaining to this information, they are required to complete an SBU Fleet Information Change Form.

Additionally, SBU departments who desire to surplus or transfer vehicles/equipment from their fleet are required to complete a  SBU Department Surplus Vehicle Form to, faxing (631) 632-4615 or delivering the form in person to the Automotive Repair Facility.