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Contact your Contracts and Clinical Trials Specialist

Browse to the Agreements/Contracts Departmental Assignment to find your key office contact information.

The Contracts and Clinical Trials unit within OSP has adopted a new model, and has divided its responsibilities into two expertise teams that will oversee different types of agreements.   At this time, some  federal flow through proposals and award activity will transition to the Grants and Contracts Specialists team under the leadership of Sabrina Cerezo, Assistant Director for Grants.

You can access the types of agreements, how they are divided, and who is your point of contact on our Agreements and Negotiations  webpage

Why the new operational model?  The team of Contracts and Clinical Trials Specialists, under the leadership of Dawn Alomar, Assistant Director for Contracts, supports all of the University’s research contractual activity. 

The Expertise model has been carefully evaluated based on each Specialist’s role, and their specialized administrative, budgetary, legal, and regulatory experience associated with contractual activities, in order to facilitate an effective, timely and accurate review and execution of agreements. Staff experience, training, current resources, complexity of agreements and average timelines to complete negotiations, are some key factors considered to achieve faster turnaround while protecting the interest and integrity of the University and allowing faculty and staff to fulfill their mission of providing excellence in the interrelated areas of patient care, research, and education.  

If you have trouble identifying your type of agreement or point of contact in OSP, you can always contact the team at  and your message will be redirected   to the right Specialist   within one (1) business day.  For any questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Dawn  Alomaror  Alina  Azzam-Stroia