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No-Cost Extension (NCE)


A no-cost extension (NCE) is defined as an extension of time to a project period and/or budget period to complete the work of the grant or contract under that period, without additional federal funds or competition. This one-time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using the unliquidated balances. Recipients are not authorized to extend an award that contains a zero balance.  Additionally, a project’s originally approved scope cannot change.  Note that sponsors may have limitations on the timing and notification of  NCE requests.  For guidance and assistance, contact your OSP Specialist.

No cost extension requests, like all award modification requests (otherwise referred to as AMR’s), require internal approval before the request can be submitted to the Sponsor.  This process applies to both grants and contracts regardless of the funding source. Below are the instructions for preparing the internal request in myResearch:

Request the no cost extension in myResearch (myR) by clicking on the “Request Award modification” button on the myR AWD landing page:

  • Log in to the myResearch Grants portal.
  • Click on “Awards” (in the black navigation bar under Grants).
  • Look up the Award by AWD# or you can search by the five-digit Oracle number (RF award #).
  • Click on “Request Award Modification”.
  • Select “no cost extension” as the modification type and answer all of the remaining questions on the smart form. Upload all documents that are required for internal and sponsor review of the request; this includes all current compliance approvals (the required documents will depend on the type of NCE request; grantee approved or sponsor approved). Then click “Finish”. 
  • Click “Submit”, certifying you have obtained all required institutional approvals. The AMR’s status will change from Draft to Review (note: the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will only be notified when the award modification is submitted, therefore please be sure that the status changes to “Review” to confirm a notification has been sent to OSP).

Once your specialist receives the AMR, it will be reviewed and if it is in order, it will then be submitted to the sponsor or the PI will be notified they are cleared to submit to the sponsor in those instances where they are the only point of contact on record with the sponsor.

NCE documentation by selected sponsors:

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH Grantee approved first NCE’s are completed by the OSP Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) in eRA commons. You must first complete a MyR AMR; state the # of calendar months you wish to request an extension for (maximum 12), whether there are any personnel effort changes or removals in the NCE period and, ideally, a brief justification for how the funds will be used in the NCE period. With the exception of grant programs that have an effort requirement, or where terms and conditions prohibit such reductions, NIH will not require prior approval for the reduction in effort for Senior/Key personnel named in the NOA for a NCE. The recipient is reminded that active awards must have a measurable level of effort. See  Section of the NIH Grants Policy for more details.

Once approved, your OSP AOR will submit the first NCE in eRA Commons.  The NCE will be granted immediately and then the OSP specialist will update the internal award record to reflect the new end date for the project.

Sponsor approved second NCE is also completed by the AOR in eRA Commons however the request requires the following documentation to be uploaded (these should also be uploaded to the internal MyR AMR request):

  • Detailed explanation of why the project could not be completed by the originally approved end date.
  • Scientific rationale for continuing the project.
  • A brief (not to exceed one page) progress report that communicates scientific progress made from submission of the last RPPR to present.
  • Completed detailed budget reflecting the proposed plans for the use of the remaining funds (Direct costs only): PHS 2590 Form Page 2.
  • Completed checklist for Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs remaining in U.S. dollars; PHS 2590 Form Page 6.
  • Budget Justification for the NCE period.
  • The level of effort for key personnel named in the NOA may be reduced by more than 25% without prior sponsor approval as long as the key personnel maintains a measurable level of effort in the NCE period. See  Section of the NIH Grants Policy for more details.
  • IRB and/or IACUC approval date, if applicable.

Please note that for the second NIH NCE, OSP will need the above items in three separate uploads in the MyR AMR:

  1. Scientific justification for the request and why it could not be completed by the original end date.
  2. One page progress report.
  3. The budget documents noted above combined into one pdf (worksheet, checklist & justification).

The AMR will remain in review until a determination is made by the sponsor. If approved, a Notice of Award will be issued. The OSP will then update the internal record accordingly. If it is not approved, the AMR will be declined and the award will term on the last day of the first NCE period.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Grantee approved (first) and second NCE's are initiated via by the PI. You must first complete a MyR AMR for internal approval prior to initiating and routing the request. Once you submit the NCE via the sponsor portal, this will route to your OSP AOR for final review & submission.

Instructions for requesting a grantee approved & second no-cost extension in

  1. From the homepage, navigate to the Awards & Reporting column and select the Notifications & Requests option.
  2. Enter your login information (last name, NSF ID, and password) and select log in.
  3. On the Notifications & Requests screen, select “Prepare New” at the top of the page.
  4. On the next screen, select the No-Cost Extensions radio button in Step 1. In Step 2, select No-Cost Extension from the drop-down menu.
  5. On the next screen, enter information in the following fields: 
  • Revised end date from drop-down menu.
  • Remaining funds (your Sponsored award Analyst in the Office of Grants Management (OGM) can provide you with the remaining unobligated balance on the award).
  • Justification (for a second or subsequent, NSF-approved no-cost extension). Be sure to upload this justification in the myR AMR request as well.
  • Plan for the use of the unobligated funds in the proposed NCE period.
  • If the request is submitted in less than 45 days before the term date (or if submitted after the term date), a justification for the late request must be provided in the portal and should be included in the internal AMR request.

Click the “Save & Submit to NSF” button at the bottom of the page. This will route the request to the OSP office.

The grantee approved NCE will be granted immediately and then the OSP specialist will update the internal award record to reflect the new end date for the project.

The second NCE request requires sponsor approval. OSP must await an amendment from the NSF approving the request before the award can be updated internally. If the request is not approved, the AMR will be declined and the award will term as of the last day of the first NCE period.

For guidance on what is required for NCE requests for other sponsors (Federal or Foundation), please submit an inquiry to