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Friday, September 3, 2021

Important Information for Ammann and Gray Residents 


Dear Ammann and Gray Residents, 

As a follow-up to our email from earlier this afternoon, we wanted to provide you with some additional information that’s specific to you, given that you have moved or will be moving soon to a new location on campus.

We are in the process of reassigning approximately 400 residents, so we need your patience since it will take at least a few days to complete this initial assignment process.

Our first priority is to make sure that every student receives an assigned space, whether that space is temporary or permanent for the fall semester.  If you already have been informed of or moved to a new space, please pause on reaching out to us by phone or email until the middle of next week so that we can first ensure everyone has a room assignment. 

Your campus housing agreement and financial responsibility extend for the 2021-22 academic year.  We understand that your new room assignment may have resulted in being separated from roommates and friends, moving to another room type, or moving to another community across our campus.  Until we confirm an initial housing assignment for everyone, we will not be offering any room swap or room change requests.  There will be a room swap and room change period announced soon, at which time you can look to change rooms if you wish.

As noted in this afternoon’s email, we anticipate that Ammann and Gray will be off-line for several weeks.  Once these buildings are repaired and safe, you will have the first priority to return to your former residence hall, along with your roommate(s) if you wish.

Given this unexpected situation, we’re doing all we can to make the transition as smooth as possible for you.  Thank you for your support.  We’ll continue to keep you informed.  

Please continue to share this information with your family members or guardians.


Rick Gatteau, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs

Catherine-Mary Rivera
Assistant Vice President for Campus Residences