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Twitter Feed

The Twitter Feed allows you to pull in content from your social media platform. You can place this feed within a homepage section or any multicolumn snippet.


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Twitter Feed Integration

To create your feed embed code, please use Then, embed it in the desired location on your site.

How to Insert a Twitter Feed on Your Page:

  1. Access the Twitter Publish Page: Click on to visit the Twitter Publish page.  

  2. Enter Your Handle Page URL: Input your Twitter handle page URL (typically in the format - For example, Stony Brook University's Twitter handle URL is Click the horizontal arrow (->) or press Enter.twitter-publish-page
  3. Select Display Options: Scroll down to the display options and choose your preferred display

  4. Customize the Display (Optional): If you wish to customize the display, click on the "Set Customize Options" button and adjust the size, look, and language settings. Then, click "Update."Customize-display

  5. Copy the Embed Code: The code for your Twitter feed will be generated. Copy this code.copy code

  6. Insert the Code on Your Site:

    • Navigate to the page on the Modern Campus dashboard where you want to insert the feed.
    • Click on the source code option.source-code-option
    • Paste the copied code from the Twitter Publish page.pasted-code
    • Save the page. Initially, it may not look like a feed, but once you publish the page, the feed will appear (sometimes it takes a moment to load).

And voilà, you're done! Congratulations!