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Department of Student Community Development


Home Safety


Stony Brook University's Good Samaritan Policy

The University's Good Samaritan Policy encourages students to call for help in an alcohol or other drug related emergency. Students may be reluctant to seek medical attention for themselves or others for incidents related to alcohol or other drug consumption due to fear of potential consequences of their own conduct. Under this policy, the student for whom assistance is sought and the bystander acting in good faith who discloses to University officials an incident of alcohol or drug use may not be subjected to University sanctions for violations of alcohol or drug policies.

Good Samaritan Policy

Intervention Training

The mission of the Red Watch Band is to provide students of the college/high school community with the knowledge, awareness, and skills to prevent toxic drinking deaths and to promote a student culture of kindness, responsibility, compassion and respect. 

Red Watch Band Bystander Intervention Training

Fire Safety

Fight or flight...
 the most important decision to make is whether to fight the fire or escape. This is a critically important decision, and may literally mean the difference between life and death.

Know 2 Ways Out...The best escape plans have two exits from each room. You should practice these escapes at least twice a year.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors...Every room used for sleeping should have its own smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

ALWAYS leave the batteries in the detector.
ALWAYS leave the detector uncovered so it can sense the smoke. Many fire fatalities occurre when the detector has been disabled. 

Stop by our office (Union 205) for a FREE Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector while supplies last! Please email us before you stop by to make sure we have inventory!

Fire Safety Checklist

Pedestrian Safety

  • Use a marked crosswalk and sidewalks when available.
  • Stop before proceeding across a roadway.
  • On roads without sidewalks, walk on the left, facing traffic.
  • When walking at night, wear something reflective* and/or carry a flashlight [get a free reflective vest from our office].
  • Do not use cellphones or other handheld devices at intersections [pedestrians distracted by cellphones typically walk slower and this activity increases the likelihood of being involved in a motor vehicle accident].

 *Stop by our office (Union 205) for a FREE REFLECTIVE VEST while supplies last. Please send us an email before you stop by to make sure we have inventory!

For more information about pedestrian safety, visit the University Police Department's website.

Vehicle Safety

  • Remember to slow down when driving on campus.
  • Don't forget to watch for and yield to pedestrians.
  • Don't pass vehicles stopped at crosswalks.
  • Always take your key out of the door or ignition of your vehicle when not in use.
  • DO NOT drive while distracted. [the number one source of driver inattention is the use of wireless devices and participating in distracted driving makes up 25% of reported crashes]

For more information about distracted driving and vehicle safety, visit the University Police Department's website.