Enterprise Risk Management
Shared Governance Approach
ERM provides leadership, expertise, and strategic guidance to the Stony Brook community on emergency management and business continuity, environmental health and safety, risk management, policy & compliance, public safety, and campus services and will work to integrate other areas to ensure the safeguarding of our people, our property, and the environment while reducing the institution’s vulnerability to conditions adversely affecting its missions of education, research, and healthcare.
The Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Chief Security Officer will help lead thinking about the costs and benefits of taking risks, and how the institution manages risks through a strategic planning process and beyond. Risk is inherent in every activity and ERM will establish a robust risk-aware mindset and appropriate risk appetite by linking institutional governance, risk management, and campus safety.
Consistent with traditional risk management frameworks throughout higher education, the shared governance structure for ERM will comprise two distinct committees and will brief the University Senate Environment Committee at least annually. The focus of the teams’ work varies from year to year as different issues arise, but the consistent task is to ensure that the policies, practices, and operations are aligned with the risk appetite and proactively managed.
View Shared Governance Structure PDF